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如何從 vb.net 中的 XML 文件中檢索相應的值?

[英]How to retrieve the corresponding values from XML file in vb.net?

我需要從 XML 文件中檢索值,我見過很多例子,但沒有一個像我擁有的​​ XML。 我的 XML 看起來像這樣。

  <title>TOSSICOLOGIA D'ABUSO</title>
                        <code code="31011" codeSystemName="Codifica Interna Laboratorio" displayName="Etanolo (urine)">
                            <!--TRASCODIFICA ANALISI NON DISPONIBILE-->
                                        <th>Abnormal Flag</th>
                                        <th>Unita di misura</th>
                                        <th>Range di riferimento</th>
                                        <td>Etanolo (urine)</td>
                                        <td>&lt; 0,01 g/l</td>
                                        <td>fino a 0,35</td>
                                        <td />
                            <!--Inizio Microbiologia sezione humane readable-->
                            <!--Fine   Microbiologia sezione humane readable-->
                        <entry typeCode="DRIV">
                            <!-- INIZIO MONO RISULTATO -->
                            <act classCode="ACT" moodCode="EVN">
                                <code code="31011" codeSystemName="Codifica Interna Laboratorio" displayName="Etanolo (urine)">
                                    <!--TRASCODIFICA ANALISI NON DISPONIBILE-->
                                <statusCode code="completed" />
                                <!--(INIZIO) GESTIONE MICROBIOLOGIA MONO RISULTATO -->
                                <!--(FINE) GESTIONE MICROBIOLOGIA MONO RISULTATO -->
                                <entryRelationship typeCode="COMP">
                                    <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                                        <code code="31011" codeSystemName="Codifica Interna Laboratorio" displayName="Etanolo (urine)">
                                            <!--TRASCODIFICA RISULTATI NON DISPONIBILE-->
                                        <statusCode code="completed" />
                                        <effectiveTime value="20170216131204" />
                                        <value xsi:type="ST">&lt; 0,01 g/l</value>
                                        <referenceRange typeCode="REFV">
                                            <observationRange classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN.CRT">
                                                <value xsi:type="IVL_PQ">
                                                    <low value="0.00" />
                                                    <high value="0.35" />
                                                <interpretationCode code="N" />
                                        <referenceRange typeCode="REFV">
                                            <observationRange classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN.CRT">
                                                <value xsi:type="ST">fino a 0,35</value>
                                                <interpretationCode code="N" />
                                <!-- VAL USED -->
                            <!-- FINE MONO RISULTATO -->
                        <code code="32000" codeSystemName="Codifica Interna Laboratorio" displayName="Creatininuria">
                            <!--TRASCODIFICA ANALISI NON DISPONIBILE-->
                                <content ID="ANLNOTE---2-2">Prova autenticità campione droghe</content>
                                        <th>Abnormal Flag</th>
                                        <th>Unita di misura</th>
                                        <th>Range di riferimento</th>
                                        <td>fino a 20: campione non idoneo
                                            (non utilizzabile ai fini medico legali)
                                            20 - 40: campione dubbio
                                            sup. a 40: campione idoneo
                                        <td />
                            <!--Inizio Microbiologia sezione humane readable-->
                            <!--Fine   Microbiologia sezione humane readable-->
                        <entry typeCode="DRIV">
                            <!-- INIZIO MONO RISULTATO -->
                            <act classCode="ACT" moodCode="EVN">
                                <code code="32000" codeSystemName="Codifica Interna Laboratorio" displayName="Creatininuria">
                                    <!--TRASCODIFICA ANALISI NON DISPONIBILE-->
                                <statusCode code="completed" />
                                <!--(INIZIO) GESTIONE MICROBIOLOGIA MONO RISULTATO -->
                                <!--(FINE) GESTIONE MICROBIOLOGIA MONO RISULTATO -->
                                <entryRelationship typeCode="SUBJ">
                                    <act classCode="ACT" moodCode="EVN">
                                        <code code="48767-8" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1" codeSystemName="LOINC" displayName="Annotation Comment" />
                                            <reference value="ANLNOTE---2-2" />
                                <entryRelationship typeCode="COMP">
                                    <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                                        <code code="32000" codeSystemName="Codifica Interna Laboratorio" displayName="Creatininuria">
                                            <!--TRASCODIFICA RISULTATI NON DISPONIBILE-->
                                        <statusCode code="completed" />
                                        <effectiveTime value="20170216121035" />
                                        <value xsi:type="PQ" value="193.0" unit="mg/dL" />
                                        <referenceRange typeCode="REFV">
                                            <observationRange classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN.CRT">
                                                <value xsi:type="IVL_PQ">
                                                    <low value="40.0" unit="mg/dL" />
                                                    <high value="99999.0" unit="mg/dL" />
                                                <interpretationCode code="N" />
                                        <referenceRange typeCode="REFV">
                                            <observationRange classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN.CRT">
                                                <value xsi:type="ST">fino a 20: campione non idoneo
                                                    (non utilizzabile ai fini medico legali)
                                                    20 - 40: campione dubbio
                                                    sup. a 40: campione idoneo
                                                <interpretationCode code="N" />
                                <!-- VAL USED -->
                            <!-- FINE MONO RISULTATO -->

