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[英]Macro to Copy Cells from one Column to the Clipboard if Another Column Equals Value

我有大量的聯系人,我想要一個宏,如果將其電子郵件地址(列J)復制到剪貼板,則將其復制到剪貼板(列C中的=“ a”)。

聯系人列表不斷進行編輯,其中一些被刪除,而另一些則被添加。 我將數據信息的上方和下方的行命名為函數引用,該行與我的其他宏配合得很好。

Sub CopySelected()
Dim oData As New DataObject 
oData.SetText Text:=Empty 'Clear
With Worksheets("Master")
    For Each Cell In Range(.Cells(.Range("BorderFirstRow").Row + 1, "C"), _
                .Cells(.Range("BorderLastRow").Row - 1, "C"))
        If Cell.Value = "a" Then

        End If
    End With
End Sub

如果列C =“ A”,宏需要如何復制電子郵件地址列J?

這是一個包含虛擬數據的虛擬工作表。 希望它像你一樣: 在此處輸入圖片說明 下面的代碼對我來說沒有錯誤:

Sub CopyToClip()

Dim ClipB As New DataObject
Dim RangeToConsider As Range
Dim strAddresses As String

    ' set the range
    ' here just set the relevant range from the C column
        Set RangeToConsider = Range("E4:E7") ' in my case!
For Each cell In RangeToConsider
    If cell.Value = "a" Or cell.Value = "A" Then
        If Not (Trim(cell.Offset(0, -2).Value) = "") Then
           strAddresses = strAddresses & "; " & cell.Offset(0, -2).Value
        end if
    End If
strAddresses = Mid(strAddresses, 2) ' delete the first semicolon
strAddresses = strAddresses & ";" ' add a semicolon at the end
strAddresses = Trim(strAddresses) ' delete spaces if any
Debug.Print strAddresses
ClipB.SetText strAddresses
Debug.Print ClipB.GetText()
End Sub

因此,運行該過程后,我可以粘貼“名稱; AnotherName;”


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