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[英]Why does printing struct members result in gibberish?


我有兩個結構,第一個是二叉搜索樹並且包含重復的鍵。 我正在嘗試提取唯一鍵並將它們存儲在單獨的結構中。

注意:我可以從unique_key函數中打印出node結構中的所有唯一鍵。 但是我需要從 main 中訪問這些唯一的鍵。 因此,我的想法是創建一個單獨的結構並將其傳遞回主函數。


/* structure containing duplicate keys */
struct node
    int KEY;
    char *command;
    char *duration; /* pointer to a char since it is of unknown size*/
    char *time;
    char *description;
    int count;
    struct node *left, *right;

/* structure to hold unique keys*/
 typedef struct {
    int KEY;
    char *command;
    char *duration; /* pointer to a char since it is of unknown size*/
    char *time;
    char *description;

我正在使用實用程序函數來遍歷二叉搜索樹。 該函數提供了一個指向二叉搜索樹*root的指針,並打印所有唯一鍵。

/* A utility function to find deepest keys of BST */
/* This is done by extracting the key with the lowest count, 
since count member of node struct gets incremented each time it is read. */
unique* unique_key(struct node *root)
    unique *temp = (struct unique *)malloc(sizeof(unique));
    if (root != NULL)
        if (root->count == 1) {
            //the printf statement below prints all unique keys
            //Somehow I need to access in the main function, thus my idea was to create a separate struct as explained above
            printf("%d(%d) -> %s %s %s %s \n", root->KEY, root->count, root->command, root->time, root->duration, root->description);
            temp->KEY = root->KEY;
            temp->command = root->command;
            temp->description = root->description;
            temp->duration = root->duration;

    return temp;


int main()
    /* Let us create following BST.  Passing values along with key */
    struct node *root = NULL;
    root = insert_node(root, 12, "C", "1200", "79", "Meeting");
    root = insert_node(root, 3, "C", "1300", "60", "Lunch");
    root = insert_node(root, 2, "C", "1400", "30", "Dinner");
    root = insert_node(root, 1, "C", "0600", "90", "Work");
    root = insert_node(root, 5, "C", "4300", "30", "Diyoor");
    root = insert_node(root, 7, "C", "5608", "30", "Dinner");
    root = insert_node(root, 9, "C", "1409", "35", "t");
    root = insert_node(root, 2, "C", "1600", "60", "play");
    root = insert_node(root, 2, "U", "1800", "88", "eve");

    printf("Inorder traversal of the given tree \n");
    inorder(root);  //prints all keys and subsequent values
    unique *data = NULL;
    data = unique_key(root); //prints only unique keys
    printf("%d %s\n", data[1].KEY, data[1].command); //cannot print keys in main function to access from here on

示例輸出如下。 BST 會相應地填充並且所有遍歷函數都運行良好。

Inorder traversal of the given tree
1(1) 2(3) 2(2) 2(1) 3(1) 5(1) 7(1) 9(1) 12(1)
Deepest unique keys of the given tree
1(1) -> C 0600 90 Work
2(1) -> U 1800 88 eve
3(1) -> C 1300 60 Lunch
5(1) -> C 4300 30 Diyoor
7(1) -> C 5608 30 Dinner
9(1) -> C 1409 35 t
12(1) -> C 1200 79 Meeting

-33686019  å, æ


我的問題是:如何打印和訪問unique的成員,為什么我會看到胡言亂語? 任何建議,將不勝感激。



1(1) -> C 0600 90 Work
2(1) -> U 1800 88 eve
3(1) -> C 1300 60 Lunch
5(1) -> C 4300 30 Diyoor
7(1) -> C 5608 30 Dinner
9(1) -> C 1409 35 t
12(1) -> C 1200 79 Meeting

我期望printf("%d %s\\n", data[1].KEY, data[1].command); 返回2 U

在 C 數組中,索引從 0 開始,而不是 1。通過嘗試訪問data[1]您正在訪問數據之后的垃圾。 printf 需要使用data[0]而不是data[1]

目前,您的代碼逐步遍歷樹並能夠很好地打印它,但是在內部調用 unique_key 時實際上並沒有收集任何結果,並且您的返回類型不足以返回事物列表(列表需要一個結尾,要么是一個大小變量,要么是一個空終止)。 您需要更改代碼以實際收集結果。 一種方法是使用基本向量(自擴展數組),如下所示:

struct MyVector {
  void **data;
  size_t head;
  size_t size;
MyVector new_MyVector(size_t initial_size)
  MyVector list = {
    .data = malloc(sizeof(void*) * initial_size),
    .head = 0,
    .size = initial_size,
  return list;
void push_MyVector(MyVector *vec, unique *item)
  if (vec->head <= vec->size) {
    vec->data = realloc(*vec->data)
    vec->size *= 2;
  vec->data[vec->head] = item;


unique* unique_key(struct node *root, MyVector *list) {
  unique *left = unique_key(root->left);
  push_MyVector(list, left)
  unique *right = unique_key(root->right);
  push_MyVector(list, right)

一些注意事項:因為 data 是一個雙指針,要釋放向量,您需要遍歷它並釋放每個單獨的項目。 我選擇將 data 設為雙指針以使您當前的代碼大部分兼容,但最好將其設為單指針,並​​直接讓您的函數寫入向量。 同樣沒有實現的是擴展向量,這樣你就不會用完空間,盡管定義了頭部和大小,你可以這樣做(只需查看如何使用 realloc )。



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