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使用 python win32com.client 在 Photoshop 中移動圖層

[英]move layer in Photoshop with python win32com.client

我一直在使用移動圖層功能,在 python 中編寫 photoshop 腳本。 層最終在其他層集內部而不是在它們之后,等等。

在 Photoshop 的 Javascript 中執行此操作的本機命令是:

layer.move(relativeObject, insertionLocation)

其中 insertionLocation 可以是:

ElementPlacement.INSIDE、ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING、ElementPlacement.PLACEATEND、ElementPlacement.PLACEBEFORE 或 ElementPlacement.PLACEAFTER


def moveLayer(layer, relativeLayer = None, placement = 3):
    if placement == PHAPS.ElementPlacementPLACEATEND:
        layers = PHAPS.app().ActiveDocument.layers
        relativeLayer = layers[len(layers) - 1]
        placement = PHAPS.ElementPlacementPLACEAFTER
    elif placement == PHAPS.ElementPlacementPLACEATBEGINNING:
        relativeLayer = PHAPS.app().ActiveDocument.layers[0]
        placement = PHAPS.ElementPlacementPLACEBEFORE
    layer.Move(relativeLayer, placement)


ElementPlacementPLACEATBEGINNING = 1
ElementPlacementINSIDE = 2
ElementPlacementPLACEBEFORE = 3
ElementPlacementPLACEAFTER = 4
ElementPlacementPLACEATEND = 5

我已經嘗試對這些常量的原始值進行跟蹤,但 Photoshop 可以很好地隱藏它們。 我也嘗試過 Action Manager 代碼,但我發現它有點難以理解。

有誰知道使用 python 在 photoshop 中移動圖層的可靠方法? 首選 Action Manager 代碼,但不是必需的。

您好,您可以使用這些方法代替 .Move()

def MoveAfter(self, RelativeObject=defaultNamedNotOptArg):
    'Move the PageItem in behind object'
    return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(1299596641, LCID, 1, (24, 0), ((9, 1),),RelativeObject

def MoveBefore(self, RelativeObject=defaultNamedNotOptArg):
    'Move the PageItem in front of object'
    return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(1299596642, LCID, 1, (24, 0), ((9, 1),),RelativeObject

def MoveToBeginning(self, Container=defaultNamedNotOptArg):
    'Move the PageItem to beginning of container'
    return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(1299596646, LCID, 1, (24, 0), ((9, 1),),Container

def MoveToEnd(self, Container=defaultNamedNotOptArg):
    'Move the PageItem to end of container'
    return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(1299596645, LCID, 1, (24, 0), ((9, 1),),Container


  • RelativeObject = 是相對圖層引用
  • Container = 是圖層所在的文檔


from win32com.client import Dispatch

app = Dispatch("Photoshop.Application")
doc = app.Open(r"hereTheProjectPath.psd")
layerRefA = doc.ArtLayers.Add()

layerRefB = doc.ArtLayers.Add()


psPlaceInside                 =0          # from enum PsElementPlacement
psPlaceAtBeginning            =1          # from enum PsElementPlacement
psPlaceAtEnd                  =2          # from enum PsElementPlacement
psPlaceBefore                 =3          # from enum PsElementPlacement
psPlaceAfter                  =4          # from enum PsElementPlacement


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