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我在執行python時收到錯誤 <function personAge at 0x101fe6050> 而不是價值

[英]I am receiving an error when executing python <function personAge at 0x101fe6050> instead of the value


你好,特里斯坦·維納(Tristan Wiener)。 您是功能人員,年齡為0x101fe6050歲。


`#This program calculates a users age while collecting the user's 
 #birth year, the user's first and last name, the current year
 #and whether the user has had their birthday yet.

 firstName = raw_input("Please enter your first name")#Get the first name
 lastName = raw_input("Please enter your last name")#Get the last name
 birthYear = int(input("What is your birth year?"))#Get the birth year
 currentYear = int(input("What is the current year?"))#Get the current year

birthdayYet = raw_input("Have you had your birthday yet? [1 for yes/2 for no]")
#Ask if the user has had their birthday
age = 0

def fullName (firstName, lastName):
   outStr = firstName +" "+lastName 
   return outStr

def personAge(birthYear, currentYear, birthdayYet):
   if birthdayYet == 1:
       print(currentYear - birthYear)

   if birthdayYet == 2:
      age = currentYear - birthYear - 1
      return str(age)

def printMsg(personName,personAge):
   return ("Hello" + " " + str(personName) + "." + " " + "You are" + " " + str(personAge) + " " + "years old.")

personName = fullName(firstName, lastName)
userAge = personAge(birthYear, currentYear, birthdayYet)
finalMsg = printMsg(personName, personAge)

print finalMsg`


finalMsg = printMsg(personName, personAge)


finalMsg = printMsg(personName, userAge)


finalMsg = printMsg(personName, personAge)


finalMsg = printMsg(personName, userAge)

personAge是用於獲取人員年齡的函數。 userAge是人的實際年齡。


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