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[英]Member Data of Class not updating

我正在嘗試用C ++編寫NFL賽季模擬器,而這樣做的時候,在嘗試更新團隊記錄時遇到了問題。



class Team

    // Team Data Fields 
    std::string teamName; // Team's Name
    int teamRating;  // Team's Rating
    int winOrLose;   // The result of the game: 1 - Win, 0 - Loss.
    int totalWins;   // Total Wins
    int totalLosses; // Total Losses

    // Class Constructors
    Team ();
    Team (std::string teamName);

    // Member functions definitions:
    void updateTeamRating();
    std::string teamRecord();

    teamName = "Void";
    teamRating = 50;
    winOrLose = 0;
    totalWins = 0;
    totalLosses = 0;

Team::Team(std::string inputTeamName)
    teamName = inputTeamName;
    teamRating = 50;
    winOrLose = 0;
    totalWins = 0;
    totalLosses = 0;

void Team::updateTeamRating()
    if (winOrLose == 1)
        teamRating = teamRating + 5;
    else if (winOrLose == 0)
        teamRating = teamRating - 5;
        if (teamRating <= 0)
            teamRating = 5;

std::string Team::teamRecord()
    return teamName + std::string(" (") + std::to_string(totalWins) + std::string("-") +
        std::to_string(totalLosses) + std::string(")"); 


class Divison

    std::string divName;

    // 4 Teams in a Divison
    Team team1;
    Team team2;
    Team team3;
    Team team4;

    Divison(Team one, Team two, Team three, Team four, std::string givenDivName);

    void game(Team team1, Team team2);
    void runRegDivSeason();

    Team playoffTeam();
    std::string toString();


Divison::Divison(Team one, Team two, Team three, Team four, std::string givenDivName)
    team1 = one;
    team2 = two;
    team3 = three;
    team4 = four;
    divName = givenDivName;

void Divison::game(Team team1, Team team2)
    int totalRating = team1.teamRating + team2.teamRating;
    //cout << totalRating << endl;
    int result = (rand() % totalRating) + 1;
    if (result <= team1.teamRating)
        team1.winOrLose = 1;
        team2.winOrLose = 0;
        std::cout << "Winner: " + team1.teamRecord() + " Loser: " + team2.teamRecord() + ".\n" << std::endl;
        team1.winOrLose = 0;
        team2.winOrLose = 1;
        std::cout << "Winner: " + team2.teamRecord() + " Loser: " + team1.teamRecord() + ".\n" << std::endl;


void Divison::runRegDivSeason()
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        game(team1, team2);
        game(team1, team3);
        game(team1, team4);
        game(team2, team3);
        game(team2, team4);
        game(team3, team4);

std::string Divison::toString()
    return divName + ":\n   " + team1.teamRecord() + "\n    "
        +  team2.teamRecord() + "\n " +  team3.teamRecord() + "\n   "
        +  team4.teamRecord() + "\n";


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <ctime>

#include "team.h"
#include "div.h"

int main()
    Team Boston = Team("New England Patriots");
    Team Buffalo = Team("Buffalo Bills");
    Team NYJ = Team("New York Jets");
    Team Miami = Team("Miami Dolphins");
    Divison AFCE = Divison(Boston, Buffalo, NYJ, Miami, "AFC East");
    std::cout << AFCE.toString() << std::endl;
    return 0;


Winner: New England Patriots (1-0) Loser: Buffalo Bills (0-1).

Winner: New York Jets (1-0) Loser: New England Patriots (1-1).

Winner: New England Patriots (2-1) Loser: Miami Dolphins (0-1).

Winner: Buffalo Bills (1-1) Loser: New York Jets (1-1).

Winner: Miami Dolphins (1-1) Loser: Buffalo Bills (1-2).

Winner: New York Jets (2-1) Loser: Miami Dolphins (1-2).

Winner: Buffalo Bills (2-2) Loser: New England Patriots (2-2).

Winner: New York Jets (3-1) Loser: New England Patriots (2-3).

Winner: Miami Dolphins (2-2) Loser: New England Patriots (2-4).

Winner: New York Jets (4-1) Loser: Buffalo Bills (2-3).

Winner: Buffalo Bills (3-3) Loser: Miami Dolphins (2-3).

