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[英]Display input field's value on keypress in another input field divided by php variable

到目前為止,我試圖將#output值顯示到另一個輸入字段中-> http://jsbin.com/oleto5/5/edit?html,js,output
在這里,您可以看到在輸入字段中鍵入內容時顯示的是輸入到<div>中的數據,其中id = output <input id="txt" type="text" />

1-html中的更改-我希望將#output作為值顯示在另一個輸入字段中,例如<input id="output" type="text" />
2-腳本更改-我也想進行計算更改,我有一個名為$ final_rate的php變量,我想通過php變量$ final_rate進行“輸出”划分


  <input id="txt" type="text" />
  <input id="output" type="text" value=""/>
<?php $final_rate = "121";?>
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 50);

在上面的示例中,如果我們在#txt輸入字段中輸入10000,則應該用簡單的單詞“ 10000/121 = 82.644”得出82.644

  <input id="txt" type="text" />
  <input id="output" type="text" value=""/>

    //put the value in a javascript variable as a Number
    var finalRate = <?php echo "121"; ?>;

      //bind on the input event, which happens any time the value of the input changes
      $('#txt').on('input', function(e){
        //console log the rate just for debugging
        //console log the math just for debugging
        //turn the value in the input into a Number, and perform the math

 //put the value in a javascript variable as a Number var finalRate = 121;//'<?php echo "121"; ?>; $(function() { //bind on the input event, which happens any time the value of the input changes $('#txt').on('input', function(e) { //console log the rate just for debugging console.log(finalRate); //console log the math just for debugging console.log(parseFloat(e.target.value) / finalRate); //turn the value in the input into a Number, and perform the math $('#output').val(parseFloat(e.target.value) / finalRate); }); }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <input id="txt" type="text" /> <input id="output" type="text" value="" /> 


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