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[英]How to create a quiz that has different questions on different pages?

我想在每一頁的末尾創建一個小測驗。 我有一個用 JavaScript 編寫的測驗,但我希望不同的問題出現在不同的頁面中。 簡而言之,如果我在不同的頁面上,我希望 const myQuestions 改變。 我怎樣才能做到這一點?

我已經嘗試過 if 語句,但我無法實現我想要的。 任何幫助將不勝感激!


(function() {

  const myQuestions = [
      question: "question 1?",
      answers: {
        a: "one",
        b: "two",
        c: "three"
      correctAnswer: "c"
      question: "question 2?",
      answers: {
        a: "one",
        b: "two",
        c: "three"
      correctAnswer: "c"
      question: "question 3?",
      answers: {
        a: "one",
        b: "two",
        c: "three"
        d: "four"
      correctAnswer: "d"

  function buildQuiz() {
    // we'll need a place to store the HTML output
    const output = [];

    // for each question...
    myQuestions.forEach((currentQuestion, questionNumber) => {
      // we'll want to store the list of answer choices
      const answers = [];

      // and for each available answer...
      for (letter in currentQuestion.answers) {
        // ...add an HTML radio button
             <input type="radio" name="question${questionNumber}" value="${letter}">
              ${letter} :

      // add this question and its answers to the output
        `<div class="slide">
           <div class="question"> ${currentQuestion.question} </div>
           <div class="answers"> ${answers.join("")} </div>

    // finally combine our output list into one string of HTML and put it on the page
    quizContainer.innerHTML = output.join("");

  function showResults() {
    // gather answer containers from our quiz
    const answerContainers = quizContainer.querySelectorAll(".answers");

    // keep track of user's answers
    let numCorrect = 0;

    // for each question...
    myQuestions.forEach((currentQuestion, questionNumber) => {
      // find selected answer
      const answerContainer = answerContainers[questionNumber];
      const selector = `input[name=question${questionNumber}]:checked`;
      const userAnswer = (answerContainer.querySelector(selector) || {}).value;

      // if answer is correct
      if (userAnswer === currentQuestion.correctAnswer) {
        // add to the number of correct answers

        // color the answers green
        answerContainers[questionNumber].style.color = "lightgreen";
      } else {
        // if answer is wrong or blank
        // color the answers red
        answerContainers[questionNumber].style.color = "red";

    // show number of correct answers out of total
    resultsContainer.innerHTML = `${numCorrect} out of ${myQuestions.length}`;

  function showSlide(n) {
    currentSlide = n;

    if (currentSlide === 0) {
      previousButton.style.display = "none";
    } else {
      previousButton.style.display = "inline-block";

    if (currentSlide === slides.length - 1) {
      nextButton.style.display = "none";
      submitButton.style.display = "inline-block";
    } else {
      nextButton.style.display = "inline-block";
      submitButton.style.display = "none";

  function showNextSlide() {
    showSlide(currentSlide + 1);

  function showPreviousSlide() {
    showSlide(currentSlide - 1);

  const quizContainer = document.getElementById("quiz");
  const resultsContainer = document.getElementById("results");
  const submitButton = document.getElementById("submit");

  // display quiz right away

  const previousButton = document.getElementById("previous");
  const nextButton = document.getElementById("next");
  const slides = document.querySelectorAll(".slide");
  let currentSlide = 0;


  // on submit, show results
  submitButton.addEventListener("click", showResults);
  previousButton.addEventListener("click", showPreviousSlide);
  nextButton.addEventListener("click", showNextSlide);

里程可能會有所不同,這取決於您想要做什么。 只需使用 javascript,您就可以在每次調用時將windows.location.pathname傳遞給您的函數,並選擇與您需要的路徑相關的適當問題對象。

if (windows.location.pathname).includes('page1') {
  let currentQuestion = myQuestions[0]
//...rest of the logic


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