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[英]files limit in google cloud platform in angular universal project

好吧,我正在嘗試按照一些教程在Google雲平台上部署Universal Angular項目。

該項目在本地工作正常<它只是一個空的Universal Angular項目>。


gcloud app deploy

這里有一個難題部分:它給了我一個錯誤: ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) INVALID_ARGUMENT: This deployment has too many files. New versions are limited to 10000 files for this app. - '@type': type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.BadRequest fieldViolations: - description: This deployment has too many files. New versions are limited to 10000 files for this app. field: version.deployment.files[...] ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) INVALID_ARGUMENT: This deployment has too many files. New versions are limited to 10000 files for this app. - '@type': type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.BadRequest fieldViolations: - description: This deployment has too many files. New versions are limited to 10000 files for this app. field: version.deployment.files[...] ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) INVALID_ARGUMENT: This deployment has too many files. New versions are limited to 10000 files for this app. - '@type': type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.BadRequest fieldViolations: - description: This deployment has too many files. New versions are limited to 10000 files for this app. field: version.deployment.files[...]嗯,我正在使用谷歌的免費計划:


  • 谷歌雲平台是否嘗試上傳Universal Angular項目文件夾中的所有文件<由於node_modules文件夾而導致的文件夾>
  • 谷歌雲平台是否將文件數量限制為10000? 如果是這樣,我怎樣才能將通用項目上傳到谷歌雲平台? 我必須升級我的計划嗎?


我假設這是因為你的node_modules文件夾也上傳了。 app.yaml有一個skip_files選項,您可能需要使用該選項來確保不會推送node_modules目錄。

app.yaml docs


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