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[英]How do you force a size limit to prevent format truncation?

submission.c:112:32: error: '%02d' directive output may be truncated writing between 2 and 3 bytes into a
region of size between 0 and 2 [-Werror=format-truncation=]
 snprintf(strTime, 5, "%02d:%02d", minFormed, secFormed);
submission.c:112:26: note: directive argument in the range [-59, 59]     snprintf(strTime, 5, "%02d:%02d", minFormed, secFormed);
submission.c:112:5: note: 'snprintf' output between 6 and 9 bytes into a destination of size 5
 snprintf(strTime, 5, "%02d:%02d", minFormed, secFormed);

我有2個變量minFormedsecFormed ,它們都是整數。

通過這種方式,我不相信它們每個都可能超過2個字節。 計時器格式應為“ 00:00”,即5個字節。 我如何將secFormed部分強制為2個字節?


char * getCurrentTime (void) {
    double time = ( overflow_counter * 256.0 + TCNT0 ) * PRESCALE  / FREQ;
    int timePassed = (int)(floor(time));
    int secFormed = timePassed % 60;
    int minFormed = timePassed / 60;
    char strTime[5];
    snprintf(strTime, 5, "%02d:%02d", minFormed, secFormed);
    return strTime;



submission.c:109:32: error: '%02d' directive output may be truncated writing between 2 and 3 bytes into a
region of size between 1 and 3 [-Werror=format-truncation=]
 snprintf(strTime, 6, "%02d:%02d", minFormed, secFormed);
                            ^~~~submission.c:109:26: note: directive argument in the range [-59, 59]     snprintf(strTime, 6, "%02d:%02d", minFormed, secFormed);                          ^~~~~~~~~~~
submission.c:109:5: note: 'snprintf' output between 6 and 9 bytes into a destination of size 6
 snprintf(strTime, 6, "%02d:%02d", minFormed, secFormed);

我只是在這里猜測 ,因為您沒有提供最小,完整和可驗證的示例

似乎您正在將長度5作為緩沖區大小的參數傳遞。 那就是包括字符串終止符的緩沖區大小。

從此snprintf (和系列)參考中

bufsz最多bufsz - 1可以寫入bufsz - 1字符,加上空終止符


哦,關於范圍的注釋是因為您使用帶符號整數,所以范圍也包括負數,這意味着額外的空間。 您可能應該改用unsigned int ,格式為"%02u"


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