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C++ - 不允許抽象類類型的對象

[英]C++ - Object of abstract class type is not allowed

目前正在研究由可調整大小的數組控制的堆棧的實現。 嘗試實例化ResizableArrayStack的新對象會出錯。

E0322   object of abstract class type "csc232::ResizableArrayStack" is not allowed: ResizableArrayStack.cpp 107
            function "csc232::ResizableArrayStack::isEmpty [with ItemType=int]" is a pure virtual function
            function "csc232::ResizableArrayStack::push [with ItemType=int]" is a pure virtual function
            function "csc232::ResizableArrayStack::pop [with ItemType=int]" is a pure virtual function
            function "csc232::ResizableArrayStack::peek [with ItemType=int]" is a pure virtual function


#include "pch.h"
#pragma once

namespace csc232 {
    template<typename ItemType>
    class StackInterface {
         * Sees whether the stack is empty.
         * @return True if the stack is empty, or false if not.
        virtual bool isEmpty() const = 0;

         * Adds a new entry to the top of this stack.
         * @param  newEntry The object to be added as a new entry.
         * @return True if the addition is successful or false if not.
         * @post   If the operation was successful, newEntry is at the top of the stack.
        virtual bool push(const ItemType &newEntry) = 0;

         * Removes the top of this stack.
         * @return True if the removal was successful or false if not.
         * @post   If the operation was successful, the top of the stack has been removed.
        virtual bool pop() = 0;

         * Returns a copy of the top of this stack.
         * @return A copy of the top the stack.
         * @post   A copy of the top of the stack has been returned, and the stack is unchanged.
        virtual ItemType peek() const = 0;

         * Destroys this stack and frees its assigned memory
        virtual ~StackInterface() = default;



#include "pch.h"
#pragma once

#include "StackInterface.h"

namespace csc232 {
    template <typename ItemType>
    class ResizableArrayStack : public StackInterface<ItemType> {


        ItemType* items;

        int top, capacity, count;

        static const int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10;



        ResizableArrayStack(int initial_capacity);

        ResizableArrayStack(const ResizableArrayStack &rhs);

        ResizableArrayStack(ResizableArrayStack &&rhs) = delete;

        void operator=(const ResizableArrayStack<ItemType> &rhs);

        void operator=(ResizableArrayStack &&rhs) = delete;


        bool isEmpty() const = 0;

        bool push(const ItemType &newEntry) = 0;

        bool pop() = 0;

        ItemType peek() const = 0;

        int getCapacity() const;


        void init();

        void increase_size();



#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>

#include "ResizableArrayStack.h"

template<typename ItemType>
csc232::ResizableArrayStack<ItemType>::ResizableArrayStack() : count(0), capacity(DEFAULT_CAPACITY) {

template<typename ItemType>
csc232::ResizableArrayStack<ItemType>::ResizableArrayStack(int initial_capacity) : count(0), capacity(initial_capacity) {

template<typename ItemType>
void csc232::ResizableArrayStack<ItemType>::init() {
    items = new ItemType[capacity];
    count = 0;

template<typename ItemType>
csc232::ResizableArrayStack<ItemType>::ResizableArrayStack(const ResizableArrayStack &rhs) {
    *this = rhs;

template<typename ItemType>
void csc232::ResizableArrayStack<ItemType>::operator=(const ResizableArrayStack<ItemType> &rhs) {
    if (this != rhs)
        delete[] items;
        for (int i = 0; i < rhs.count; i++)
template<typename ItemType>
csc232::ResizableArrayStack<ItemType>::~ResizableArrayStack() {
    delete[] items;

template<typename ItemType>
bool csc232::ResizableArrayStack<ItemType>::isEmpty() const {
    return count == 0;

template<typename ItemType>
bool csc232::ResizableArrayStack<ItemType>::push(const ItemType &newEntry) {
    if (count == capacity)
    items[count] = newEntry;
    return false;

template<typename ItemType>
bool csc232::ResizableArrayStack<ItemType>::pop() {
    if (count == 0)
        throw std::underflow_error("Underflow exception.");
    return false;

template<typename ItemType>
ItemType csc232::ResizableArrayStack<ItemType>::peek() const {
    top = capacity - 1;
    return items[top];

template<typename ItemType>
int csc232::ResizableArrayStack<ItemType>::getCapacity() const {
    return capacity;

template<typename ItemType>
void csc232::ResizableArrayStack<ItemType>::increase_size() {
    capacity = capacity * 2;
    ItemType *temp = new ItemType[capacity];

    for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++)
        temp[i] = items[i];

    delete[] items;

    items = temp;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

    csc232::ResizableArrayStack<int> stack;



    bool isEmpty() const = 0;

    bool push(const ItemType &newEntry) = 0;

    bool pop() = 0;

    ItemType peek() const = 0;

刪除= 0並為了更好的衡量,告訴編譯器這些是覆蓋:

    bool isEmpty() const override;

    bool push(const ItemType &newEntry) override;

    bool pop() override;

    ItemType peek() const override;

如果任何虛函數的最終覆蓋是純虛的,則一個類是抽象的。 您對模板類ResizableArrayStack定義具有= 0; 在幾個虛函數覆蓋的末尾。 這意味着它們被認為是純虛擬的,即使它們也有定義。 (定義純虛函數是有效的 C++,可以使用限定名稱調用定義,但仍必須由其他內容覆蓋以獲得非抽象類。)

只需從ResizableArrayStack取出= 0塊即可。

但還要注意,通常不應將帶有模板參數的定義放在 *.cpp 文件中:請參閱問答“為什么模板只能在頭文件中實現?”


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