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在 zsh 上找不到 npm 全局安裝命令

[英]npm global install commands not found on zsh

我剛剛使用npm install -g live server



但是,當我嘗試從命令行運行 live-server 時出現錯誤

zsh: command not found: live-server

我需要做什么才能運行實時服務器? 我安裝了 oh-my-zsh,我擔心這可能會導致我的問題。 我知道它應該與設置我的 PATH 有關,但我不確定是什么。

運行echo $PATH會導致:





# If you come from bash you might have to change your $PATH.
# export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH

# Path to your oh-my-zsh installation.
export ZSH=/Users/username/.oh-my-zsh

# Set name of the theme to load. Optionally, if you set this to "random"
# it'll load a random theme each time that oh-my-zsh is loaded.
# See https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/wiki/Themes

# Set list of themes to load
# Setting this variable when ZSH_THEME=random
# cause zsh load theme from this variable instead of
# looking in ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/
# An empty array have no effect
# ZSH_THEME_RANDOM_CANDIDATES=( "robbyrussell" "agnoster" )

# Uncomment the following line to use case-sensitive completion.

# Uncomment the following line to use hyphen-insensitive completion. Case
# sensitive completion must be off. _ and - will be interchangeable.

# Uncomment the following line to disable bi-weekly auto-update checks.

# Uncomment the following line to change how often to auto-update (in days).
# export UPDATE_ZSH_DAYS=13

# Uncomment the following line to disable colors in ls.

# Uncomment the following line to disable auto-setting terminal title.

# Uncomment the following line to enable command auto-correction.

# Uncomment the following line to display red dots whilst waiting for completion.

# Uncomment the following line if you want to disable marking untracked files
# under VCS as dirty. This makes repository status check for large repositories
# much, much faster.

# Uncomment the following line if you want to change the command execution time
# stamp shown in the history command output.
# The optional three formats: "mm/dd/yyyy"|"dd.mm.yyyy"|"yyyy-mm-dd"
# HIST_STAMPS="mm/dd/yyyy"

# Would you like to use another custom folder than $ZSH/custom?
# ZSH_CUSTOM=/path/to/new-custom-folder

# Which plugins would you like to load? (plugins can be found in ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/*)
# Custom plugins may be added to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/
# Example format: plugins=(rails git textmate ruby lighthouse)
# Add wisely, as too many plugins slow down shell startup.

source $ZSH/oh-my-zsh.sh

# User configuration

# export MANPATH="/usr/local/man:$MANPATH"

# You may need to manually set your language environment
# export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

# Preferred editor for local and remote sessions
# if [[ -n $SSH_CONNECTION ]]; then
#   export EDITOR='vim'
# else
#   export EDITOR='mvim'
# fi

# Compilation flags
# export ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64"

# ssh
# export SSH_KEY_PATH="~/.ssh/rsa_id"

# Set personal aliases, overriding those provided by oh-my-zsh libs,
# plugins, and themes. Aliases can be placed here, though oh-my-zsh
# users are encouraged to define aliases within the ZSH_CUSTOM folder.
# For a full list of active aliases, run `alias`.
# Example aliases
# alias zshconfig="mate ~/.zshrc"
# alias ohmyzsh="mate ~/.oh-my-zsh"
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/username/npm-global/bin
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/username/npm-global/lib

export PATH=$PATH:/Users/username/.npm-global/bin到 .zshrc 而不是 .bashrc 解決了我的問題

將此添加到我的 ~/.zshrc 為我修復了它

export PATH="$HOME/.npm-packages/bin:$PATH"


安裝 NVM 以管理節點版本 使用 --lts 安裝節點,以便獲取最新版本 再次安裝 NPM 最新版本

之后正確設置 .zshrc 文件。 如果您使用 zshell,請不要使用 .bashrc,它有自己的配置文件,我想您已經更新了它。

檢查 NPM 頁面https://www.npmjs.com/package/live-server特別是這些部分:

Default options:
If a file ~/.live-server.json exists it will be loaded and used as default options for live-server on the command line. See "Usage from node" for option names.

Usage from node
var liveServer = require("live-server");
var params = ...

我忘記了我使用的是nvm (節點版本管理器),但我通過鍵入以下內容找到了它:

where npm

這給了我當前 npm 安裝的路徑。



所以,我在我的 zshconfig 中這樣做了:

export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/.nvm/versions/node/v16.13.0/lib/node_modules"

重新啟動終端后,我的全局安裝包開始工作! 🚀

注意:如果你改變你的活動節點版本(通過nvm use ... ),它可能會弄亂你全局安裝的包。 但是您總是可以在更改節點版本后更新路徑(如果是長期更改)。


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