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[英]How to install a hook on a process created with CreateProcess?


int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {
  cout << "Starting Notepad++..." << endl;
  STARTUPINFO startupInfo;
  PROCESS_INFORMATION processInformation;

  // set the size of the structures
  ZeroMemory(&startupInfo, sizeof(startupInfo));
  startupInfo.cb = sizeof(startupInfo);
  ZeroMemory(&processInformation, sizeof(processInformation));

  char commandLine[] = "C:\\Program Files\\Notepad++\\Notepad++.exe";

  // start the program up
  BOOL res = CreateProcess(NULL,   // the path
    commandLine,        // Command line
    NULL,           // Process handle not inheritable
    NULL,           // Thread handle not inheritable
    FALSE,          // Set handle inheritance to FALSE
    0,              // No creation flags
    NULL,           // Use parent's environment block
    NULL,           // Use parent's starting directory
    &startupInfo,            // Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure
    &processInformation             // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure (removed extra parentheses)

  if (res) {
    if (!(mouseHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE_LL, MouseHookCallback, NULL, processInformation.dwThreadId))) {
        cout << "Failed to install mouse hook :" << endl << getLastErrorAsString() << endl;

    WaitForSingleObject( processInformation.hProcess, INFINITE );
    CloseHandle( processInformation.hProcess );
    CloseHandle( processInformation.hThread );
  } else {
    cout << "Failed to start Notepad++" << endl;
  return 0;

它可以成功啟動Notepad ++,但無法安裝該掛鈎,並且GetLastError返回以下錯誤: The parameter is incorrect. 我不知道哪個參數不正確。 但是,當我關閉Notepad ++時,程序正常完成。


我已經好幾年沒接觸過c ++了,而且我從未涉足系統開發,所以我這樣做的方式可能不對,所以您可以向我解釋我的錯誤在哪里嗎?


DLL的句柄,其中包含由lpfn參數指向的掛鈎過程。 如果dwThreadId參數指定由當前進程創建的線程,並且掛鈎過程在與當前進程關聯的代碼內,則hMod參數必須設置為NULL。


在評估輸入的目標之前,將執行低級掛鈎。 這就是為什么低級掛鈎需要全局的原因,如SetWindowsHookEx文檔中所述。 您不能為dwThreadId參數傳遞非零值。


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