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[英]Understanding Implementation of A Singly-Linked Queue Function

我在這里顯示以下問題: 問題 我不確定為什么這個答案是正確的,甚至不確定如何可視化此函數的執行情況。 在while循環中顯示的多重賦值表達式如何求值?


initial setup:

(1) -> (2) -> (3) -> (4) -> (5) -> nil
 p      q

step 1:

(1) <- (2) -> (3) -> (4) -> (5) -> nil
        p      q

step 2:

(1) <- (2) <- (3) -> (4) -> (5) -> nil
               p      q

step 3:

(1) <- (2) <- (3) <- (4) -> (5) -> nil
                      p      q

step 4:

(1) <- (2) <- (3) <- (4) <- (5)    nil
                             p      q


  • q.next = p表示“反向連接”;
  • p, q = q, q.next意味着“向前推進一個節點”。


a, b, c = 1, 2, 3
a == 1  # True
b == 2  # True
c == 3  # True


def reverse(self):
    p, q = self.head, self.head.next  # initialize p and q as first two elements of queue
    while q:  # iterate until q is None (that is, until we reach the end of the list)
              # This indicates that we will need to have a way for q to advance
              #   towards the end of the list. Presumably we'll be setting q as
              #   something that will eventually be None.
              # We know that the `next` of the last element in the list will be
              #   None, so that's a good starting point.
        _____________________  # blank line to fill in
    self.head, self.tail = self.tail, self.head  # swap head and tail of list with each other
    self.tail.next = None  # set the next element of the tail to None, as it should be.

那么,什么是空白? 好了,我們可以弄清楚每個單獨的變量需要更改為什么。 我們將采用的方法是更改遇到的每個元素的方向 -代替.next指向下一個元素,我們將其指向上一個元素。 因此,我們想要

q.next = p

因為q是列表中的第二個元素,而p是它前面的元素。 然后,我們只想將pq推進到列表中的下兩個元素:

p = q
q = q.next


q.next, p, q = p, q, q.next

在過程的最后,扭轉了元素之間的所有聯系 ,我們只是扭轉了頭和尾。 並將self.tail.next設置為None ,因為self.tail曾經self.head的元素,我們最初跳過了它。


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