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[英]How can I add a paragraph, line break or horizontal rule tag to this code?

var userChoice = prompt('Choose between Rock,Paper or Scissors');
var computerChoiceArray = ['Rock','Paper','Scissors'];
var choiceNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*3);

var compChoice  = computerChoiceArray[choiceNumber];
document.write('Computer chose '+ compChoice)    
    var game = function(compChoice,userChoice) {
        if (compChoice === userChoice) {
            document.write("The result is a Tie!!")
        }else if( compChoice === "Rock " && userChoice === "Scissors") {
            document.write("Computer wins !!!")
        }else if( compChoice === "Rock " && userChoice === "Paper") {
            document.write("You won !!!")
        }else if( compChoice === "Scissors" && userChoice === "Rock") {
            document.write ("You won !!!")
        }else if( compChoice === "Scissors" && userChoice === "Paper") {
            document.write("Computer wins !!!")
        }else if( compChoice === "Paper" && userChoice === "Rock") {
            document.write("Computer wins !!!")
        }else if( compChoice === "Paper" && userChoice === "Scissors") {
            document.write ("You won !!!")
            alert ("Error, "+userChoice+" is not applicable ");



請添加任何用於保留行或div標簽的標簽。 如果可能,請提出一些改進建議。

您的代碼最終出現在錯誤警報中的原因很可能是由於在比較文本時您在文本上添加了空格,例如if(userChoice === 'Rock ')以及您忽略了JavaScript是區分大小寫。 含義Rock !== 'rock'



您可能還可以添加trim()因為用戶可以選擇帶有空格的Rock 考慮將用戶選擇更改為下拉菜單以消除該問題。


您可以通過添加<br/>來添加換行符,例如, document.write("<br/>Computer wins !!!")

請注意,正如其他人所說,使用document.write不好,請嘗試使用document.createElement()代替。 另外,請考慮將用戶選擇更改為下拉菜單,以消除字符串問題。 您可以比比較字符串更好地驗證選擇的數字表示形式。 不過,我將這項研究留給您。


 var userChoice = prompt('Choose between Rock,Paper or Scissors'); var computerChoiceArray = ['Rock', 'Paper', 'Scissors']; var choiceNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); var compChoice = computerChoiceArray[choiceNumber]; document.write('Computer chose ' + compChoice); var game = function(compChoice, userChoice) { if (compChoice.toUpperCase() === userChoice.toUpperCase()) { document.write("<br/>The result is a Tie!!") } else if (compChoice.toUpperCase() === "ROCK" && userChoice.toUpperCase() === "SCISSORS") { document.write("<br/>Computer wins !!!") } else if (compChoice.toUpperCase() === "ROCK" && userChoice.toUpperCase() === "PAPER") { document.write("<br/>You won !!!") } else if (compChoice.toUpperCase() === "SCISSORS" && userChoice.toUpperCase() === "ROCK") { document.write("<br/>You won !!!") } else if (compChoice.toUpperCase() === "SCISSORS" && userChoice.toUpperCase() === "PAPER") { document.write("<br/>Computer wins !!!") } else if (compChoice.toUpperCase() === "PAPER" && userChoice.toUpperCase() === "ROCK") { document.write("<br/>Computer wins !!!") } else if (compChoice.toUpperCase() === "PAPER" && userChoice.toUpperCase() === "SCISSORS") { document.write("<br/>You won !!!") } else { alert("Error, " + userChoice + " is not applicable "); } } game(compChoice, userChoice); 

我已經更新了您的代碼。 我要說明的主要事情是,您必須將代碼拆分為邏輯部分。 在我的示例中有:

  • 存儲所有信息的對象game
  • 功能round ,開始新的回合並編寫游戲日志
  • 函數writeLogs顯示進度。


 var computerChoiceArray = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors']; var MAX_NUMBER_OF_ROUNDS = 3; var game = { DOMElement: document.getElementById('game-wrapper'), roundsCounter: 0, logs: [] }; function round(game) { if (game.roundsCounter >= MAX_NUMBER_OF_ROUNDS) { game.logs.push("The End"); writeLogs(game); return; } var userChoice = prompt('Choose between: ' + computerChoiceArray.join(', ')) || ''; userChoice = userChoice.toLowerCase(); var compChoiceNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); var compChoice = computerChoiceArray[compChoiceNumber]; if (compChoice === userChoice) { game.logs.push("The result is a Tie!!"); } else if (compChoice === "rock" && userChoice === "scissors") { game.logs.push("Computer wins !!!"); } else if (compChoice === "rock" && userChoice === "paper") { game.logs.push("You won !!!"); } else if (compChoice === "scissors" && userChoice === "rock") { game.logs.push("You won !!!"); } else if (compChoice === "scissors" && userChoice === "paper") { game.logs.push("Computer wins !!!"); } else if (compChoice === "paper" && userChoice === "rock") { game.logs.push("Computer wins !!!"); } else if (compChoice === "paper" && userChoice === "scissors") { game.logs.push("You won !!!"); } else { game.logs.push("Error, " + userChoice + " is not applicable "); } game.roundsCounter += 1; writeLogs(game); // wait a sec to write logs and start a new round setTimeout(function() { round(game); }, 1000) } function writeLogs(game) { // clear logs game.DOMElement.innerHTML = ''; for (var log of game.logs) { var logHTMLElement = document.createElement('div'); logHTMLElement.innerHTML = log; game.DOMElement.appendChild(logHTMLElement); } } // start the first round round(game); 
 <div id="game-wrapper"></div> 


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