正如您所看到的,就像一個 html 表。我在數據庫中創建了一個帶有這些 FIELDS 名稱的表,我需要將字段的值放入數據庫中。

但首先我需要一種方法如何使用visual basic獲取VALUES,然后再看看如何將值放在db上。 所以這是一個圖像,它告訴我需要的值在 XML 的標記 ,,td'' 下。 但是表 ate db 應該是這樣的.... XML 部分的值是第二個表中的第一個。



 Dim path As String = "C:\Users\ShkelzenTarja\projekt\CDR_v3_1\CDR\test2.xml"    ' "put path to xml file here"
    Dim xe As XElement
    xe = XElement.Load("C:\Users\ShkelzenTarja\projekt\CDR_v3_1\CDR\test2.xml")
    Dim sectn As XElement = (From el In xe...<code> Select el Take 1).FirstOrDefault

    If sectn IsNot Nothing Then 'did we get a code
        sectn = sectn.Parent 'the section
    End If
    If sectn IsNot Nothing Then 'did we get a section
        For Each tr As XElement In sectn...<table>.<tbody>.<tr>
            For Each td As XElement In tr.<td>

    End If


1- path 和 xe = XElement.Load 的差異

2- 選擇 el Take 1).FirstOrDefault ...我如何更改它以獲取文檔具有的所有值,而不僅僅是第一個值。

3-如果我的 xml 有兩個標題,我應該使用相同的語法,因為實際上它有你在照片中看到的。 感謝您的幫助@dbasnett

我的所有 Xml 都在這里:在此處輸入鏈接描述

XML 示例的格式不正確。 這可能會給你一個想法


    Dim path As String = "put path to xml file here"
    Dim xe As XElement
    xe = XElement.Load(path) 'load the xml from file

因為這是 VB,所以您可以使用文字進行測試。 我已盡力修復 XML

    Dim xe As XElement

    xe = <title>TOSSICOLOGIA D'ABUSO
                     <code code="31011" codeSystemName="Codifica Interna Laboratorio" displayName="Etanolo (urine)"></code>
                                     <th>Abnormal Flag</th>
                                     <th>Unita di misura</th>
                                     <th>Range di riferimento</th>
                                     <td>Etanolo (urine)</td>
                                     <td>&lt; 0,01 g/l</td>
                                     <td>fino a 0,35</td>
                 <code code="32000" codeSystemName="Codifica Interna Laboratorio" displayName="Creatininuria"></code>
                                 <th>Abnormal Flag</th>
                                 <th>Unita di misura</th>
                                 <th>Range di riferimento</th>
                                 <td>fino a 20: campione non idoneo
                                        (non utilizzabile ai fini medico legali)
                                        20 - 40: campione dubbio
                                        sup. a 40: campione idoneo

接下來找到其中一張表。 我將使用代碼節點來做到這一點

    Dim sectn As XElement = (From el In xe...<code> Where el.@code = "32000" Select el Take 1).FirstOrDefault

    If sectn IsNot Nothing Then 'did we get a code
        sectn = sectn.Parent 'the section
    End If

只是一些想法。 希望能幫助到你。 一旦我們有了一個部分,我們就可以迭代正文中的行

    If sectn IsNot Nothing Then 'did we get a section
        For Each tr As XElement In sectn...<table>.<tbody>.<tr>
            For Each td As XElement In tr.<td>
    End If


LINQ to XML 鏈接


私有子 GetContinents()

    Const FILENAME As String = "C:\Users\ShkelzenTarja\projekt\CDR_v3_1\CDR\test.xml"

