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標志忽略屬性 build_runner 的序列化

[英]Flag to ignore serialization of property build_runner

有沒有辦法忽略 JsonSerializable 類中屬性的序列化?

我正在使用 build_runner 生成映射代碼。

實現此目的的一種方法是在 .g.dart 文件中注釋該特定屬性的映射,盡管如果可以在屬性上添加忽略屬性會很棒。

import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';

part 'example.g.dart';

class Example {
  Example({this.a, this.b, this.c,});

  int a;
  int b;

  /// Ignore this property
  int c;

  factory Example.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$ExampleToJson(this);


Example _$ExampleFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
  return Example(a: json['a'] as int, b: json['b'] as int, c: json['c'] as int);

Map<String, dynamic> _$ExampleToJson(Example instance) =>
    <String, dynamic>{'a': instance.a, 'b': instance.b, 'c': instance.c};

我所做的就是通過注釋 c 的映射來實現這一點。

Example _$ExampleFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
  return Example(a: json['a'] as int, b: json['b'] as int, c: json['c'] as int);

Map<String, dynamic> _$ExampleToJson(Example instance) =>
    <String, dynamic>{'a': instance.a, 'b': instance.b, /* 'c': instance.c */};

在不想包含的字段前添加@JsonKey(ignore: true)

 @JsonKey(ignore: true)
 int c;


解決方法是將屬性設置為null並將includeIfNull標志設置為 false:

toNull(_) => null;

class User with _$User {
  const factory User({

    @JsonKey(toJson: toNull, includeIfNull: false)
        bool someReadOnlyProperty,
  }) = _User;

  factory User.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$UserFromJson(json);


/// user.g.dart

Map<String, dynamic> _$$_UserToJson(_$_User instance) {
  final val = <String, dynamic>{

  void writeNotNull(String key, dynamic value) {
    if (value != null) {
      val[key] = value;

  writeNotNull('someReadOnlyProperty', toNull(instance.someReadOnlyProperty));
  return val;


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