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[英]Select and copy range of cell after a specific string to another worksheet

我正在運行一個 VBA 程序,我想復制一系列單元格,然后將其粘貼到新的工作表中,標題是文本“Delivery for”之后的字符串

例如,我想復制“Delivery for Sam”下的范圍,新工作表的名稱應為“Sam”

Dim N as long
N = Range(Cells(rcell, Col_Western).End(xlDown).Row)

With ActiveSheet
    For rcell = 1 To lastrow
        If InStr(1, Cells(rcell, Col_Western), "Delivery for", vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
            Range(ActiveCell & N).Select
            Selection.Copy After:=Worksheets(Sheets.Count)
            ActiveSheet.Name = "QBS"
        End If
    Next rcell
End With

未經測試,寫在手機上。 可能有效,也可能無效,但可能會給你一些關於如何實現它的想法。

Option Explicit

Sub test()

Dim sourceSheet as worksheet
'Change this to the name of the sheet which contains the data you want to separate by name. I assume Sheet1'
Set sourceSheet = Thisworkbook.worksheets("Sheet1")

With sourceSheet

Dim westernColumn as long
' If this can change (based on the location of the data), you need to work out some logic to assign it dynamically. If this does not change, turn it into a constant and assign to whatever column number it should be. I arbitrarily pick column 5 (column E) as an example '
westernColumn = 5

Dim lastRow as long
lastRow = .cells(.rows.count, westernColumn).end(xlup).row

End with

Dim rowIndex as long
Dim deliveryName as string
Dim characterIndex as long

For rowIndex = 1 to lastRow

characterIndex = InStr(1, sourcesheet.Cells(rowIndex, westernColumn).value2, "Delivery for ", vbBinaryCompare)

If characterIndex > 0 Then

deliveryName = VBA.strings.mid$(sourcesheet.Cells(rowIndex, westernColumn).value2, characterindex + 13) '+13 is a magic number used to exclude "Delivery for " string itself, implement it in a better way if possible'

With thisworkbook.worksheets.add
' this line below might cause an error if a sheet with this name already exists or if deliveryName is illegal in some way. Maybe code some defensive checks before assigning sheet name.
.name = deliveryName

' This includes the "Delivery for " row when copy-pasting  and assumes each there is a blank row before each "Delivery for " row. '
sourceSheet.range(sourcesheet.Cells(rowIndex, westernColumn), sourcesheet.Cells(rowIndex, westernColumn).end(xldown)).copy .range("A1")

End with

End if

' you should probably have two variables: startRow and endRow, where startRow = first "Delivery for ", and endRow = next "Delivery for "

' but I don't have time to do this at the moment.'

Next rowIndex ' should increment rowIndex by number of rows pasted - 1, so that pasted rows are not needlessly checked for "Delivery for " string '

End sub


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