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[英]How to solve “The return type 'DocumentReference ()' isn't a 'DocumentReference ()', as defined by the method” error?

我有3個函數, doesNameAlreadyExist檢查文檔是否存在。 順便說一句,我對這些方法的改進持開放態度。

   Future<bool> doesNameAlreadyExist(String name) async {

      QuerySnapshot queryDb = await Firestore.instance
          .where("city", isEqualTo: '${name}')
      final List<DocumentSnapshot> documents = queryDb.documents;
      return documents.length == 1;
// I have to return DocumentReference if document is exists,
// Even though, it's not on the scope of this particular problem,
// I'm open to ideas. Maybe I can return a map, bool and reference combined



    Future<DocumentReference> pushNameToFirestore(PlaceDetails pd) async {

      Future<DocumentReference> justAddedRef = Firestore.instance.collection('locations').add(<String, String>{
        'city': '${pd.name}',
        'image': '${buildPhotoURL(pd.photos[0].photoReference)}',
      return justAddedRef;

在這里,我正在檢查,然后推動上述功能。 但是我無法返回文檔參考。

    DocumentReference firestoreCheckAndPush() async {
     bool nameExists =  await doesNameAlreadyExist(placeDetail.name);
     // TODO notify user with snackbar and return reference
     DocumentReference locationDocumentRef;
     if(nameExists) {
       print('name exist');
     } else {
         locationDocumentRef = await pushNameToFirestore(placeDetail);
        return locationDocumentRef; // Error is here

我認為這里的問題是你不等待你的DocumentReference ,所以你返回Future而不是實際預期的DocumentReference


    Future<DocumentReference> pushNameToFirestore(PlaceDetails pd) async {

      DocumentReference justAddedRef = await Firestore.instance.collection('locations').add(<String, String>{
        'city': '${pd.name}',
        'image': '${buildPhotoURL(pd.photos[0].photoReference)}',
      return justAddedRef;

這是一篇關於未來和異步的精彩文章: 鏈接到文章



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