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Redux Mock Store給出'動作必須是普通對象。 使用自定義中間件進行異步操作。

[英]Redux Mock Store giving 'Actions must be plain objects. Use custom middleware for async actions.'


const configureMockStore = require('redux-mock-store').default;
const thunk = require("redux-thunk").default;

const middlewares = [thunk];
const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares);

const dummy = () => {
  // Mock Ajax call
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      setTimeout(() => resolve({data: 'data'}), 200)

describe("Redux Mock Store", () => {
  it("Test Dummy Ajax call", () => {
    const expectedActions = [
      { type: "SUCCESS", payload: "success" },
      { type: "FAILURE", error: { Error: "Error" } }
    const store = mockStore({});

    store.dispatch(dummy().then(() => {
           }).catch(error => { console.log(error) }))

我正在使用Jest來運行此測試。 運行上面的測試時出現以下錯誤Actions must be plain objects. Use custom middleware for async actions. Actions must be plain objects. Use custom middleware for async actions. 這有什么不對?


因此,您需要定義一個使用虛擬 ajax請求的動作創建器,並在完成后調度一個動作:

const dummy = () => {
    // Mock Ajax call
    // Note that you are not capturing any error in here and you are not
    // calling the reject method, so your *catch* clausule will never be
    // executed.
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        setTimeout(() => resolve({ data: 'success' }), 200);

const actionCreator = () => (dispatch) => {
    return dummy()
        .then(payload => dispatch({ type: 'SUCCESS', payload }))
        .catch(error => dispatch({ type: 'FAILURE', error }));

注意動作創建者如何接收參數調度 (由redux-thunk中間件提供),我們使用該函數來調度我們的動作(即簡單對象)。


describe('Redux Mock Store', () => {
    it('Test Dummy Ajax call', () => {
        const expectedActions = [
            { type: 'SUCCESS', payload: { data: 'success' } },
        const store = mockStore({});

        return store.dispatch(actionCreator()).then(() => {

另外,請注意在初始測試中,您希望調度兩個操作,但是您只需要調用一次操作創建者。 你應該在的另一個測試失敗案例。



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