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[英]Python Classes, not getting expected return values, confused with internal methods

我正在學習python,並且在Class Onject上苦苦掙扎,我有以下Class:

class Delivery(object):
    def __init__(self, recipient, nn, cost, weight):
        self.name = recipient
        self.value = nn
        self.cost = cost
        self.weight = weight

    def get_recipient(self):
        return self.name

    def get_priority_category(self):
        if self.get_priority_value >= 8:
            return "Urgent"
        elif self.get_priority_value >= 5 and self.get_priority_value <= 7:
            return "High"
        elif self.get_priority_value >= 3 and self.get_priority_value <= 4:
            return "Medium"
        elif self.get_priority_value < 3:
            return "Low"

    def get_priority_value(self):
        return self.nn

    def get_cost(self):
        return self.cost

    def get_weight(self):
        return self.weight

    def get_cw_ratio(self):
        ratio = self.cost / self.weight
        return str(round(ratio, 2))

    def __str__(self):        
        return '<' + self.get_recipient + ', ' + str(self.get_priority_category)+ ', ' + str(self.get_cost)+ ', ' + str(self.get_weight) + '>'


PackageOne = Delivery('John', 1, 2, 4)

結果應為<John, Low, 2, 4>


<John, <bound method Delivery.get_priority_category of <__main__.Delivery object at 0x110866860>>, <bound method Delivery.get_cost of <__main__.Delivery object at 0x110866860>>, <bound method Delivery.get_weight of <__main__.Delivery object at 0x110866860>>>


您沒有在調用您的方法。 將顯示方法對象本身的表示形式,而不是結果的表示形式。


def __str__(self):        
    return (
        '<' + self.get_recipient() + ', ' +
              self.get_priority_category() + ', ' + 
              str(self.get_cost()) + ', ' +
              str(self.get_weight()) + 

我刪除了多余的str()調用( get_recipient()get_priority_category()已經產生了字符串),並在表達式周圍添加了(...) ,以便可以將其分解成多行以提高可讀性。


def __str__(self):        
    return (
        '<' + self.name + ', ' +
              self.get_priority_category() + ', ' + 
              str(self.cost) + ', ' +
              str(self.weight) + 

在Python中,通常不使用訪問器函數,而直接訪問屬性就足夠了。 這與Java之類的語言不同,在Java之后,很難用訪問器函數替換屬性訪問。 在Python中,稍后切換到使用property是微不足道的,因此直接使用屬性不會產生任何成本。

通過使用字符串格式可以簡化上述操作; 對於Python 3.6及更高版本,請使用f字符串:

def __str__(self):        
    return f'<{self.name}, {self.get_priority_category()}, {self.cost}, {self.weight}>'


def __str__(self):        
    return '<{}, {}, {}, {}>'.format(
        self.name, self.get_priority_category(), self.cost, self.weight)



class Delivery(object):
    def __init__(self, recipient, nn, cost, weight):
        self.name = recipient
        self.nn = nn
        self.cost = cost
        self.weight = weight

    def get_recipient(self):
        return self.name

    def get_priority_category(self):
        if self.get_priority_value() >= 8:
            return "Urgent"
        elif self.get_priority_value() >= 5 and self.get_priority_value() <= 7:
            return "High"
        elif self.get_priority_value() >= 3 and self.get_priority_value() <= 4:
            return "Medium"
        elif self.get_priority_value() < 3:
            return "Low"

    def get_priority_value(self):
        return self.nn

    def get_cost(self):
        return self.cost

    def get_weight(self):
        return self.weight

    def get_cw_ratio(self):
        ratio = self.cost / self.weight
        return str(round(ratio, 2))

    def __str__(self):
        return '<' + self.get_recipient() + ', ' + str(self.get_priority_category()) + ', ' + str(self.get_cost()) + ', ' + str(self.get_weight()) + '>'

PackageOne = Delivery('John', 1, 2, 4)


<John, Low, 2, 4>

必須通過add ()調用方法,並且您還引用了nn ,必須將其更改為value

class Delivery(object):
    def __init__(self, recipient, nn, cost, weight):
        self.name = recipient
        self.value = nn
        self.cost = cost
        self.weight = weight

    def get_recipient(self):
        return self.name

    def get_priority_category(self):
        if self.get_priority_value() >= 8:
            return "Urgent"
        elif self.get_priority_value() >= 5 and self.get_priority_value() <= 7:
            return "High"
        elif self.get_priority_value() >= 3 and self.get_priority_value() <= 4:
            return "Medium"
        elif self.get_priority_value() < 3:
            return "Low"

    def get_priority_value(self):
        return self.value

    def get_cost(self):
        return self.cost

    def get_weight(self):
        return self.weight

    def get_cw_ratio(self):
        ratio = self.cost() / self.weight()
        return str(round(ratio, 2))

    def __str__(self):        
        return '<' + str(self.get_recipient()) + ', ' + str(self.get_priority_category())+ ', ' + str(self.get_cost())+ ', ' + str(self.get_weight()) + '>'

PackageOne = Delivery('John', 1, 2, 4)


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