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[英]how to fix timing of result for getTotalLength() of svg in vuejs?

this.$refs.pathID.getTotalLength()在應該返回長度時返回0 ,在應該返回0時返回長度。

我的 vue 組件是一個 svg 路徑元素,有一個按鈕可以切換路徑。 切換是通過將路徑的d屬性綁定到名為path的屬性來完成的。 有一個在mount上運行的函數,它為d屬性生成值,我將此值設置為一個名為pathValue的屬性。 所以,如果clicked == true那么path = pathValue ,否則path = null 這按預期工作。

我進一步watch path ,以便在發生更改時(onclick),然后應重新計算路徑長度,並將其值設置為 css 自定義變量。


    <svg viewBox="0 0 415 200">
      <path ref="pathID" :d=path />

    <button @click="show()">nsr</button>


  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        path: null,
        clicked: true,
        pathValue: null,
        pathLength: 0

    methods: {
      show() {
        if(this.clicked) {
          this.path = this.pathValue
          this.clicked = !this.clicked
        } else {
          this.path = null
          this.clicked = !this.clicked

      generatePath() {
        // generates a string value for the d-attribute were binding to path
        let path = "M410 100,"
        for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
          path += `
          q-5 -20, -10 0, 
          s-5 -100, -10 -0, 
          s-5 50, -10 0, 
          q-10 -20, -20 0, 
        return path

    mounted() {
      this.pathValue = this.generatePath()

    watch: {

      path: function() {
        // trigger computed setter here when path is changed onclick
        this.calculatePathLength = this.$refs.pathID
      pathLength: function() {

        // set custom variable here
      this.$refs.pathID.style.setProperty("--path-length", this.calculatePathLength)
      console.log('value of computed property: ' + this.calculatePathLength)

    computed: {
      calculatePathLength: {
        get: function() {

          return this.pathLength
        set: function(x) {

          this.pathLength = x.getTotalLength()
          console.log('path length is: ' + this.pathLength)


所以預期的結果應該是應該記錄 pathLength,它是。 但是當它應該是非零時它是零,當它應該是零時它是非零

當您更改this.path時,您需要給 svg 元素重新繪制的時間,然后才能計算新的getTotalLength()

Vue 正是為此目的提供了this.$nextTick()函數。 要使您的代碼在上面工作:

watch: {
    path: function() {
        // trigger computed setter here when path is changed onclick
        this.$nextTick(()=>this.calculatePathLength = this.$refs.pathID);

這個問題在這里的 vue 論壇上得到了回答,解釋是在測量路徑長度之前沒有給 svg 足夠的時間來更新,這就是vue.$nextTick()的目的。 這是解決上述情況的代碼:

    watch: {

      path() {
        this.$nextTick(() => this.pathLength = this.$refs.pathID.getTotalLength());



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