    Dim settings As XmlReaderSettings = New XmlReaderSettings()

    settings.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Fragment

    Dim reader As XmlReader = XmlReader.Create(FILENAME, settings)

    Dim dt As DataTable = New DataTable()
    dt.Columns.Add("Display Name", GetType(String))
    dt.Columns.Add("Code", GetType(String))
    dt.Columns.Add("Esame", GetType(String))
    dt.Columns.Add("Esito", GetType(String))
    dt.Columns.Add("Abnormal Flag", GetType(String))
    dt.Columns.Add("Unita Di Misura", GetType(String))
    dt.Columns.Add("Range Di Riferimento", GetType(String))
    dt.Columns.Add("Metoda", GetType(String))
    dt.Columns.Add("Low", GetType(Decimal))
    dt.Columns.Add("High", GetType(Decimal))
    dt.Columns.Add("Time", GetType(DateTime))

    Dim uri = "urn:hl7-org:v3"

    While (Not reader.EOF)

        If reader.Name <> "section" Then

            reader.ReadToFollowing("section", uri)
        End If
        If Not reader.EOF Then

            Dim section As XElement = CType(XElement.ReadFrom(reader), XElement)

            Dim xCode As XElement = section.Descendants().Where(Function(x) x.Name.LocalName = "code").FirstOrDefault()
            Dim displayName As String = CType(xCode.Attribute("displayName"), String)

            For Each xComponent As XElement In section.Elements().Where(Function(x) x.Name.LocalName = "component")
                Dim xEsame As XElement = xComponent.Descendants().Where(Function(x) x.Name.LocalName = "code").FirstOrDefault()
                Dim code As String = CType(xEsame.Attribute("code"), String)

                Dim xBody As XElement = xComponent.Descendants().Where(Function(x) x.Name.LocalName = "tbody").FirstOrDefault()
                Dim data As New List(Of String)
                data.AddRange({displayName, code})
                data.AddRange(xBody.Descendants().Where(Function(x) x.Name.LocalName = "td").Select(Function(x) CType(x, String)))

                Dim entry As XElement = section.Descendants().Where(Function(x) x.Name.LocalName = "entry").FirstOrDefault()

                Dim low As XElement = entry.Descendants().Where(Function(x) x.Name.LocalName = "low").FirstOrDefault()
                If low Is Nothing Then
                    data.Add(Decimal.Parse(CType(low.Attribute("value"), String)))
                End If
                Dim high As XElement = entry.Descendants().Where(Function(x) x.Name.LocalName = "high").FirstOrDefault()
                If high Is Nothing Then
                    data.Add(Decimal.Parse(CType(high.Attribute("value"), String)))
                End If

                Dim effectiveTime As XElement = entry.Descendants().Where(Function(x) x.Name.LocalName = "effectiveTime").FirstOrDefault()
                Dim dateStr As String = CType(effectiveTime.Attribute("value"), String)
                data.Add(DateTime.ParseExact(dateStr, "yyyyMMddHHmmss", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))

                'For i = 0 To data.Count - 1
                    '    i = i + 11

                Next xComponent

        End If
    End While

End Sub

Private Function Insert_CDA_Data(ByVal data As List(Of String))
    Dim esito As Boolean = True

        Using scope As New TransactionScope()

        End Using

    Catch ex As Exception
        esito = False
        Dim log As New Log
        log.writeLog("Cda", ex)
    End Try

    Return esito
End Function

Private Function ucDataCapture(ByVal data As List(Of String)) As CDA

    Dim CDA_D As New CDA

        CDA_D.codeProperty = data(1)
        CDA_D.nameProperty = data(0)
        CDA_D.esameProperty = data(2)
        CDA_D.esitoProperty = data(3)
        CDA_D.abnormalFlagProperty = data(4)
        CDA_D.unitaDiMisuraProperty = data(5)
        CDA_D.rangeDiRiferimentoProperty = data(6)
        CDA_D.metodaProperty = data(7)
        If data(8) IsNot Nothing Then
            CDA_D.lowProperty = data(8)
            CDA_D.lowProperty = ""
        End If
        If data(9) IsNot Nothing Then
            CDA_D.highProperty = data(9)
            CDA_D.highProperty = ""
        End If

        CDA_D.effectiveTimeProperty = data(10)
    Catch ex As Exception
        Dim log As New Log
        log.writeLog("Cda ", ex)
    End Try
    Return CDA_D

End Function


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