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[英]querySelector doesn't work for elements that created by appendchild



 var DID = "7223187"; var RPNL = document.createElement("div"); RPNL.id = "Relays-panel"; RPNL.dataset.did = DID; RPNL.style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("Relays").appendChild(RPNL); var lable = document.createElement("label"); lable.style.position = "relative"; lable.style.left = "35%"; RPNL.appendChild(lable); var input1 = document.createElement("input"); input1.type = "hidden"; input1.name = "formName"; input1.value = "onoffswitchs"; lable.appendChild(input1); var div1 = document.createElement("div"); lable.appendChild(div1); var div2 = document.createElement("div"); div2.style.marginTop = "-7px"; div2.style.width = "Auto"; div2.style.cssFloat = "left"; div2.style.color = "white"; div2.style.marginLeft = "-28%"; div2.style.paddingRight = "30%"; div1.appendChild(div2); var div21 = document.createElement("div"); div21.className = "tab"; div2.appendChild(div21); var but1 = document.createElement("button"); but1.className = "tablinks"; but1.style.borderBottom = "7px solid red"; but1.dataset.rn = "3"; but1.dataset.idtag = DID; but1.onclick = function() { openRelay(this) }; but1.innerHTML = "scnd3"; div21.appendChild(but1); var but2 = document.createElement("button"); but2.className = "tablinks"; but2.style.borderBottom = "7px solid red"; but2.dataset.rn = "2"; but2.dataset.idtag = DID; but2.onclick = function() { openRelay(this) }; but2.innerHTML = "scnd2"; div21.appendChild(but2); var but3 = document.createElement("button"); but3.className = "tablinks"; but3.style.borderBottom = "7px solid red"; but3.dataset.rn = "1"; but3.dataset.idtag = DID; but3.onclick = function() { openRelay(this) }; but3.innerHTML = "scnd1"; div21.appendChild(but3); var div22 = document.createElement("div"); div22.id = "R1d"; div22.dataset.Tag = "Rtab1"; div22.className = "tabcontent"; div22.style.display = "none"; div2.appendChild(div22); var div221 = document.createElement("div"); div221.className = "onoffswitch"; div22.appendChild(div221); var switch1 = document.createElement("input"); switch1.type = "checkbox"; switch1.className = "onoffswitch-checkbox"; switch1.id = "R1"; switch1.dataset.drn = "1"; switch1.dataset.idtag = DID; switch1.onchange = function() { Butscan2(this) }; switch1.checked = false; div221.appendChild(switch1); var lable221 = document.createElement("label"); lable221.className = "onoffswitch-label"; lable221.htmlFor = "R1"; switch1.appendChild(lable221); var span2211 = document.createElement("span"); span2211.className = "onoffswitch-inner"; lable221.appendChild(span2211); var span2212 = document.createElement("span"); span2212.className = "onoffswitch-switch"; lable221.appendChild(span2212); var div23 = document.createElement("div"); div23.id = "R2d"; div23.dataset.Tag = "Rtab2"; div23.className = "tabcontent"; div23.style.display = "none"; div2.appendChild(div23); var div231 = document.createElement("div"); div231.className = "onoffswitch"; div23.appendChild(div231); var switch2 = document.createElement("input"); switch2.type = "checkbox"; switch2.className = "onoffswitch-checkbox"; switch2.id = "R2"; switch2.dataset.drn = "2"; switch2.dataset.idtag = DID; switch2.onchange = function() { Butscan2(this) }; switch2.checked = false; div231.appendChild(switch2); var lable222 = document.createElement("label"); lable222.className = "onoffswitch-label"; lable222.htmlFor = "R2"; switch2.appendChild(lable222); var span2221 = document.createElement("span"); span2221.className = "onoffswitch-inner"; lable222.appendChild(span2221); var span2222 = document.createElement("span"); span2222.className = "onoffswitch-switch"; lable222.appendChild(span2222); var div24 = document.createElement("div"); div24.id = "R3d"; div24.dataset.Tag = "Rtab3"; div24.className = "tabcontent"; div24.style.display = "none"; div2.appendChild(div24); var div241 = document.createElement("div"); div241.className = "onoffswitch"; div24.appendChild(div241); var switch3 = document.createElement("input"); switch3.type = "checkbox"; switch3.className = "onoffswitch-checkbox"; switch3.id = "R3"; switch3.dataset.drn = "3"; switch3.dataset.idtag = DID; switch3.onchange = function() { Butscan2(this) }; switch3.checked = false; div241.appendChild(switch3); var lable223 = document.createElement("label"); lable223.className = "onoffswitch-label"; lable223.htmlFor = "R3"; switch3.appendChild(lable223); var span2231 = document.createElement("span"); span2231.className = "onoffswitch-inner"; lable223.appendChild(span2231); var span2232 = document.createElement("span"); span2232.className = "onoffswitch-switch"; lable223.appendChild(span2232); var table1 = document.createElement("table"); table1.style.width = "Auto"; table1.style.cssFloat = "right"; table1.style.marginRight = "-28%"; table1.style.color = "white"; div1.appendChild(table1); var tbody1 = document.createElement("tbody"); table1.appendChild(tbody1); var tr1 = document.createElement("tr"); tbody1.appendChild(tr1); var table2 = document.createElement("table"); table2.style.width = "Auto"; table2.style.color = "white"; lable.appendChild(table2); var tr21 = document.createElement("tr"); table2.appendChild(tr21); var form21 = document.createElement("form"); tr21.appendChild(form21); var th21 = document.createElement("th"); th21.style.position = "relative"; th21.style.right = "39px"; th21.style.paddingRight = "89px"; form21.appendChild(th21); var h21 = document.createElement("h"); h21.innerHTML = "Time disabled:"; th21.appendChild(h21); var radio1 = document.createElement("input"); radio1.type = "radio"; radio1.name = "R1Tset"; radio1.dataset.tag = "OFFradio"; radio1.dataset.idtag = DID; radio1.onclick = function() { showRtimer(this.dataset.idtag, 0) }; radio1.checked = true; th21.appendChild(radio1); var br1 = document.createElement("br"); th21.appendChild(br1); var h22 = document.createElement("h"); h22.innerHTML = "Timer:"; th21.appendChild(h22); var radio2 = document.createElement("input"); radio2.type = "radio"; radio2.name = "R1Tset"; radio2.dataset.tag = "OFFradio"; radio2.dataset.idtag = DID; radio2.onclick = function() { showRtimer(this.dataset.idtag, 1) }; radio2.checked = false; th21.appendChild(radio2); var h23 = document.createElement("h"); h23.innerHTML = "Auto Time:"; th21.appendChild(h23); var radio3 = document.createElement("input"); radio3.type = "radio"; radio3.name = "R1Tset"; radio3.dataset.tag = "OFFradio"; radio3.dataset.idtag = DID; radio3.onclick = function() { showRtimer(this.dataset.idtag, 2) }; radio3.checked = false; th21.appendChild(radio3); var div3 = document.createElement("div"); div3.id = "Timer-Setting"; div3.dataset.Tag = "countdown"; div3.style.position = "relative"; div3.style.right = "100px"; div3.style.display = "none"; lable.appendChild(div3); var h31 = document.createElement("h"); h31.innerHTML = "Time Set :"; div3.appendChild(h31); var br2 = document.createElement("br"); div3.appendChild(br2); var h32 = document.createElement("h"); h32.innerHTML = "H :"; div3.appendChild(h32); var radio4 = document.createElement("input"); radio4.type = "number"; radio4.name = "hour"; radio4.value = '0'; radio4.min = '0'; radio4.max = '24'; radio4.style.width = "30px"; div3.appendChild(radio4); var h33 = document.createElement("h"); h33.innerHTML = "M :"; div3.appendChild(h33); var radio5 = document.createElement("input"); radio5.type = "number"; radio5.name = "minute"; radio5.value = '0'; radio5.min = '0'; radio5.max = '59'; radio5.style.width = "30px"; div3.appendChild(radio5); var h34 = document.createElement("h"); h34.innerHTML = "S :"; div3.appendChild(h34); var radio6 = document.createElement("input"); radio6.type = "number"; radio6.name = "second"; radio6.value = '30'; radio6.min = '0'; radio6.max = '59'; radio6.style.width = "30px"; div3.appendChild(radio6); var div4 = document.createElement("div"); div4.id = "Time-Setting"; div4.dataset.Tag = "ATime"; div4.style.position = "relative"; div4.style.right = "100px"; div4.style.display = "none"; lable.appendChild(div4); var h41 = document.createElement("h"); h41.innerHTML = "ON &nbsp;&nbsp;time Setting :"; div4.appendChild(h41); var radio7 = document.createElement("input"); radio7.type = "time"; div4.appendChild(radio7); var br3 = document.createElement("br"); div4.appendChild(br3); var h42 = document.createElement("h"); h42.innerHTML = "OFF time Setting : "; div4.appendChild(h42); var radio8 = document.createElement("input"); radio8.type = "time"; div4.appendChild(radio8); function showRtimer(Didm, timeMode) { var va = document.querySelector('[data-did="' + Didm + '"]'); if (timeMode == 0) { va.querySelector('[data-Tag="ATime"]').style.display = "none"; va.querySelector('[data-Tag="countdown"]').style.display = "none"; } else if (timeMode == 1) { va.querySelector('[data-Tag="ATime"]').style.display = "none"; va.querySelector('[data-Tag="countdown"]').style.display = "block"; } else if (timeMode == 2) { va.querySelector('[data-Tag="ATime"]').style.display = "block"; va.querySelector('[data-Tag="countdown"]').style.display = "none"; } } function openRelay(evt) { var i, tabcontent, tablinks; tabcontent = document.getElementsByClassName("tabcontent"); for (i = 0; i < tabcontent.length; i++) { tabcontent[i].style.display = "none"; } tablinks = document.getElementsByClassName("tablinks"); for (i = 0; i < tablinks.length; i++) { tablinks[i].className = tablinks[i].className.replace(" active", ""); } var va = document.querySelector('[data-did="' + evt.dataset.idtag + '"]'); var val = va.querySelector('[data-Tag="Rtab' + evt.dataset.rn + '"]'); val.style.display = "block"; evt.className += " active"; } 
