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Python,Docker - “ascii”編解碼器無法編碼字符

[英]Python, Docker - 'ascii' codec can't encode character


# default CSV module
import csv

# this is how an ACTUAL row looks like in my program, included it in case it was important
row = {'title': 'Electrochemical sensor for the determination of dopamine in presence of high concentration of ascorbic acid using a Fullerene-C60 coated gold electrode', 'url': 'https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/elan.200704073', 'author': 'Goyal, Rajendra Nath and Gupta, Vinod Kumar and Bachheti, Neeta and Sharma, Ram Avatar', 'abstract': 'A fullerene‐C60‐modified gold electrode is employed for the determination of dopamine in the excess of ascorbic acid using square‐wave voltammetry. Based on its strong catalytic function towards the oxidation of dopamine and ascorbic acid, the overlapping voltammetric …', 'eprint': 'http://www.academia.edu/download/3909892/Dopamene.pdf', 'publisher': 'Wiley Online Library', 'year': '2008', 'pages': '757--764', 'number': '7', 'volume': '20', 'journal': 'Electroanalysis: An International Journal Devoted to Fundamental and Practical Aspects of Electroanalysis', 'ENTRYTYPE': 'article', 'ID': 'goyal2008electrochemical'}

# the CSV writer object
writer = csv.DictWriter("file.csv", fieldnames=[a, b, c],  dialect='toMYSQL')

# this is the source of the problem!

大多數容器以LANG=C設置開始。 如果您正在處理 UTF-8,那可能真的很煩人。

只是為了確保您的容器以正確的語言環境開始,在調用 docker 時添加-e LANG=C.UTF-8


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