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[英]Angular: why can't I use a method of my component as an obserable callback to update properties in the component?

我正在關注此鏈接 ,了解如何使用服務在Angular中發出http請求並更新組件中的項目列表。 我可以使用胖箭頭功能作為可觀察的回調成功完成此操作。 但是,當我嘗試在組件中使用一種方法時,它無法更新項目列表。


import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { BlogService } from '../blog.service';
import { Blog } from '../blog';
import { Observable, of } from 'rxjs';

  selector: 'app-articles',
  templateUrl: './articles.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./articles.component.css']
export class ArticlesComponent implements OnInit {
  blogs: Blog[];
  constructor(private blogService: BlogService) { }

  ngOnInit() {
    // const handler = (incomingBlogs: Blog[]) => {
    //   this.blogs = incomingBlogs;
    //   console.log("we get: ", this.blogs);
    // }

    const observable: Observable<Blog[]> = this.blogService.getBlogs();
    // observable.subscribe(handler); <===== this will work
    // observable.subscribe(incomingBlogs => {this.blogs = incomingBlogs;  console.log("fat get: ", this.blogs);}); <====== this also work
    observable.subscribe(this.handler); // <===== this failed. 
    console.log("this in init", this);

  handler(incomingBlogs: Blog[]) {
    this.blogs = incomingBlogs;
    console.log("we get: ", this.blogs);
    console.log("this in handler", this); //seems the this keyword refers to something different than the object itself.



  1. 訂閱中的粗箭頭作為回調。 這可行!

  2. 定義一個常量並為其分配一個粗箭頭功能。 傳遞給訂閱功能。 它也可以工作,就像選項1一樣。據我所知,它們的行為相同。

  3. 在同一類(組件)中定義一個方法。 用作預訂功能的回調。 該方法被調用。 但是this關鍵字似乎並不指向組件。 為什么不同? 我了解在javascript的世界中,function關鍵字this提供了完全不同的this 但是,為什么它會在TypeScript中的類方法中發生? 為什么this意味着這里有不同的對象? 為什么胖箭頭起作用?

我之前一直在尋找答案,但是沒有運氣。 (我一定沒有使用正確的關鍵字)。 謝謝你的幫助!

粗箭頭函數始終綁定到定義它們的對象,函數將綁定到調用它們的對象。 將處理程序更改為箭頭功能。

handler = (incomingBlogs: Blog[]) => {
    this.blogs = incomingBlogs;
    console.log("we get: ", this.blogs);
    console.log("this in handler", this); //seems the this keyword refers to something different than the object itself.



  handler(incomingBlogs: Blog[], controller: ArticlesComponent) {
    controller.blogs = incomingBlogs;
    console.log("we get: ", controller.blogs);
    console.log("this in handler", controller); //seems the this keyword refers to something different than the object itself.


blogs$ = this.blogService.getBlogs();


<ng-container *ngIf="blogs$ | async as blogs">
    Use blogs here as you would have before
    {{blogs | json}}



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