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設置可變產品的銷售價格,而不會在 Woocommerce 中使它們脫銷

[英]Set sale price on Variable Products without making them out of stock in Woocommerce


foreach ($loop->posts as $product) {
$currentPrice = get_post_meta($product->ID, '_regular_price', true);
update_post_meta( $product->ID, '_price', $currentPrice );
update_post_meta( $product->ID, '_regular_price', $currentPrice );  

delete_metadata('post', $product->ID, '_sale_price');
if(in_array($i, $random_product)) {
    $discount = rand(10,25) / 100;
    $salePrice = $discount * $currentPrice;
    $salePrice = ceil($currentPrice - $salePrice);
    if($salePrice == $currentPrice) {
        $salePrice = $currentPrice - 1;
    if($currentPrice != '' || $currentPrice == '0') {
        update_post_meta($product->ID, '_sale_price', $salePrice);
        update_post_meta( $product->ID, '_price', $salePrice );
        echo "Sale Item $i / Product ID $product->ID / Current Price $currentPrice / Sale Price $salePrice \n"; 

基本上我想要做的是通過我的商店將每件商品循環起來,如果它在我的數組中(這只是一個隨機生成的產品 ID 數組),它應該將它們設置為促銷,並確保所有其他產品不出售。

但是,當我這樣做時......無論出於何種原因,我所有的可變產品都顯示為不可用,直到我進入他們的產品頁面並單擊變體 -> 設置狀態 -> 有貨

我以為我會很聰明,將其更改為托管庫存,並且有 999 種產品有庫存,但仍然會產生同樣的問題。



您應該嘗試使用自 WooCommerce 3 以來新引入的CRUD 方法,而不是使用 WordPress 后元函數。

我還對您的代碼進行了一些更改,但由於您的問題代碼不完整,因此無法對其進行測試。 嘗試類似以下內容:

foreach ( $loop->posts as $post ) {
    // Get an instance of the product object
    $product = wc_get_product($post->ID);
    $changes = false;

    // Get product regular and sale prices
    $regular_price = $product->get_regular_price();
    $sale_price    = $product->get_sale_price();
    if( ! empty($sale_price) || $product->is_on_sale() ) {
        // Empty product sale price

        // Set product active price back to regular price
        $changes = true;
    if( in_array( $i, $random_product ) ) {
        // Calculate a ramdom sale price for the current ramdom product
        $discount_rate = (100 - rand(10, 25)) / 100;
        $sale_price    = ceil($discount_rate * $regular_price);

        // Set product active price and sale price

        printf( __("Sale Item %s / Product ID %s / Current Price %s / Sale Price %s \n"),
        $i, $post->ID, wc_price($regular_price), wc_price($sale_price) );
        $changes = true;
    if( $changes ){
        // Save the product data



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