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yaml:解組錯誤:無法將字符串解組為時間。Golang 中的持續時間

[英]yaml: unmarshal errors: cannot unmarshal string into time.Duration in Golang


type Connect struct {
     ClientID string `yaml:"clientid"`
     Password string `yaml:"password"`
     Timeout  time.Duration `yaml:"timeout"`

c1 := `
    id: 'client1'
    password: 'hhhhhhha'
    timeout: 10

c2 := `
    id: 'client2'
    password: 'llllllla'
    timeout: '10'

c3 := `
    id: 'client3'
    password: 'hhhhhhha'
    timeout: 10s

c4 := `
    id: 'client4'
    password: 'llllllla'
    timeout: '10s'

如上圖,Timeout的類型是time.Duration,默認單位是Nanosecond,但是我想得到的結果是:c1 && c2有錯誤,c3 && c4有效( Timeout的配置必須有單位)。 我應該如何重寫 yaml 的 UnmarshalYAML() 方法? 多謝。

我將在UnmarshalYAML函數中創建一個別名類型,以便所有值都可以解組為某些原始類型。 然后我將重寫那些匹配的值並轉換那些不匹配的值:

package main

import (


type Connect struct {
    ClientID string        `yaml:"clientid"`
    Password string        `yaml:"password"`
    Timeout  time.Duration `yaml:"timeout"`

func (ut *Connect) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
    type alias struct {
        ClientID string `yaml:"clientid"`
        Password string `yaml:"password"`
        Timeout  string `yaml:"timeout"`

    var tmp alias
    if err := unmarshal(&tmp); err != nil {
        return err

    t, err := time.ParseDuration(tmp.Timeout)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse '%s' to time.Duration: %v", tmp.Timeout, err)

    ut.ClientID = tmp.ClientID
    ut.Password = tmp.Password
    ut.Timeout = t

    return nil

func main() {
    c1 := `
id: 'client1'
password: 'hhhhhhha'
timeout: 10

    c2 := `
id: 'client2'
password: 'llllllla'
timeout: '10'

    c3 := `
id: 'client3'
password: 'hhhhhhha'
timeout: 10s

    c4 := `
id: 'client4'
password: 'llllllla'
timeout: '10s'

    cc := []string{c1, c2, c3, c4}
    for i, cstr := range cc {
        var c Connect
        err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(cstr), &c)
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Printf("Error for c%d: %v\n", (i + 1), err)
        fmt.Printf("c%d: %+v\n", (i + 1), c)


$ go run main.go
Error for c1: failed to parse '10' to time.Duration: time: missing unit in duration10
Error for c2: failed to parse '10' to time.Duration: time: missing unit in duration10
c3: {ClientID: Password:hhhhhhha Timeout:10s}
c4: {ClientID: Password:llllllla Timeout:10s}

一種方法是為實現 Unmarshaler 接口的Timeout創建自定義類型,如果您無法在ConnectUnmarshalYAML方法中執行此操作:

type Connect struct {
     ClientID string `yaml:"clientid"`
     Password string `yaml:"password"`
     Timeout  UnmarshalingTimeout `yaml:"timeout"`

type UnmarshalingTimeout time.Duration 

func (ut UnmarshalingTimeout) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
    // implement unmarshaling here

目前它也適用於gopkg.in/yaml.v2 ,因此接受的答案已過時


package main

import (



type Config struct {
    Timeout time.Duration `yaml:"timeout"`

func main() {
    sample := `
timeout: 1s
    var b Config
    if err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(sample), &b); err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("%+v", b)

的拆封time.Duration工程yaml.v3, https://play.golang.org/p/-6y0zq96gVz

package main

import (

type Config struct {
    Timeout time.Duration `yaml:"timeout"`

func main() {
    var cfg Config

    b := []byte(`timeout: 60s`)
    yaml.Unmarshal(b, &cfg)
    fmt.Printf("timeout: %dm", int(cfg.Timeout.Minutes()))
type system struct {
    TokenLifeTime yamlTimeDur  `yaml:"TokenLifeTime"`

type yamlTimeDur time.Duration

func (t *yamlTimeDur) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
    var tm string
    if err := unmarshal(&tm); err != nil {
        return err

    td, err := time.ParseDuration(tm)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse '%s' to time.Duration: %v", tm, err)

    *t = yamlTimeDur(td)
    return nil

func (t *yamlTimeDur) Duration() time.Duration {
    return time.Duration(*t)


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