Winner: New York Jets (5-1) Loser: Miami Dolphins (2-4).

Winner: Buffalo Bills (3-3) Loser: New England Patriots (2-5).

Winner: New England Patriots (3-5) Loser: New York Jets (6-2).

Winner: Miami Dolphins (3-4) Loser: New England Patriots (3-6).

Winner: New York Jets (7-2) Loser: Buffalo Bills (3-4).

Winner: Miami Dolphins (4-4) Loser: Buffalo Bills (3-5).

Winner: New York Jets (8-2) Loser: Miami Dolphins (4-5).

Winner: New England Patriots (4-6) Loser: Buffalo Bills (3-6).

Winner: New England Patriots (5-6) Loser: New York Jets (8-3).

Winner: Miami Dolphins (5-5) Loser: New England Patriots (4-7).

Winner: Buffalo Bills (4-6) Loser: New York Jets (8-4).

Winner: Buffalo Bills (5-6) Loser: Miami Dolphins (5-6).

Winner: Miami Dolphins (6-6) Loser: New York Jets (8-5).

AFC East:
        New England Patriots (4-7)
        Buffalo Bills (5-6)
        New York Jets (8-5)
        Miami Dolphins (6-6)



Winner: New England Patriots (1-0) Loser: Buffalo Bills (0-1).

Winner: New York Jets (1-0) Loser: New England Patriots (0-1).

Winner: New England Patriots (1-0) Loser: Miami Dolphins (0-1).

Winner: Buffalo Bills (1-0) Loser: New York Jets (0-1).

Winner: Miami Dolphins (1-0) Loser: Buffalo Bills (0-1).

Winner: New York Jets (1-0) Loser: Miami Dolphins (0-1).

Winner: Buffalo Bills (1-0) Loser: New England Patriots (0-1).

Winner: New York Jets (1-0) Loser: New England Patriots (0-1).

Winner: Miami Dolphins (1-0) Loser: New England Patriots (0-1).

Winner: New York Jets (1-0) Loser: Buffalo Bills (0-1).

Winner: Buffalo Bills (1-0) Loser: Miami Dolphins (0-1).

Winner: New York Jets (1-0) Loser: Miami Dolphins (0-1).

Winner: Buffalo Bills (1-0) Loser: New England Patriots (0-1).

Winner: New England Patriots (1-0) Loser: New York Jets (0-1).

Winner: Miami Dolphins (1-0) Loser: New England Patriots (0-1).

Winner: New York Jets (1-0) Loser: Buffalo Bills (0-1).

Winner: Miami Dolphins (1-0) Loser: Buffalo Bills (0-1).

Winner: New York Jets (1-0) Loser: Miami Dolphins (0-1).

Winner: New England Patriots (1-0) Loser: Buffalo Bills (0-1).

Winner: New England Patriots (1-0) Loser: New York Jets (0-1).

Winner: Miami Dolphins (1-0) Loser: New England Patriots (0-1).

Winner: Buffalo Bills (1-0) Loser: New York Jets (0-1).

Winner: Buffalo Bills (1-0) Loser: Miami Dolphins (0-1).

Winner: Miami Dolphins (1-0) Loser: New York Jets (0-1).

AFC East:
        New England Patriots (0-0)
        Buffalo Bills (0-0)
        New York Jets (0-0)
        Miami Dolphins (0-0)


據我所知,這表明每個游戲結束后每個對象的totalWinstotalLosses變量都重置為0,我找不到原因。 我所做的所有調試均表明該過程完全按照我希望的方式進行,除了重置之外。 我將不勝感激為什么會發生這種情況。

如果要修改變量的屬性,則應將變量作為引用或指針傳遞。 未測試,但嘗試:

Divison::Divison(Team& one, Team& two, Team& three, Team& four, std::string givenDivName)


Divison::Divison(Team* one, Team* two, Team* three, Team* four, std::string givenDivName)


Divison AFCE = Divison(&Boston, &Buffalo, &NYJ, &Miami, "AFC East");

構造函數Divison(Team one, Team two, Team three, Team four, std::string givenDivName)創建了團隊的副本,因此原始對象不會更改。 以@Dimitry K.的建議為參考。

請在div中將“ team1,team2,team3和team4變量作為指針”,並在div的構造函數中為這些指針分配地址。


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