  /* Setting background color green */ body { background-color: #008060; } /* all links on mouse hover have a golden reaction */ #links { text-decoration: none; color: #305030; } #links:hover { color: gold; } /* Relay Number Tabs (in Farsi relay 1 , Relay 2 , ... ) general settings */ .tab { overflow: hidden; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; } /* Style the buttons inside the tab */ .tab button { background-color: inherit; border: none; outline: none; cursor: pointer; padding: 14px 16px; transition: 0.3s; font-size: 22px; color: floralwhite; } /* Change background color of buttons on hover */ .tab button:hover { background-color: #00bf4442; } /* Create an active/current tablink class */ .tab button.active { background-color: #ad2626; } /* Style the tab content */ .tabcontent { display: none; padding: 6px 12px; -webkit-animation: fadeEffect 1s; animation: fadeEffect 1s; } /* Fade in tabs */ @-webkit-keyframes fadeEffect { from { opacity: 0; } to { opacity: 1; } } @keyframes fadeEffect { from { opacity: 0; } to { opacity: 1; } } /* Circle pushButtons (like setting buttons) CSS */ .pushButton { position: relative; width: 60px; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; } .pushButton-checkbox { display: none; } .pushButton-label { display: block; overflow: hidden; cursor: pointer; width: 60px; height: 60px; background-color: #A8EDC4; border: 3px solid silver; border-radius: 100%; } .pushButton-inner { display: block; width: 200%; //margin-left: -100%;} .pushButton-inner { display: block; float: left; width: 100%; height: 100%; font-size: 15px; position: relative; top: 17px; left: 4px; color: #004400; font-family: Trebuchet, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; box-sizing: border-box; } .Window { position: relative; top: 70px; left: 30px; background-color: #00AA88; width: 350px; border: 10px solid #006633; border-radius: 40px; } .setting-forms { position: relative; top: 5px; left: 15px; width: 90%; border-top: 3px solid silver; border-bottom: 3px solid silver; } #keys { width: 60px; height: 60px; background-color: olive; border: 3px solid silver; border-radius: 100%; position: absolute; top: 90px; } #keys-inner { position: relative; top: 17px; left: 7px; color: silver; } #Relays-panel, #Temp_attach, #PIR_attach { position: relative; align: center; background-color: #204020; color: white; width: 320px; border-radius: 10px; border: 5px solid white; } { margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 10%; position: relative; float: right; background-color: #204020; color: white; width: 320px; border-radius: 10px; border: 5px solid white; } #Relays { position: absolute; top: 200px; width: 50%; right: 1%; } #sensor_settings { position: absolute; top: 200px; width: 50%; } #temp_temp, #temp_tolerance { width: 90%; } /* Relay ON - OFF Slider switchs CSS */ .onoffswitch { right: 27%; position: relative; width: 90px; float: right; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; } .onoffswitch-checkbox { display: none; } .onoffswitch-label { display: block; overflow: hidden; cursor: pointer; border: 2px solid #7A7A7A; border-radius: 50px; } .onoffswitch-inner { display: block; width: 200%; margin-left: -100%; transition: margin 0.3s ease-in 0s; } .onoffswitch-inner:before, .onoffswitch-inner:after { display: block; float: left; width: 50%; height: 40px; padding: 0; line-height: 40px; font-size: 20px; color: white; font-family: Trebuchet, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; box-sizing: border-box; } .onoffswitch-inner:before { content: "ON"; padding-left: 5px; background-color: #A8EDC4; color: #139402; text-align: left; } .onoffswitch-inner:after { content: "OFF"; padding-right: 5px; background-color: #F0AAB5; color: #AD2626; text-align: right; } .onoffswitch-switch { display: block; width: 28px; margin: 6px; background: #AD2626; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; right: 46px; border: 2px solid #7A7A7A; border-radius: 50px; transition: all 0.3s ease-in 0s; } .onoffswitch-checkbox:checked+.onoffswitch-label .onoffswitch-inner { margin-left: 0; } .onoffswitch-checkbox:checked+.onoffswitch-label .onoffswitch-switch { right: 0px; background-color: #139402; } 
