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在 Github Actions 上從 package.json 安裝私有 github 包

[英]Install private github package from package.json on Github Actions

我正在嘗試在我的項目中將 Github 操作作為 CI 實施。 問題是我在 package.json 上使用私有 git URL,但是 CI 出現錯誤,因為 Github 操作“以某種方式”無法訪問該存儲庫,這是不可能的,因為它位於同一個用戶帳戶上。



workflow "Github Actions" {
  on = "pull_request"
  resolves = ["Danger JS"]

action "Build" { <-------- This gets error
  uses = "actions/npm@master"
  args = "install"

action "Linter" {
  uses = "actions/npm@master"
  needs = "Build"
  runs = "lint"

action "Test" {
  needs = "Linter"
  uses = "actions/npm@master"
  args = "test"

action "Danger JS" {
  uses = "danger/danger-js@master"
  needs = ["Test"]
  secrets = ["DANGERJS_TOKEN"]


Successfully built xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Successfully tagged gcr.io/xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Pulling image: gcr.io/github-actions-development/action-runner:latest
latest: Pulling from github-actions-development/action-runner
xxxxxxxxxxxxx: Pulling fs layer
xxxxxxxxxxxxx: Verifying Checksum
xxxxxxxxxxxxx: Download complete
xxxxxxxxxxxxx: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Status: Downloaded newer image for gcr.io/github-actions-development/action-runner:latest
npm ERR! code ENOGIT
npm ERR! Error while executing:
This package is on same user account but github actions doesn't have access anyhow ------> npm ERR! undefined ls-remote -h -t ssh://git@github.com/test-user/react-test-package.git 
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! undefined
npm ERR! No git binary found in $PATH
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Failed using git.
npm ERR! Please check if you have git installed and in your PATH.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /github/home/.npm/_logs/2018-12-04T13_03_05_291Z-debug.log

### FAILED Build

您可以將具有注冊表讀取權限的 authToken 放入運行npm install存儲庫中的.npmrc中。



現在有一個專門的動作來自動設置 nodejs,它被稱為actions/setup-node


- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/setup-node@v1
    node-version: '10.x'
    registry-url: 'https://registry.npmjs.org'
- run: npm install
    NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }}

它創建了一個本地 .npmrc 文件,該文件使用環境變量來獲取身份驗證令牌:


您可以使用 if 來定位任何私有注冊表,例如 GitHub 包


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