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[英]How to insert objects in array next to objects with the same property value


const allRecords = [
    type: 'fruit',
    name: 'apple'
    type: 'vegetable',
    name: 'celery'
    type: 'meat',
    name: 'chicken'


const  newRecords = [
    type: 'fruit',
    name: 'pear'
    type: 'vegetable',
    name: 'spinach'
    type: 'meat',
    name: 'pork'




    type: 'fruit',
    name: 'apple'
    type: 'fruit',
    name: 'pear'
    type: 'vegetable',
    name: 'celery'
    type: 'vegetable',
    name: 'spinach'
    type: 'meat',
    name: 'chicken'
    type: 'meat',
    name: 'pork'



// This gives the amount of records for each group. 
//In our example, this would be 2 for 'apple' and 'pear', etc
const multiplier = (allRecords.length + newRecords.length) / 
for (let i = 0; i < newRecords.length; i++){
    // Insert the record at 1 + i + multiplier. 'pear' will go to 1 + 0 * 2 = 1
    allRecords.splice(1 + i * multiplier, 0, newRecords[i]);
return allRecords;

但是,該函數在做什么不是很容易理解。 此外,它假定新記錄具有每種類型之一。

我想要一個函數,而不是查看屬性並將它們組合在一起。 理想情況下,它還應該能夠按某種順序對組進行排序(例如,指定“水果”組排在最前面,“蔬菜”組排在其后,然后是“肉類”組)。

我會完全使用地圖。 一個例子如下。

 let myMap = new Map(); myMap.set('fruit', [{ name: 'apple', type: 'fruit' }]); myMap.set('vegetable', [{ name: 'celery', type: 'vegetable' }]); myMap.set('meat', [{ name: 'chicken', type: 'meat' }]); const newRecords = [{ type: 'fruit', name: 'pear' }, { type: 'vegetable', name: 'spinach' }, { type: 'meat', name: 'pork' }] newRecords.forEach(function(el) { let arr = myMap.get(el.type); arr.push(el); myMap.set(el.type, arr); }); for (let [k, v] of myMap) { console.log(k); console.log(v); } 


這里有很多要討論的內容,所以我要快一點。 如果您有任何卡住的地方,請發表評論,我會盡力擴大任何有問題的領域。

首先,不能保證allRecordsnewRecords在合並之前會被排序。 使用Map可以輕松有效地對類似項目進行分組。 但是,當我們要按所需順序打印項目時,將需要對地圖的值進行排序。 我們將在此答案的第二部分中進行處理。 我們allRecords type屬性將allRecords分組-

const allRecords =
  [ { type: 'fruit', name: 'apple' }
  , { type: 'vegetable', name: 'spinach' }
  , { type: 'meat', name: 'chicken' }
  , { type: 'fruit', name: 'raspberry' } // added this item

const m1 =
  groupBy(x => x.type, allRecords)


// Map
//   { 'fruit' =>
//       [ { type: 'fruit', name: 'apple' }
//       , { type: 'fruit', name: 'raspberry' }
//       ]
//   , 'vegetable' =>
//       [ { type: 'vegetable', name: 'spinach' }
//       ]
//   , 'meat' =>
//       [ { type: 'meat', name: 'chicken' }
//       ]
//   }


const newRecords =
  [ { type: 'meat', name: 'pork' }
  , { type: 'fruit', name: 'pear' }
  , { type: 'vegetable', name: 'celery' }
  , { type: 'dairy', name: 'milk' } // added this item

const m2 =
  groupBy(x => x.type, newRecords)


// Map
//   { 'meat' =>
//       [ { type: 'meat', name: 'pork' }
//       ]
//   , 'fruit' =>
//       [ { type: 'fruit', name: 'pear' } 
//       ]
//   , 'vegetable' =>
//       [ { type: 'vegetable', name: 'celery' }
//       ]
//   , 'dairy' =>
//       [ { type: 'dairy', name: 'milk' }
//       ]
//   }


const groupBy = (f, a = []) =>
    ( (map, v) => upsert(map, [ f (v), v ])
    , new Map

// helper
const upsert = (map, [ k, v ]) =>
    ? map.set(k, map.get(k).concat(v))
    : map.set(k, [].concat(v))


const m3 =
  mergeMap(m1, m2)

// Map
//   { 'fruit' =>
//       [ { type: 'fruit', name: 'apple' }
//       , { type: 'fruit', name: 'raspberry' }
//       , { type: 'fruit', name: 'pear' } 
//       ]
//   , 'vegetable' =>
//       [ { type: 'vegetable', name: 'spinach' }
//       , { type: 'vegetable', name: 'celery' }
//       ]
//   , 'meat' =>
//       [ { type: 'meat', name: 'chicken' }
//       , { type: 'meat', name: 'pork' }
//       ]
//   , 'dairy' =>
//       [ { type: 'dairy', name: 'milk' }
//       ]
//   }


const mergeMap = (...maps) =>
  maps.reduce(mergeMap1, new Map)

