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[英]How would I pipe with a timeout that resets with each incoming?

withTimeout函數假設管道ConsoleEvent ,如果沒有收到任何內容,則每隔s :: Int秒發送一次CeTimeout 相反,它無法在適當的時間發送CeTimeout事件。 如果大於s秒且原始事件丟失,則會將一個CeTimeout事件替換為其他事件。 此外,而不是一個CeTimeout事件,應該是n*s CeTimeout與事件n每個計數s已經過去了2期。 錯誤在哪里,糾正是什么? 謝謝!

withTimeout :: (MonadIO t) => Int -> Pipe ConsoleEvent ConsoleEvent t ()
withTimeout ((* 1000000) -> s) = join . liftIO $ work
    work :: (MonadIO t) => IO (Pipe ConsoleEvent ConsoleEvent t ()) 
    work =
        (oSent, iKept) <- spawn $ bounded 1
        (oKept, iSent) <- spawn $ unbounded
        (oTimeout, iTimeout) <- spawn $ bounded 1

        tid <- launchTimeout oTimeout >>= newMVar

        forkIO $ do
          runEffect . forever $ fromInput iKept >-> factorTimeout tid oTimeout >-> toOutput oKept

        forkIO $ do
          runEffect . forever $ fromInput iTimeout >-> toOutput oKept

        return $ do
          await >>= (liftIO . guardedSend oSent)
          (liftIO . guardedRecv $ iSent) >>= yield

    guardedSend :: Output ConsoleEvent -> ConsoleEvent -> IO ()
    guardedSend o ce =
      (atomically $ send o ce) >>= \case
        True -> return ()
        otherwise -> die $ "withTimeout can not send"

    guardedRecv :: Input ConsoleEvent -> IO ConsoleEvent
    guardedRecv i =
      (atomically $ recv i) >>= \case
        Just a -> return a
        otherwise -> die $ "withTimeout can not recv"

    launchTimeout :: Output ConsoleEvent -> IO ThreadId
    launchTimeout o =
      forkIO . forever $ do
        threadDelay $ s
        (atomically $ send o CeTimeout) >>= \case
          True -> return ()
          otherwise -> die "withTimeout can not send timeout"

    relaunchTimeout :: Output ConsoleEvent -> ThreadId -> IO ThreadId
    relaunchTimeout o oldTid = 
        tid <- launchTimeout o
        killThread oldTid
        return tid

    factorTimeout :: MVar ThreadId -> Output ConsoleEvent -> Pipe ConsoleEvent ConsoleEvent IO ()
    factorTimeout v o =
        ce <- await
        liftIO . modifyMVar_ v $ relaunchTimeout o
        yield ce


這似乎是一個Pipe將只允許一個yieldawait 這意味着CeTimeout不能隨意向管道發送,因為沒有任何東西進入管道導致流動。 我將不得不通過消息來源證實這一點; 與此同時,此函數已重構為返回PipeProducer而不僅僅是Pipe Producer然后可以在調用函數中加入回來。 最初的計划是只返回一個Pipe這樣調用函數就不需要做任何額外的工作來使超時工作。 那本來是一個更獨立的解決方案。 這個替代方案很好,因為它更明確。 對於不熟悉管道的人來說,超時看起來並不像是顯得空洞。

withTimeout :: (MonadIO t) => Int -> IO (Pipe ConsoleEvent ConsoleEvent t (), Producer ConsoleEvent t ())
withTimeout ((* 1000000) -> s) =
    (oTimeout, iTimeout) <- spawn $ bounded 1
    vTid <- launchTimeout oTimeout >>= newMVar

    return (factorTimeout vTid oTimeout, fromInput iTimeout)
    launchTimeout :: Output ConsoleEvent -> IO ThreadId
    launchTimeout o =
      forkIO . forever $ do
        threadDelay $ s
        (atomically $ send o CeTimeout) >>= \case
          True -> return ()
          otherwise -> die "withTimeout can not send timeout"

    relaunchTimeout :: Output ConsoleEvent -> ThreadId -> IO ThreadId
    relaunchTimeout o oldTid = 
        tid <- launchTimeout o
        killThread oldTid
        return tid

    factorTimeout :: (MonadIO t) => MVar ThreadId -> Output ConsoleEvent -> Pipe ConsoleEvent ConsoleEvent t ()
    factorTimeout v o =
        ce <- await
        liftIO . modifyMVar_ v $ relaunchTimeout o
        yield ce

main :: IO ()
main =
    hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
    hSetEcho stdin False

    exitSemaphore <- newEmptyMVar
    (o1, i1) <- spawn $ bounded 1
    (o2, i2) <- spawn $ bounded 1

    (timeoutTrap, timeoutRender) <- withTimeout 2

    runEffect $ yield CeBegan >-> toOutput o1

    forkIO $ do
      runEffect . forever $ chars >-> toOutput o1
      putMVar exitSemaphore ()

    -- other inputs would be piped to o1 here

    forkIO $ do
      runEffect . forever $ fromInput i1 >-> timeoutTrap >-> toOutput o2
      putMVar exitSemaphore ()

    forkIO $ do
      runEffect . forever $ timeoutRender >-> toOutput o2
      putMVar exitSemaphore ()

    forkIO $ do
      -- logic would be done before dumpPipe
      runEffect . forever $ fromInput i2 >-> dumpPipe >-> (await >> return ())
      putMVar exitSemaphore ()

    takeMVar exitSemaphore



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