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[英]How do I get nested filtered list with map and filter?

我是 Java 的新手,正在使用流學習 Java8。 我想過濾列表。 我需要嵌套列表的過濾列表是“22”。 但我正在努力做到這一點。 有人救救我嗎?

我在下面放了一些簡單的代碼。 我像下面這樣嘗試過,但它現在正在工作。

List<Custom> list = new ArrayList<>();
  x -> x.getNestedList.stream().filter(

   "nestedlist": [ {"11"},
                   {"33"} ]
   "nestedlist": [ {"22"}, 
                   {"44"} ]
   "nestedlist": [ {"11"}, 
                   {"33"} ]
   "nestedlist": [ {"b":"11"} ]

(Nestedlist has filtered by "22", but parent list still has whole element)
   "nestedlist": [ {"22"}]
   "nestedlist": [ {"22"} ]
   "nestedlist": [  ]
   "nestedlist": [  ]

我有一些應該接近解決方案的東西,但沒有nestedList的定義,它只是一個草稿。 您將不得不使其適應您的代碼

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

class Scratch {
   static class Custom<T>{
       String a;
       List<T> nestedList;

       public Custom(String a, List<T> nestedList) {
           this.a = a;
           this.nestedList = nestedList;

       public Custom(String a, T... nestedList) {
           this.a = a;
           this.nestedList = Arrays.asList(nestedList);

       public String getA() {
           return a;

       public void setA(String a) {
           this.a = a;

       public List<T> getNestedList() {
           return nestedList;

       public void setNestedList(List<T> nestedList) {
           this.nestedList = nestedList;

       public String toString() {
           return "Custom{" +
                   "a='" + a + '\'' +
                   ", nestedList=" + nestedList +
                   '}' +

   public static void main(String... args){
       List<Custom> list = new ArrayList<>();
       list.add(new Custom<String>("1", "11", "22", "33"));
       list.add(new Custom<String>("2", "22", "44"));
       list.add(new Custom<String>("3", "11", "33"));

       List result = list.stream().map(
               x -> new Custom(x.getA(), x.getNestedList().stream().filter(y -> y.equals("22")).collect(Collectors.toList()))

       System.out.println("input: "+list);
       System.out.println("result: "+result);



input: [Custom{a='1', nestedList=[11, 22, 33]}
, Custom{a='2', nestedList=[22, 44]}
, Custom{a='3', nestedList=[11, 33]}
result: [Custom{a='1', nestedList=[[22]]}
, Custom{a='2', nestedList=[[22]]}
, Custom{a='3', nestedList=[[]]}

與您的代碼的主要問題(如果我明白你試圖做正確的,這我絕對不知道)是你映射的初始Custom對象到Stream的nestedList的內容。 您需要做的是將Custom映射到新的更新Custom (我所做的)或更新現有Custom (以及現有列表),您需要forEach()或基本循環而不是map()


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