 <div id='Relays'> <div id='Relays-panel' data-did='7223184' style="display: block;"> <!--form method='POST' style='position:relative;left:35%;'--> <label style='position:relative;left:35%;'> <input type='hidden' name='formName' value='onoffswitchs'> <div> <div style="margin-top: -7px; width:Auto; float: left; color:white; margin-left: -28%;padding-right: 30%;"> <div class="tab" > <button class="tablinks" style="border-bottom: 7px solid red;" data-rn='3' data-idtag="7223184" onclick="openRelay(this)">FST3</button> <button class="tablinks" style="border-bottom: 7px solid red;" data-rn='2' data-idtag="7223184" onclick="openRelay(this)">FST2</button> <button class="tablinks" checked style="border-bottom: 7px solid red;" data-rn='1' data-idtag="7223184" onclick="openRelay(this)">FST1</button> </div> <div id="R1d" data-Tag= "Rtab1" class="tabcontent" style="display: none;"> <div class="onoffswitch"> <input type="checkbox" class="onoffswitch-checkbox" id="R1" data-drn='1' data-idtag="7223184" onchange="Butscan2(this)" unchecked=""> <label class="onoffswitch-label" for="R1"> <span class="onoffswitch-inner"></span> <span class="onoffswitch-switch"></span> </label></input> </div> </div> <div id="R2d" data-Tag="Rtab2" class="tabcontent" style="display: none;"> <div class="onoffswitch"> <input type="checkbox" class="onoffswitch-checkbox" id="R2" data-drn='2' data-idtag="7223184" onchange="Butscan2(this)" unchecked=""> <label class="onoffswitch-label" for="R2"> <span class="onoffswitch-inner"></span> <span class="onoffswitch-switch"></span> </label></input> </div> </div> <div id="R3d" data-Tag="Rtab3" class="tabcontent" style="display: none;"> <div class="onoffswitch"> <input type="checkbox" class="onoffswitch-checkbox" id="R3" data-drn='3' data-idtag="7223184" onchange="Butscan2(this)" unchecked=""></input> <label class="onoffswitch-label" for="R3"> <span class="onoffswitch-inner"></span> <span class="onoffswitch-switch"></span> </label> </div> </div> </div> <table style="width:Auto;float: right;margin-right: 55%; color:white"> <tbody> <tr> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <table style="width:Auto; color:white"> <tr> <th> <div class="led-box" style='display:none;'> <div class="led-green" id="R1LED" data-Tag="LED"></div> </div> </th> <tr> <form> <th style='position:relative;right: 39px; padding-right: 89px;'> Time disabled:<input type='radio' name='R1Tset' data-Tag='OFFradio' data-idtag="7223184" onclick='showRtimer(this.dataset.idtag,0)' checked> <br/> Timer: <input type='radio' name='R1Tset' data-Tag='Ctimeradio' data-idtag="7223184" onclick='showRtimer(this.dataset.idtag,1)'> Auto Time: <input type='radio' name='R1Tset' data-Tag='ATimeradio' data-idtag="7223184" onclick='showRtimer(this.dataset.idtag,2)'> </th> </form> </tr> </table> <div id='Timer-Setting' data-Tag="countdown" style='position:relative;right:100px;display:none;'> Time Set :<br/> H :<input type="number" name="hour" value='0' min="0" max="24" style='width=30px;'> M : <input type="number" name="minute" value='0' min="0" max="59" style='width=30px;'> S : <input type="number" name="second" value='30' min="0" max="59" style='width=30px;'> </div> <div id='Time-Setting' data-Tag="ATime" style='position:relative;right:100px;display:none;'> ON &nbsp;&nbsp;time Setting : <input type='time'> <br/> OFF time Setting : <input type='time'> </div> </label> </div> </div> 








function openRelay(evt) 
    var i, tabcontent, tablinks;
    tabcontent = document.getElementsByClassName("tabcontent");

    for (i = 0; i < tabcontent.length; i++) 
      tabcontent[i].style.display = "none";

    tablinks = document.getElementsByClassName("tablinks");

    for (i = 0; i < tablinks.length; i++) 
      tablinks[i].className = tablinks[i].className.replace(" active", "");

    var va  = document.querySelector('[data-did="'+evt.dataset.idtag+'"]');
    var val  = va.querySelector('[data-Tag="Rtab'+evt.dataset.rn+'"]');
    val.style.display = "block";
    evt.className += " active";

我能做什么 ?


 var d = document.createElement("div") d.dataset.Bar = "hello" document.getElementById("out").appendChild(d) console.log(document.getElementById("out").innerHTML) 
 <div id="out"></div> 



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