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[英]C, Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64


Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_check_end_of_game", referenced from:
  _main in tictactoe-03b26b.o
"_generate_player2_move", referenced from:
  _main in tictactoe-03b26b.o
"_get_player1_move", referenced from:
  _main in tictactoe-03b26b.o
"_print_winner", referenced from:
  _main in tictactoe-03b26b.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see 

每當我將所有函數聲明都設置為“ void”類型時,錯誤消息就會消失,但是並非所有聲明都是無效的,所以我不能這樣做。 這是我到目前為止所寫的。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define SIZE 3

void clear_table(char board[SIZE][SIZE]); void display_table(char 
void get_player1_move(char board[SIZE][SIZE], int row, int col);
void generate_player2_move(char board[SIZE][SIZE], int row, int col); 
bool check_end_of_game(char board[SIZE][SIZE]); void print_winner(char 

int main (){
   char board[SIZE][SIZE];
   int row, col;

   clear_table(board);  //Clears the table
   display_table(board);  //Display the table

do {
      get_player1_move(board, row, col); //Have player 1 enter their move
      generate_player2_move(board, row, col); //Generate player 2 move
    } while(check_end_of_game(board) == false); //Do this while the game hasn't ended

    print_winner(board); //after game is over, print who won

   return 0;

void display_table(char board[SIZE][SIZE]) {
   int i;
    printf("The current state of the game is: \n");
    for (i = 0; i <= SIZE; i++){
        for(i = 0; i <= SIZE; i++){
           printf("%c ", board[i][i]);

void clear_table(char board[][SIZE]) {
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i <= SIZE; i++) {
       for (i = 0; i <= SIZE; i++) {
           int board[SIZE][SIZE] = {0};

我在Mac上使用VScode,在c中進行編碼,正在使用'gcc tictactoe.c -o tictactoe'進行編譯

確保您的定義(實現)具有與聲明相同的簽名。 然后,確保在最終的gcc命令中列出所有.c .o文件(取決於是否分別編譯對象)。


gcc -o tictactoe tictactoe.c *.o


gcc -o tictactoe *.c


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