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覆蓋 required_without_all laravel 的單個消息

[英]Override single message for required_without_all laravel

我一直將 required_without_all 用於 laravel 中至少需要的一個字段。 這是我的規則代碼

'rental_company_id'         => 'required_without_all:camper_id,take_over_station_id,returnable_station_id',
'camper_id'                 => 'required_without_all:rental_company_id,take_over_station_id,returnable_station_id',
'take_over_station_id'      => 'required_without_all:rental_company_id,camper_id,returnable_station_id',
'returnable_station_id'     => 'required_without_all:rental_company_id,camper_id,take_over_station_id',

這是我的自定義消息,它將覆蓋 laravel 生成的默認消息

'rental_company_id.required_without_all'                => 'The Rental Companies is required when none of Campers, Takeover stations and Returnable stations are present.',
'camper_id.required_without_all'                        => 'The Campers is required when none of Rental Companies, Takeover stations and Returnable stations are present.',
'take_over_station_id.required_without_all'             => 'The Takeover stations is required when none of Campers, Rental Companies and Returnable stations are present.',
'returnable_station_id.required_without_all'            => 'The Returnable stations is required when none of Campers, Rental Companies and Takeover stations are present.',

而不是向用戶顯示多行錯誤消息。 有什么方法可以將這四條消息總結為一條消息,例如



有一種非常簡單的方法可以實現這一目標。 將規則應用到一個ids字段,然后在required_without_all之后包含您想要應用驗證的所有實際字段。 並且只有一個相應的驗證消息。

$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
            'ids' => 'required_without_all:rental_company_id,camper_id,take_over_station_id, returnable_station_id'
            ], [
            'required_without_all' => 'One of the following Season,Rental companies,... must be present.'


  1. 在控制器中,給您的字段自定義相同的錯誤消息(即不要使用:attribute ):
public function foo(Request $request)
            // the "at least one of these" fields must be grouped together here.
            'field_1' => 'required_without_all:field_2|nullable|etc',
            'field_2' => 'required_without_all:field_1|nullable|etc',
            // etc...
            'field_1.required_without_all' => 'At least one is required',
            'field_2.required_without_all' => 'At least one is required',
            // etc...
            // If this list of fields is the only time you're using
            // required_without_all, you can just use a single catch-all
            // ['required_without_all' => 'message'] instead
  1. 然后,在您的視圖中檢查重復的錯誤消息,因為您正在循環/編寫它們:
@if ($errors->any())
        @foreach ($errors->all() as $error)
            @if ($error !== ($prevError ?? ''))
                <li>{{ $prevError = $error }}</li>

PHP 的一個怪癖(?)是它在變量賦值時返回分配的值,這就是為什么我們的<li>項目仍將包含“至少一個必需的”錯誤文本。 空合並?? 只是為了在分配$prevError之前foreach不會在第一個循環中中斷。

再次......我不確定我是否可以正確推薦這樣做 - 有幾個原因導致它不是最理想的。 但是,如果您需要一種快速而骯臟的方法來實現“至少其中一個”類型規則,您可能會發現它很有用。


return [
    'required_without_all' => 'One of the field must be present.'


$messages = [
    'required_without_all' => 'One of the field must be present.',

$validator = Validator::make($input, $rules, $messages);

編輯:另一種方法是檢查您的 MessageBag 是否包含這些字段之一的錯誤,然后在您的視圖中相應地顯示另一個。 例如:

@if (
    || $errors->has('camper_id')
    || $errors->has('take_over_station_id') 
    || $errors->has('returnable_station_id')
) {
    // display the error message you need


通過添加自定義規則php artisan make:rule AssignDataValidation

 * Determine if the validation rule passes.
 * @param  string  $attribute
 * @param  mixed  $value
 * @return bool
public function passes($attribute, $value)
    $isSet = false;
    $input = Input::all();
    foreach (Discount::ASSIGNED_DATA_FIELD as $data){
        if (isset($input[$data])){
            $isSet = true;
    return $isSet;

 * Get the validation error message.
 * @return string
public function message()
    return 'One of the following Season, Rental companies,... must be present.';


protected function getValidatorInstance()
    $validator = parent::getValidatorInstance();
    $validator -> after(function ($validator){
        $timeDataValidation     = new TimeDataValidation;
        $assignDataValidation   = new AssignDataValidation;
        if (!$timeDataValidation -> passes(TimeDataValidation::FIELD,Discount::TIME_DATA_FIELD)){
            $validator -> errors() -> add(TimeDataValidation::FIELD,$timeDataValidation -> message());
        if (!$assignDataValidation -> passes(AssignDataValidation::FIELD,Discount::ASSIGNED_DATA_FIELD)){
            $validator -> errors() -> add(AssignDataValidation::FIELD,$assignDataValidation -> message());
    return $validator;


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