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Highchart - 我必須刷新頁面才能看到新數據

[英]Highchart - I have to refresh the page to see new data

下面是圖表代碼,我的問題是需要使用 JSON 來獲取更新的數據。 我不希望重新渲染整個圖表,而只想重新渲染蠟燭(添加新的)。

我想必須有一個循環通過循環 JSON 並創建一個 chart.update 來查看新數據中的每一秒?



$.getJSON('/api/v1/public/getcharts?market=BTC-'+coinsymbol, function (data) {

    // split the data set into trading and volume
    var trading = [],
        volume = [],
        dataLength = data.length,
        // set the allowed units for data grouping
        groupingUnits = [[
            'hour',                         // unit name
            [1]                             // allowed multiples
        ], [
            [1, 7]

        i = 0;

    for (i; i < dataLength; i += 1) {
            data[i][0], // the date
            data[i][1], // open
            data[i][2], // high
            data[i][3], // low
            data[i][4] // close

            data[i][0], // the date
            data[i][5] // the volume

    // create the chart

    Highcharts.stockChart('container', {
        title: {
            text: null
        scrollbar: {
              enabled: false

        credits: {
          enabled: false

         chart: {

            renderTo: 'container',
    backgroundColor: 'none',


         rangeSelector: {
      selected: 2,
             buttons: [{
                 type: 'hour',
                 count: 1,
                 text: '1h'
             }, {
                 type: 'day',
                 count: 1,
                 text: '1D'
             }, {
                 type: 'day',
                 count: 7,
                 text: '7D'
             }, {
                 type: 'month',
                 count: 1,
                 text: '1M'
             }, {
                 type: 'all',
                 count: 1,
                 text: 'All'
             selected: 5,
             inputEnabled: false
     legend: {
                     enabled: false

     exporting: {
                     enabled: false
     plotOptions: {

      candlestick: {    
        lineColor: '#E75162',           
           upLineColor: '#5BB789',
           upColor: '#5BB789',
           color: '#E75162'
        yAxis: [{
            crosshair: {
            snap: false

            height: '100%',

            resize: {
                enabled: false
        }, {

            top: '100%',
            height: '10%',
            offset: 0

        tooltip: { enabled: false },

        series: [

            type: 'candlestick',
            name: coinsymbol,
            data: trading,
            dataGrouping: {
                units: groupingUnits
        }, {
            type: 'column',
            name: coinsymbol+' Volume',
            data: volume,
            yAxis: 1,
            dataGrouping: {
                units: groupingUnits

- - -代碼 - - -

$.getJSON('/api/v1/public/getcharts?market=BTC-'+coinsymbol, function (data) {

// split the data set into trading and volume
var trading = [],
    volume = [],
    dataLength = data.length,
    // set the allowed units for data grouping
    groupingUnits = [[
        'hour',                         // unit name
        [1]                             // allowed multiples
    ], [
        [1, 7]

    i = 0;

for (i; i < dataLength; i += 1) {
        data[i][0], // the date
        data[i][1], // open
        data[i][2], // high
        data[i][3], // low
        data[i][4] // close

        data[i][0], // the date
        data[i][5] // the volume

// create the chart

Highcharts.stockChart('container', {
    title: {
        text: null
    scrollbar: {
          enabled: false

    credits: {
      enabled: false

     chart: {

        renderTo: 'container',
backgroundColor: 'none',


     rangeSelector: {
  selected: 2,
         buttons: [{
             type: 'hour',
             count: 1,
             text: '1h'
         }, {
             type: 'day',
             count: 1,
             text: '1D'
         }, {
             type: 'day',
             count: 7,
             text: '7D'
         }, {
             type: 'month',
             count: 1,
             text: '1M'
         }, {
             type: 'all',
             count: 1,
             text: 'All'
         selected: 5,
         inputEnabled: false
 legend: {
                 enabled: false

 exporting: {
                 enabled: false
 plotOptions: {

  candlestick: {    
    lineColor: '#E75162',           
       upLineColor: '#5BB789',
       upColor: '#5BB789',
       color: '#E75162'
    yAxis: [{
        crosshair: {
        snap: false

        height: '100%',

        resize: {
            enabled: false
    }, {

        top: '100%',
        height: '10%',
        offset: 0

    tooltip: { enabled: false },

    series: [

        type: 'candlestick',
        name: coinsymbol,
        data: trading,
        dataGrouping: {
            units: groupingUnits
    }, {
        type: 'column',
        name: coinsymbol+' Volume',
        data: volume,
        yAxis: 1,
        dataGrouping: {
            units: groupingUnits


在 google 上快速查看 highcharts api ,您可能需要一個事件屬性,然后是 load 屬性,以及您的邏輯,其中可能包括類似的內容

chart: {
    events: {
        load: function () {

            // here's how you would access your series
            var series = this.series[0];
            setInterval(function () {
                //modify your series here.
            }, 1000);


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