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如何在 Python 中找到矩陣的最大數的索引?

[英]How do I find the index of the greatest number of a matrix in Python?

m -> 我的矩陣

m = [[19, 17, 12], [6, 9, 3], [8, 11, 1], [18, 1, 12]]

max -> 我已經找到了最大的數字

max = 19 


for i in range(len(m)):
  for c in m[i]:
    if c==19:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#97>", line 4, in <module>
ValueError: 19 is not in list


從我個人的“備忘單”或“HS-nebula”提出的numpy 文檔

import numpy as np

mat = np.array([[1.3,3.4,0.1],[4.0,3.2,4.5]])

i, j = np.unravel_index(mat.argmax(), mat.shape)

# or the equivalent:
idx = np.unravel_index(mat.argmax(), mat.shape)

您需要使用numpy 這是一個工作代碼。 使用numpy.array ,您可以從中進行許多計算。

import numpy as np
mar = np.array([[19, 17, 12], [6, 9, 3], [8, 11, 1], [18, 1, 12]])
# also OK with
# mar = [[19, 17, 12], [6, 9, 3], [8, 11, 1], [18, 1, 12]]
test_num = 19   # max(mar.flatten()) --> 19
for irow, row in enumerate(mar):
    #print(irow, row)
    for icol, col in enumerate(row):
        #print(icol, col)
        if col==test_num:
            print("** Index of {}(row,col): ".format(test_num), irow, icol)


** Index of 19(row,col):  0 0

如果你使用test_num = 11 ,你會得到** Index of 11(row,col): 2 1

你不需要 numpy 你可以同時搜索 max 和搜索索引。

m = [[19, 17, 12], [6, 9, 3], [8, 11, 1], [18, 1, 12]]
max_index_row = 0
max_index_col = 0
for i in range(len(m)):
  for ii in range(len(m[i])):
    if m[i][ii] > m[max_index_row][max_index_col]:
      max_index_row = i
      max_index_col = ii
print('max at '+str(max_index_row)+','+str(max_index_col)+'('+str(m[max_index_row][max_index_col])+')')

輸出: max at 0,0(19)

m = [[19, 17, 12], [20, 9, 3], [8, 11, 1], [18, 1, 12]]

max at 1,0(20)

使用numpy更簡單。 您可以使用以下方法找到矩陣(數組)中最大值的坐標 (xi, yi):

import numpy as np
m = np.array([[19, 17, 12], [6, 9, 3], [8, 11, 1], [18, 1, 12]])
i = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(m), m.shape)


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