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[英]`js` and `jb` instructions in assembly

我很難理解jsjb指令的功能。 我知道如果在下面, jb會跳轉。 但是, jbjle之間的區別是什么。 同樣,在我看來, js等效於jb ,因為它表示如果簽名就跳轉。 任何幫助,將不勝感激。

jb (和ja )基於標志的無符號結果分支,而不是jgjgejljle的有符號分支條件。

在無符號比較中,MSB包含在數字本身中,而不表示其符號。 例如:

 ; Intel                          ; ; AT&T
 mov eax, 08000000h               ; mov $0x8000000, %eax
 mov ecx, 00000001h               ; mov $0x0000001, %ecx
 cmp eax, ecx                     ; cmp %ecx, %eax
 jl mybranch ; branch taken       ; jl mybranch ; branch taken


 mov eax, 08000000h               ; mov $0x8000000, %eax
 mov ecx, 00000001h               ; mov $0x0000001, %ecx
 cmp eax, ecx                     ; cmp %ecx, %eax
 jb mybranch ; branch not taken   ; jb mybranch ; branch not taken




Mnemonic        Condition tested  Description  
jo              OF = 1            overflow 
jno             OF = 0            not overflow 
jc, jb, jnae    CF = 1            carry / below / not above nor equal
jnc, jae, jnb   CF = 0            not carry / above or equal / not below
je, jz          ZF = 1            equal / zero
jne, jnz        ZF = 0            not equal / not zero
jbe, jna        CF or ZF = 1      below or equal / not above
ja, jnbe        CF or ZF = 0      above / not below or equal
js              SF = 1            sign 
jns             SF = 0            not sign 
jp, jpe         PF = 1            parity / parity even 
jnp, jpo        PF = 0            not parity / parity odd 
jl, jnge        SF xor OF = 1     less / not greater nor equal
jge, jnl        SF xor OF = 0     greater or equal / not less
jle, jng    (SF xor OF) or ZF = 1 less or equal / not greater
jg, jnle    (SF xor OF) or ZF = 0 greater / not less nor equal 


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