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[英]How do I call a built-in Dyon function from Rust?

我正在嘗試從Rust調用Dyon內置函數( sin ):

use dyon::{Module, Runtime, Variable};
use std::sync::Arc;

fn main() {
    let mut dyon_runtime = Runtime::new();
    let module = Module::new();
    let dyon_module = Arc::new(module);
    let v = dyon_runtime.call_str_ret("sin", &[Variable::f64(0.0)], &dyon_module);
    match v {
        Err(e) => {
            eprintln!("Error: {:?}", e);
        Ok(v) => {
            println!("Called sin - result {:?}", v);


Error: "Could not find function `sin`"


我在這里無法解釋設計決策,但是call_str_ret 僅處理已加載的 函數 ,而不處理外部函數或內部函數


use dyon::{Module, Runtime, Variable};
use std::sync::Arc;

fn main() {
    let mut dyon_runtime = Runtime::new();
    let mut module = Module::new();

    let shim = Arc::new("do_it(x) = sin(x)".into());
    dyon::load_str("main.rs", shim, &mut module).expect("Unable to load shim function");
    let dyon_module = Arc::new(module);

    let v = dyon_runtime.call_str_ret("do_it", &[Variable::f64(90.0)], &dyon_module);
    match v {
        Err(e) => {
            eprintln!("Error: {:?}", e);
        Ok(v) => {
            println!("Called sin - result {:?}", v);
Called sin - result F64(0.8939966636005579, None)

call_str()只關心一種類型的函數調用。 我不知道他們為什么要這樣做,但是一種解決方案是自己做:

use dyon::{ast, Module, Runtime, Variable};
use range::Range;
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::sync::Arc;

fn main() {
    let mut dyon_runtime = Runtime::new();
    let module = Module::new();

    let name: Arc<String> = Arc::new("sin".into());
    let f_index = Cell::new(module.find_function(&name, 0));
    let args = vec![ast::Expression::Variable(Box::new((
        Variable::F64(1.0, None),
    let call = ast::Call {
        alias: None,
        custom_source: None,
        source_range: Range::empty(0),
    let dyon_module = Arc::new(module);
    println!("{:?}", dyon_runtime.call(&call, &dyon_module));

其他兩個答案都導致我找到了一種在兩種情況下都可以正常使用的解決方案:我將Runtime.call_str_ret修改為使用module.find_function所有非結果。 IMO代碼實際上比運行時中的原始版本干凈。 我已經為此提交了一個PR,該PR已被合並,因此Dyon在0.40.0之后的版本將具有call_str_ret用於內置函數。

如果您不能使用更新版本的Dyon,則可以從以下位置手動應用補丁: https : //github.com/PistonDevelopers/dyon/pull/582


use dyon::{Module, Runtime, Variable};
use std::sync::Arc;

extern crate range;

/// Call function by name, returning a value.
pub fn call_str_ret_ex(
    runtime:&mut Runtime,
    function: &str,
    args: &[Variable],
    module: &Arc<Module>
) -> Result<Variable, String> {
    use std::cell::Cell;
    use range::Range;
    use dyon::FnIndex;
    use dyon::runtime::Flow;
    use dyon::ast;

    let name: Arc<String> = Arc::new(function.into());
    let fn_index = module.find_function(&name, 0);
    if let FnIndex::None = fn_index {
        return Err(format!("Could not find function `{}`",function))

    let call = ast::Call {
        alias: None,
        name: name.clone(),
        f_index: Cell::new(fn_index),
        args: args.iter()
                .map(|arg| ast::Expression::Variable(Box::new((
                            Range::empty(0), arg.clone()))))
        custom_source: None,
        source_range: Range::empty(0),
    match runtime.call(&call, &module) {
        Ok((Some(val), Flow::Continue)) => Ok(val),
        Err(err) => Err(err),
        _ => Err("Error during call".to_owned())


def test_dyon_fn(
    dyon_runtime: &mut Runtime
    module: &Module,
    fn: &str,
    let v = call_str_ret_ex(&mut dyon_runtime, fn, &[Variable::f64(0.0)], &dyon_module);
match v {
    Err(e) => {
        eprintln!("Error: {:?}", e);
    Ok(v) => {
        println!("Called {:?}  - result {:?}", fn, v);

fn main() {
    let mut dyon_runtime = Runtime::new();
    let mut module = Module::new();
    let shim = Arc::new("sin_shim(x) = sin(x)".into());
    dyon::load_str("main.rs", shim, &mut module).expect("Unable to load shim function");
    let dyon_module = Arc::new(module);

    test_dyon_fn(&mut dyon_runtime, &dyon_module, "sin");
    test_dyon_fn(&mut dyon_runtime, &dyon_module, "sin_shim");
    test_dyon_fn(&mut dyon_runtime, &dyon_module, "no_such");


Called sin - result F64(0.0, None)
Called sin_shim - result F64(0.0, None)
Error: "Could not find function `no_such`"


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