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如何使用Node.js在IBM Watson Assistant中添加對話框節點的更新多個響應

[英]how to add update multiple response of a dialog node in IBM watson assistant with Nodejs

我有一個正在與IBM Watson Assistant交互的節點應用程序。 我需要更新對話框節點的響應輸出,並且正在使用以下watson api

  var params = {
  workspace_id: //,
  dialog_node: 'greeting',
  new_dialog_node: 'greeting',
  new_output: {
    text: 'Hello! What can I do for you?'
    //add more than one text

assistant.updateDialogNode(params, function(err, response) {
  if (err) {
  } else {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 2));

該API僅接受對象類型text:'Hello! What can I do for you?' text:'Hello! What can I do for you?' 這也會覆蓋之前的響應

錯誤[ { message: 'output should be of type Object', path: '.output' } ]

如何更新對話框並同時添加多個響應或更新現有的? 提前致謝!


{ "text": { "values": [ "first response", "second response" ], "selection_policy": "sequential" }


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