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[英]Use Alloy to model a simple library

在“事實F4_All_wanted_books_are_had_by_someone”中,我試圖使所有想要的書都借給某個贊助人。 如果顧客想要一本書,那一定是有書的(否則可以借給想要它的顧客)。 在“事實F7_Cannot_want_what_you_have”中,是顧客不能想要他或她已經擁有的書。 但是當我嘗試執行代碼時。 它顯示沒有找到實例,但是應該找到實例。

在添加“事實F4”之前,仍然可以找到該實例,但是在添加F4之后,無法再找到該實例。 “事實F4”有什么問題嗎? 以及如何解決。 謝謝你的幫助。

 * The books in a library.
some sig Book{}

 * Patrons of the library, in general, have some books (on loan)
 * and want some other books.
some sig Patron {
    has     : set Book,
    wants   : set Book

 * The library has some books on reserve, some on the shelves,
 * and some on hold because patrons want them (are waiting for
 * them).
 * Note: The books on loan are exactly those all the Patrons as
 *              a group "have".
one sig Library {
    onReserve : set Book,
    onShelves   : set Book

 *  All wanted books are on loan to some patron (that is,
 *  some patron has the wanted book). Note that a patron
 *  *MAY* have a book out that nobody else wants.
fact F4_All_wanted_books_are_had_by_someone {
    all b : Patron | b.wants in b.has

 *  Two different patrons cannot have the same book.
fact F5_No_loan_conflicts {
    all disj b1, b2 : Patron | no (b1.has & b2.has)

 *  A patron cannot want a book he or she already has.
fact F7_Cannot_want_what_you_have {
    all b : Patron | no (b.wants & b.has)

    some onReserve
    some onShelves - onReserve
    some wants
    some has
    some Patron.has - Patron.wants
    some Patron.has & Patron.wants
    some has.Book & wants.Book
} for exactly 3 Patron, exactly 8 Book

F4的意思是“對於所有顧客來說,他想要的每本書都是他擁有的書之一”。 我建議

fact F4 {
    all p:Patron | p.wants in (Patron - p).has


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