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[英]Why doesn't 'await' wait?

我是Java中的await / async函數的新手。 我寫了以下函數:

getGoogleResults = async () => {
    const googleResultUrl = 'http://www.google.com/search?q=bakery&num=60');

    // get only Divs within results that have class of 's'
    $.getJSON(googleResultUrl, (data) => {
      const results = $(data.contents).find('div[class="g"]');
      const divs = results.find('div[class="s"]');
      console.log(data.contents); // data logged here looks fine in console
      return data.contents; 


但是,我不明白的是,當我調用該函數時,我希望它能等到返回promise后再繼續。 但是,事實並非如此。 當我調用該函數時,該程序無需等待即可立即運行下一行(登錄到控制台的日志):

async startProcess() {
    const googleResults = await this.getGoogleResults();
    console.log(googleResults); // this gets run immediately, produces 'undefined' in console

記錄到控制台的是“未定義”。 因此,很明顯,我做錯了事,但是找不到一個示例來說明可能的情況。 就像程序調用了該函數,但無需等待諾言就立即繼續前進。

編輯:我知道我的函數在此時只是返回data.contents ,而不是解析的Divs。 我現在只是在測試,想在調用異步函數后查看結果。


getGoogleResults = () => { // You don't need the async keyword here
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const googleResultUrl = 'http://www.google.com/search?q=bakery&num=60');
        // get only Divs within results that have class of 's'
        $.getJSON(googleResultUrl, (data) => {
          const results = $(data.contents).find('div[class="g"]');
          const divs = results.find('div[class="s"]');
          console.log(data.contents); // data logged here looks fine in console
          resolve(data.contents); // Use the function resolve.

        // Use the function reject for any errors.

您應該為異步函數返回一個Promise,使其實際上可以等待。 像這樣:

getGoogleResults = async () => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      const googleResultUrl = 'http://www.google.com/search?q=bakery&num=60');

      // get only Divs within results that have class of 's'
      $.getJSON(googleResultUrl, (data) => {
        const results = $(data.contents).find('div[class="g"]');
        const divs = results.find('div[class="s"]');
        console.log(data.contents); // data logged here looks fine in console
      }); //TODO call reject() on error


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