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[英]Why does my else statement run when my if statement is true?

這是我的代碼。 我應該問用戶他們最喜歡的書是什么,如果他們的書與我告訴他們的我的其中一本書匹配,否則我說這不是我的最愛之一。 我遇到的問題是當我在中放入true語句時,打印出else語句。 因此,例如,如果我輸入“ Jane Eyre”,它將打印if語句“我們倆都喜歡Jane Eyre!” 在else語句下面,“這不是我的前5個最愛,但是不錯的選擇!”



def main():

    bookList = ["Jane Eyre", "To Kill a Mockingbird", "My Antonia","Pride and Prejudice", "The Bible"]

    book = input("What is your favorite book?")

    for x in range(0,len(bookList)):
        if (book == bookList[x]):
            print("We both like " + book + "!")

        print("That is not one of my top 5 favorites, but great choice!")

    print("          ")
    print("Here are my top 5 favorite books!")
    print("         ")

    for  n in range(0, len(bookList)):
        print(str(n + 1) + " " + bookList[n])


您需要一個break語句來盡早退出loop ,以避免for循環的else子句:

for x in range(0,len(bookList)):
    if (book == bookList[x]):
        print("We both like " + book + "!")
    # This only executes if break is never encountered, i.e. if the
    # loop simply "runs out".
    print("That is not one of my top 5 favorites, but great choice!")

即使用戶輸入了The Bible ,break語句仍會 “提前”退出循環,因為該循環直到實際嘗試將x設置為下一個(不存在)值時才知道它在最后一次迭代中。


if book in bookList:
    print("We both like {}!".format(book)
    print("That is not one of my top 5 favorites, but great choice!")


for n, book in enumerate(book, start=1):
    print("{} {}".format(n, book))

邏輯的else部分與if無關,並且無論何時運行程序都將執行。 我相信您正在尋找一個將return匹配值的函數。 這具有增加的好處,即如果找到匹配項,則減少執行的迭代次數。 它看起來像:

def iterate_books(user_book, book_list):
    for x in range(0, len(book_list)):
        if user_book == book_list[x]:
            return "We both like {}!".format(user_book)
    return "That is not one of my top 5 favorites, but great choice!"


book = input("What is your favorite book?")


def iterate_books(user_book, book_list):
    for x in range(0, len(book_list)):
        if user_book == book_list[x]:
            return "We both like {}!".format(user_book)
    return "That is not one of my top 5 favorites, but great choice!"

def main():
    bookList = ["Jane Eyre", "To Kill a Mockingbird", "My Antonia", "Pride and Prejudice", "The Bible"]

    book = input("What is your favorite book?\n>>>")
    match = iterate_books(book, bookList)

    print("          ")
    print("Here are my top 5 favorite books!")
    print("         ")

    for n in range(0, len(bookList)):
        print(str(n + 1) + " " + bookList[n])



What is your favorite book?
>>>Jane Eyre
We both like Jane Eyre!

Here are my top 5 favorite books!

1 Jane Eyre
2 To Kill a Mockingbird
3 My Antonia
4 Pride and Prejudice
5 The Bible

Process finished with exit code 0

邏輯 :您將要檢查用戶的書是否在您的列表中,然后根據該書來打印相關的消息。


  • 不知道這是否是您想要的,但是如果用戶的書不同於列表,我只會在bookList中打印5本書。 下面的代碼反映了這一點。
  • 我會說favBooks而不是命名變量bookList,因此很明顯它代表什么。

代碼 :這是您要查找的內容:

#favorite books
bookList = ["Jane Eyre", "To Kill a Mockingbird", "My Antonia","Pride and Prejudice", "The Bible"]

#get book from user
book = input("What is your favorite book? ")

#check if user's book matches book in bookList
favBook = False
for x in range(0,len(bookList)):
    if (book == bookList[x]):
        favBook = True

#display when user's book matches book in bookList
if (favBook == True):
    print("We both like " + book + "!")
#display when user's book does not match a book in bookList
    print("That is not one of my top 5 favorites, but great choice!")
    print("          ")
    print("Here are my top 5 favorite books!")
    print("         ")

    #display bookList since user's book is different from bookList
    for  n in range(0, len(bookList)):
        print(str(n + 1) + " " + bookList[n])


What is your favorite book? Jane Eyre
We both like Jane Eyre!

What is your favorite book? random book
That is not one of my top 5 favorites, but great choice!

Here are my top 5 favorite books!

1 Jane Eyre
2 To Kill a Mockingbird
3 My Antonia
4 Pride and Prejudice
5 The Bible


def main():

    bookList = ["Jane Eyre", "To Kill a Mockingbird", "My Antonia","Pride and Prejudice", "The Bible"]

    book = input("What is your favorite book?")

    for x in range(0,len(bookList)):
        if (book == bookList[x]):
            print("We both like " + book + "!")
            break    # <---- here

        print("That is not one of my top 5 favorites, but great choice!")

    print("          ")
    print("Here are my top 5 favorite books!")
    print("         ")

    for  n in range(0, len(bookList)):
        print(str(n + 1) + " " + bookList[n])



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