// helper
const mergeMap1 = (m1, m2) =>
  Array.from(m2.entries()).reduce(upsert, m1)

我們可以看到,地圖很好地將項目分組在一起。 讓我們現在收集所有值-

const unsorted =


// [ { type: 'fruit', name: 'apple' }
// , { type: 'fruit', name: 'raspberry' }
// , { type: 'fruit', name: 'pear' }
// , { type: 'vegetable', name: 'spinach' }
// , { type: 'vegetable', name: 'celery' }
// , { type: 'meat', name: 'chicken' }
// , { type: 'meat', name: 'pork' }
// , { type: 'dairy', name: 'milk' }
// ]


答案的這一部分不適合膽小的人,但我強烈建議您堅持使用。 我們采用一種功能性方法來編寫比較函數,但是在使用的技術上需要權衡取舍。 在這里,我們使用了許多易於編寫,測試和維護的簡單功能。 因此,這些功能更加靈活,可以在程序的其他區域中重復使用。 有關此方法背后的更多原因以及使用這些技術時會發生什么的詳細信息,請參閱主題的最新解答

好的,所以我們看到列表當前是按水果蔬菜乳制品排序的。 這是由於它們在原始地圖中的分組順序。 如果您希望他們以其他方式訂購怎么辦?

unsorted.sort(orderByTypes("vegetable", "meat", "fruit"))

// [ { type: 'vegetable', name: 'spinach' }
// , { type: 'vegetable', name: 'celery' }
// , { type: 'meat', name: 'chicken' }
// , { type: 'meat', name: 'pork' }
// , { type: 'fruit', name: 'apple' }
// , { type: 'fruit', name: 'raspberry' }
// , { type: 'fruit', name: 'pear' }
// , { type: 'dairy', name: 'milk' } 
// ]



// [ { type: 'fruit', name: 'apple' }
// , { type: 'vegetable', name: 'celery' }
// , { type: 'meat', name: 'chicken' }
// , { type: 'dairy', name: 'milk' }
// , { type: 'fruit', name: 'pear' }
// , { type: 'meat', name: 'pork' }
// , { type: 'fruit', name: 'raspberry' }
// , { type: 'vegetable', name: 'spinach' }
// ]


  ( mergeComparator
      ( orderByTypes("meat", "fruit", "dairy") // primary sort
      , orderByName                            // secondary sort (tie breaker)

// [ { type: 'meat', name: 'chicken' }
// , { type: 'meat', name: 'pork' }
// , { type: 'fruit', name: 'apple' }
// , { type: 'fruit', name: 'pear' }
// , { type: 'fruit', name: 'raspberry' }
// , { type: 'dairy', name: 'milk' }
// , { type: 'vegetable', name: 'celery' }
// , { type: 'vegetable', name: 'spinach' }
// ]

我們看到結果是按類型, 肉類水果乳制品優先的第一順序。 我們還看到按name二級排序。 雞肉豬肉的含量升高, 蘋果覆盆子的含量也較高 請注意,即使orderByTypes中未使用"vegetables" ,次級排序仍然適用,因此芹菜菠菜是有序的。

如您所見,我們可以定義靈活的比較器函數,例如orderByTypesorderByName ,並使用mergeComparator對其進行mergeComparator以實現更為復雜和復雜的行為。 我們將從兩者中的簡單者開始,即orderByName

const orderByName =
    ( ascending     // transform base comparator
    , x => x.name   // by first getting object's name property

// base comparator
const ascending = (a, b) =>
  a > b
    ? 1
    : a < b
      ? -1
      : 0

// functional utility
const contramap = (f, g) =>
  (a, b) =>
    f(g(a), g(b))


const orderByTypes = (...types) =>
    ( ascending                         // transform base comparator
    , pipe                              // using a function sequence
        ( x => x.type                   // first get the item's type property
        , x => matchIndex(types, x)     // then get the index of the matched type
        , x => x === -1 ? Infinity : x  // then if it doesn't match, put it at the end

// helper
const matchIndex = (values = [], query) =>
  values.findIndex(v => v === query)

// functional utility
const identity = x =>

// functional utility
const pipe = (f = identity, ...more) =>
  more.reduce(pipe1, f)

// pipe helper
const pipe1 = (f, g) =>
  x => g(f(x))

我們定義了兩(2)個獨立的比較器orderByNameorderByTypes ,我們要做的最后一件事是確定如何組合它們-

const mergeComparator = (c = ascending, ...more) =>
  more.reduce(mergeComparator1, c)

// helper 1
const mergeComparator1 = (c1, c2) =>
  (a, b) =>
    mergeComparator2(c1(a, b), c2(a, b))

