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[英]How do you access the url query params in nodejs?

如何使用typescript訪問nodejs中的url查詢參數? 我嘗試過的在這里?

 * My Server app
import * as Http from "http";
import * as url from "url";
import { HttpServer } from "./HttpServer";
import { TaxCalculator } from "./TaxCalculator";
export interface myReq extends Http.IncomingMessage {
  amount: string;
  rate: string;
 * MyServer class
 * Create MyServer from HttpServer
class MyServer extends HttpServer {
   * Create a new NodeServer object
   * @param port Port number of the server
   * @param name Name of the server
  constructor(port: number, name: string) {
    super(port, name);
   * Handle the Request in request nad populate the response to response
   * @param request Incoming Request
   * @param response Outgoing Response
  onRequest(request: myReq, response: Http.ServerResponse): void {
    response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
// const { amount, rate } = url.parse(request.url, true).query;
    const query = url.parse(request.url, true).query;
    const tc = new TaxCalculator();
    const tax = tc.calculate(query.amount, query.rate);

// Create a server instance
const port = 8080;
new MyServer(port, "Test server");

錯誤是'string |類型的參數。 字符串[]'不可分配給'n umber'類型的參數。

在路由處理中間件中,有路由器回調的req, res, next參數。 您正在尋找req.query。[您的查詢參數]。

對於打字稿,您需要創建一個擴展express.Request的接口,並在其中添加查詢參數。 然后將該類型分配給您的請求參數。

interface myReq extends express.Request {
    query: {
        [Whatever params you have in your route]: string;

router.get("/", (req: myReq, res, next) => {



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