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查詢來自逗號分隔的JSON mysql字段的報告

[英]Query Reports from comma separated JSON mysql field

這是我的第一個問題。 如果我不符合規定的規則,請道歉。 我盡我所能

問題 - 我正在處理一個項目的問題。 它以醫療為基礎。 我需要這三個表來從DB結構中獲取報告 -

diseaseTable which has columns
diseaseID | diseaseName
diseaseID stores an integer i.e 1, 3, 4,..
dieseaseName stores name of disease e.g Hypertension, Malaria, ..e.tc


patientID - which is an autoincrement int
patientName - name of patient
created_at - date and time of registration of the patient


treatmentID -autoincrement int
patient - contains the id of the patient which is a foreing key of patientsTable
created_at and updated_at for timestamps
diseaseTreated (which is my column of interest) Stores values in json comma separated fields. 

我已經檢查了https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=mysql+comma+separated+fields的所有結果,但似乎沒有解決我的問題。 我已經檢查了重構mysql架構的方法,但是我會有太多的表來存儲每個病人診斷出來的疾病。 此外,一名患者可能被診斷患有多種疾病,並且可以隨時添加疾病。 我可能有近100個。 如果高血壓的ID是1且關節炎是2,則兩者都患有diseaseTreated field with "1","2" in the treatment table

預期的解決方案 - 我需要首次獲得第一次或第二次治療特定疾病的報告,以及更多,即重新治療相同疾病的治療(如果我想知道有多少例高血壓患者是第一次時間,以及有多少高血壓病例復發)

示例 - 新案例報告

Disease | New Cases
Hypertension | 4

示例 - 復發病例報告

Disease | New Cases
Hypertension | 1
Arthritis    | 2


$countedDiseaseCases = DB::select('select * from treatmentTable where JSON_CONTAINS(diseases, \'[\"'.$diseaseID.'\"]\')')

這個會讓我得到具有特定疾病的行,並通過在結果上使用php count()我得到一個int為3,這是好的,但我沒有把它放在我期望過濾器和區分新的和經常性的情況。




//example deseaseTreated value 
  "deseases": [
$records = DB::select('select * from treatment');
$diseases = DB::select('select * from diseases');
foreach ($diseases as $disease) {
    $disease['count_new'] = 0;
foreach ($records as $record) {
    $json = json_decode($record['diseaseTreated']);
    foreach ($json['diseases'] as disease_index) {
    if ($disease_index['isNew']) {
        foreach ($diseases as &$d) {
            if ($d['diseaseID'] == $disease_index['diseaseID']) {


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