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Excel VBA代碼生成電子郵件,但使Outlook崩潰

[英]Excel VBA code generates emails but crashes Outlook

下面的這段代碼創建了(大約60個)帶有2個附件的電子郵件(由於需要視覺驗證而沒有發送),一個電子郵件是209KB pptx(我盡可能將其壓縮)和一個.xlsb文件(30Kb-700kb,具體取決於)。 文本為HTML格式只是因為我們需要突出顯示。 我認為這比在前景之外調用模板要好,但是如果那是錯誤的,請告訴我,我找不到有關此信息。

問題是,它將生成所有電子郵件並附加所有文件,同時凍結了我的視線,以至於我必須關閉所有內容並從任務管理器重新啟動。 我已經等待了一個多小時,看看它是否有效,但是它只會生成電子郵件,然后凍結。 我可以通過任務欄看到電子郵件,但是無法選擇它們或Outlook收件箱。


Sub email()
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim olMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim MailMessage As String
Dim CusName As String
Dim Lastrow As Long
Dim i As Long

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Call getemails

MailMessage = "<HTML><BODY> Hello, <br><br>" _
        & "Attached you will find your trailing 12 month (TTM) margin leak 
report which was discussed on the Best Practices call in August. (Deck from 
meeting attached as well)<br><br><br>" _
        & "<li> Tab 1 shows margin leak by item<br><br>" _
        & "<li>Tab 2 shows margin leak by vendor then by item<br><br>" _
        & "<li>Tab 3 is data tab where you can see all the data<br><br>" _
        & "Tab 1 and 2 includes a filter at the top so you can look at or 
exclude specific PCATs.<br><br>" _
        & "<b>Key definitions of fields on data tab:</b><br><br>" _
        & "<li>Base Price, Base Cost, Base Margin – Price, Cost and Margin 
dollars prior to margin leak<br><br>" _
        & "Thank you,<br><br>" _

Lastrow = Range("A" & rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To Lastrow
Set olApp = GetObject(Class:="Outlook.Application")

If olApp Is Nothing Then

Set olApp = CreateObject(Class:="outlook.application")

End If

Set olMail = olApp.CreateItem(0)

With olMail
    .To = Cells(i, 2).Value
    .Subject = Format(MonthName(Month(Now))) & " - Margin Leak - " & Cells(i, 
    .HTMLBody = MailMessage
    .Attachments.Add ("C:\Linking_Files\Best Practices Margin Leak.pptx")
    .Attachments.Add ("C:\Desktop\June\" & Cells(i, 1).Value & ".xlsb")

End With

Set olMail = Nothing
Set olApp = Nothing

Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

內存不足問題,取決於您生成的電子郵件數量。 在循環中添加保存和結束操作,以避免內存不足。


With olMail
   .To = Cells(i, 2).Value
   .Subject = Format(MonthName(Month(Now))) & " - Margin Leak - " & Cells(i, 1).Value
   .HTMLBody = MailMessage
   .Attachments.Add ("C:\Users\u\Desktop\test.xls")
   .Close 1
End With


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