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[英]How to remove duplicates items from the list in javascript


{id: 11, type: "sell", quantity: 11, price: 155}
{id: 11, type: "sell", quantity: 11, price: 155}
{id: 11, type: "sell", quantity: 11, price: 155}
{id: 12, type: "buy", quantity: 3, price: 189}
{id: 13, type: "buy", quantity: 4, price: 189}
{id: 14, type: "buy", quantity: 2, price: 189}
{id: 14, type: "buy", quantity: 2, price: 189}

(近 1000 項)我想從 javascript 中的列表中刪除重復項,例如,因為 id 11 和 14 的項有重復項,所以新列表將在刪除后,

  {id: 12, type: "buy", quantity: 3, price: 189}
    {id: 13, type: "buy", quantity: 4, price: 189}




 var array = [{ id: 11, type: "sell", quantity: 11, price: 155 }, { id: 11, type: "sell", quantity: 11, price: 155 }, { id: 11, type: "sell", quantity: 11, price: 155 }, { id: 12, type: "buy", quantity: 3, price: 189 }, { id: 13, type: "buy", quantity: 4, price: 189 }, { id: 14, type: "buy", quantity: 2, price: 189 }, { id: 14, type: "buy", quantity: 2, price: 189 }], single = array.reduce((s => (r, o) => { if (s.has(o.id)) { return r.filter(({ id }) => id !== o.id); } s.add(o.id); r.push(o); return r; })(new Set), []); console.log(single);
 .as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }


 String.prototype.hashCode = function() { var hash = 0, i, chr; if (this.length === 0) return hash; for (i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { chr = this.charCodeAt(i); hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + chr; hash |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer } return hash; }; Array.prototype.isUnique = function(obj){ if (this.length <= 0) return true; let hash = JSON.stringify(obj).hashCode(); return !this.some(function(e){ return JSON.stringify(e).hashCode() === hash; }); } let test = [{id: 11, type: "sell", quantity: 11, price: 155}, {id: 11, type: "sell", quantity: 11, price: 155}, {id: 11, type: "sell", quantity: 11, price: 155}, {id: 12, type: "buy", quantity: 3, price: 189}, {id: 13, type: "buy", quantity: 4, price: 189}, {id: 14, type: "buy", quantity: 2, price: 189}, {id: 14, type: "buy", quantity: 2, price: 189}]; let out = []; test.forEach(function(item){ if (out.isUnique(item)) out.push(item); }); console.log(out);

這個問題已被否決,但我認為我從未真正看到過關於如何使用對象鍵執行此操作的簡潔答案。 如果您不需要 IE11,這個答案應該有效。 它使用 ES6 findIndex函數。

 function removeDuplicatesFromArray(arr){ let unique_array = arr.filter(function(elem, index, self) { let firstOccurence = self.findIndex(elem => elem.id == self[index].id) return firstOccurence == index; }); return unique_array } var duplicatesArr = [{id: 11, type: "sell", quantity: 11, price: 155}, {id: 11, type: "sell", quantity: 11, price: 155}, {id: 11, type: "sell", quantity: 11, price: 155}, {id: 12, type: "buy", quantity: 3, price: 189}, {id: 13, type: "buy", quantity: 4, price: 189}, {id: 14, type: "buy", quantity: 2, price: 189}, {id: 14, type: "buy", quantity: 2, price: 189}] console.log(removeDuplicatesFromArray(duplicatesArr));


我建議檢查一些其他可用的內置數組函數。 其中大部分是 ES2015,因此與 IE11 兼容。 我的具體答案使用了Array.prototype.filter ,但您也可以使用map等。


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