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[英]How to compare two big arrays of objects on identity

我必須在react componentwillreceiveprops中比較兩個對象的大數組。 我擁有261個國家。 例如,它從此開始。

  countries = [ {id: 1, name: "Australia", code: "AU", isRemoved: false} ... 261 objects ] 

我必須比較下一個道具將要接收的數組與我當前的國家數組絕對相同,即所有屬性,長度,屬性值,所有條件都相等。 請幫我。 我寫了這樣的東西,但我知道只是==不正確。

 if (this.state.countriesInitial !== countries) {//TODO: compare arrays this.setState({ countriesInitial: countries }) } 

任何答案都將記入帳戶。 也許lodash有一些方法可以簡化任務,我不知道。 任何答案都將被考慮。 提前致謝。


var arr1 = [ /* Very long array */ ],
    arr2 = [ /* Also long array */ ];
var equalArrays = _.isEqual(arr1, arr2);


var arr1 = [ /* Very long array */ ],
    arr2 = [ /* Also long array */ ];
var equalArrays = JSON.stringify(arr1) == JSON.stringify(arr2);


 const arr1 = [ { id:1, name: 'Australia' }, { id:2, name: 'Greece' } ]; const arr2 = [ { id:1, name: 'Australia' }, { id:2, name: 'Greece' } ]; function arraysEqual(arr1, arr2) { return JSON.stringify(arr1) === JSON.stringify(arr2); } const compare = arraysEqual(arr1, arr2); console.log(compare); 

如果我理解您的問題,您正在嘗試查看兩個對象數組是否相等。 在香草JS中可以做到這一點的一種方法是使用JSON.stringify()

 const countries = [{id: 1, name: "Australia", code: "AU", isRemoved: false}], nextProp = [{id: 1, name: "Australia", code: "AU", isRemoved: false}], checkEq = (arr, arr2) => JSON.stringify(arr) === JSON.stringify(arr2) console.log(checkEq(countries, nextProp)); // true console.log(checkEq([{a: 1}], [{a: 1}, {b: 2}])); // false 



 const arr1 = [ {id: 1, name: "Australia", code: "AU", isRemoved: false}, {id: 2, name: "France", code: "FR", isRemoved: false} ]; const arr2 = [ {id: 1, name: "Australia", code: "AU", isRemoved: false}, {id: 2, name: "France", code: "FR", isRemoved: false} ]; const arr3 = [ {id: 1, name: "Austria", code: "AS", isRemoved: false}, {id: 2, name: "France", code: "FR", isRemoved: false} ]; console.log(JSON.stringify(arr1) === JSON.stringify(arr2)); console.log(JSON.stringify(arr1) === JSON.stringify(arr3)); 



 const sameEntries = (x, y) => { const xEntries = Object.entries(x); if (xEntries.length !== Object.entries(y).length) return false; return xEntries.every(([k,v]) => y[k] === v); } const sameArrays = (arr1, arr2) => arr1.length === arr2.length && arr1.every((x, i) => sameEntries(x, arr2[i])); const arr1 = [ {id: 1, name: "Australia", code: "AU", isRemoved: false}, {id: 2, name: "France", code: "FR", isRemoved: false} ]; const arr2 = [ {id: 1, name: "Australia", code: "AU", isRemoved: false}, {id: 2, name: "France", code: "FR", isRemoved: false} ]; const arr3 = [ {id: 1, name: "Austria", code: "AS", isRemoved: false}, {id: 2, name: "France", code: "FR", isRemoved: false} ]; console.log(sameArrays(arr1, arr2)); console.log(sameArrays(arr1, arr3)); 



const companies = [
    {name: "blueweb360", category: "internet", start: 2013, end: 2014},
    {name: "Himo", category: "internet", start: 2015, end: 2016},
    {name: "blue", category: "IOT", start: 2014, end: 2017},
    {name: "waac", category: "Tech", start: 2016, end: 2019}



const retail = companies.filter(iterator => iterator.category == "internet")

document.write(JSON.stringify(retail)) //or you can write console.log(retail)

僅使用or(||)和and(&&)使用過濾器就可以編寫多個條件。 filter是JS ES6方法,適合解決此類問題。


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