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[英]Graph Coloring with greedy algorithm




現在我想用顏色0(紅色),1(藍色)或2(綠色)填充垂直。 可能的結果之一是:

Vertex 1 ---> Color 1 
Vertex 2 ---> Color 1 
Vertex 3 ---> Color 2
Vertex 4 ---> Color 0
Vertex 5 ---> Color 0
Vertex 6 ---> Color 2


public class Graph {
            int V;
            int[] verticleColor;
            boolean[] colorAvailable;
            ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> > adjList;

            Graph(int v) { 
                V = v; 
                adjList = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> >(V); 
                for (int i = 0; i < V+1; i++) {
                    adjList.add(new ArrayList<Integer>()); 

            public void add(int x, int y) { 

            public void colorTheVerticle() {
                 verticleColor = new int[V]; 

                for (int a = 0; a < verticleColor.length; a++) {
                    if (a == 0) {
                        verticleColor[a] = 0;
                    } else {
                        verticleColor[a] = -1;

                colorAvailable = new boolean[V]; 
                for (int b = 0; b < colorAvailable.length; b++) {
                    colorAvailable[b] = true;

                for (int c = 1; c < V; c++) {
                    Iterator<Integer> it = adjList.get(c).iterator() ; 
                    while (it.hasNext()) { 
                        int i = it.next();
                        if (verticleColor[i-1] != -1)  {
                            colorAvailable[verticleColor[i]] = false; 

                    int color; 
                    for (color = 0; color < V; color++){ 
                        if (colorAvailable[color]) {

                    verticleColor[c] = color; 

                    for (int d = 0; d <  colorAvailable.length; d++) {
                        colorAvailable[d] = true;

                for (int u = 1; u < V+1; u++) {
                    System.out.println("Vertex " + u + " ---> Color " + verticleColor[u-1]);


Vertex 1 ---> Color 0
Vertex 2 ---> Color 0
Vertex 3 ---> Color 0
Vertex 4 ---> Color 1
Vertex 5 ---> Color 0
Vertex 6 ---> Color 2





  1. 對於n個頂點的圖形,最多必須使用n種顏色。
  2. 循環遍歷每個頂點並根據未在相鄰頂點的顏色上使用的可用顏色列表分配可用顏色。




verticleColor = new int[V]; // initialise the colors assigned to each vertex to a list

for (int a = 0; a < verticleColor.length; a++) {
   if (a == 0) {
      verticleColor[a] = 0; // we can assign the first color to first vertex, no problem
   } else {
      verticleColor[a] = -1; // else for rest vertices, no assigned color yet

colorAvailable = new boolean[V]; // initialise a list of available colors to assign to vertices, at most n
for (int b = 0; b < colorAvailable.length; b++) {
   colorAvailable[b] = true; // initially all colors are available for assignment


            for (int c = 1; c < V; c++) { // for all vertices, except first
                Iterator<Integer> it = adjList.get(c).iterator() ; // get iterator that loops through current vertex's adjacent vertices
                while (it.hasNext()) { 
                    int i = it.next(); // adjacent vertex
                    if (verticleColor[i-1] != -1)  { // if assigned color
                        colorAvailable[verticleColor[i]] = false; // this color is not available anymore

                int color; 
                for (color = 0; color < V; color++){ // loop through all colors
                    if (colorAvailable[color]) {
                        break; // find first available color, we can always find an available color since we have at most n possible colors
                /* effectively availableColors list holds the available and
                 used colors for each vertex and its adjacent/connected 
                 vertices, but we do not need to store multiple 
                 availableColors for each vertex, we can re-use same, no problem
                verticleColor[c] = color; // color the vertex with this color

                // for next round, all colors are again available
                for (int d = 0; d <  colorAvailable.length; d++) {
                    colorAvailable[d] = true; // available color


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