// helper 2
const mergeComparator2 = (a, b) =>
  a === 0 ? b : a



const allRecords =
  [ { type: 'fruit', name: 'apple' }
  , { type: 'vegetable', name: 'spinach' }
  , { type: 'meat', name: 'chicken' }
  , { type: 'fruit', name: 'raspberry' }

const newRecords =
  [ { type: 'meat', name: 'pork' }
  , { type: 'fruit', name: 'pear' }
  , { type: 'vegetable', name: 'celery' }
  , { type: 'dairy', name: 'milk' }

// efficient grouping, can support any number of maps
const grouped = 
    ( groupBy(x => x.type, allRecords)
    , groupBy(x => x.type, newRecords)

const unsorted =

// efficient sorting; can support any number of comparators
const sorted =
    ( mergeComparator
        ( orderByTypes("meat", "fruit", "dairy")
        , orderByName



// [ { type: 'meat', name: 'chicken' }
// , { type: 'meat', name: 'pork' }
// , { type: 'fruit', name: 'apple' }
// , { type: 'fruit', name: 'pear' }
// , { type: 'fruit', name: 'raspberry' }
// , { type: 'dairy', name: 'milk' }
// , { type: 'vegetable', name: 'celery' }
// , { type: 'vegetable', name: 'spinach' }
// ]


 // --------------------------------------------------- // STEP 1 const upsert = (map, [ k, v ]) => map.has(k) ? map.set(k, map.get(k).concat(v)) : map.set(k, [].concat(v)) const groupBy = (f, a = []) => a.reduce ( (map, v) => upsert(map, [ f (v), v ]) , new Map ) const allRecords = [ { type: 'fruit', name: 'apple' } , { type: 'vegetable', name: 'spinach' } , { type: 'meat', name: 'chicken' } , { type: 'fruit', name: 'raspberry' } ] const newRecords = [ { type: 'meat', name: 'pork' } , { type: 'fruit', name: 'pear' } , { type: 'vegetable', name: 'celery' } , { type: 'dairy', name: 'milk' } ] const m1 = groupBy(x => x.type, allRecords) console.log("first grouping\\n", m1) // Map // { 'fruit' => // [ { type: 'fruit', name: 'apple' } // , { type: 'fruit', name: 'raspberry' } // ] // , 'vegetable' => // [ { type: 'vegetable', name: 'spinach' } // ] // , 'meat' => // [ { type: 'meat', name: 'chicken' } // ] // } const m2 = groupBy(x => x.type, newRecords) console.log("second grouping\\n", m2) // Map // { 'meat' => // [ { type: 'meat', name: 'pork' } // ] // , 'fruit' => // [ { type: 'fruit', name: 'pear' } // ] // , 'vegetable' => // [ { type: 'vegetable', name: 'celery' } // ] // , 'dairy' => // [ { type: 'dairy', name: 'milk' } // ] // } // --------------------------------------------------- // STEP 2 const mergeMap1 = (m1, m2) => Array.from(m2.entries()).reduce(upsert, m1) const mergeMap = (...maps) => maps.reduce(mergeMap1, new Map) const m3 = mergeMap(m1, m2) console.log("merged grouping\\n", m3) // Map // { 'fruit' => // [ { type: 'fruit', name: 'apple' } // , { type: 'fruit', name: 'raspberry' } // , { type: 'fruit', name: 'pear' } // ] // , 'vegetable' => // [ { type: 'vegetable', name: 'spinach' } // , { type: 'vegetable', name: 'celery' } // ] // , 'meat' => // [ { type: 'meat', name: 'chicken' } // , { type: 'meat', name: 'pork' } // ] // , 'dairy' => // [ { type: 'dairy', name: 'milk' } // ] // } const unsorted = [].concat(...m3.values()) console.log("unsorted\\n", unsorted) // [ { type: 'fruit', name: 'apple' } // , { type: 'fruit', name: 'raspberry' } // , { type: 'fruit', name: 'pear' } // , { type: 'vegetable', name: 'spinach' } // , { type: 'vegetable', name: 'celery' } // , { type: 'meat', name: 'chicken' } // , { type: 'meat', name: 'pork' } // , { type: 'dairy', name: 'milk' } // ] // --------------------------------------------------- // STEP 3 const ascending = (a, b) => a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0 const contramap = (f, g) => (a, b) => f(g(a), g(b)) const orderByName = contramap(ascending, x => x.name) const sorted1 = unsorted.sort(orderByName) console.log("sorted by name only\\n", sorted1) // [ { type: 'fruit', name: 'apple' } // , { type: 'vegetable', name: 'celery' } // , { type: 'meat', name: 'chicken' } // , { type: 'dairy', name: 'milk' } // , { type: 'fruit', name: 'pear' } // , { type: 'meat', name: 'pork' } // , { type: 'fruit', name: 'raspberry' } // , { type: 'vegetable', name: 'spinach' } // ] // --------------------------------------------------- // STEP 4 const identity = x => x const pipe1 = (f, g) => x => g(f(x)) const pipe = (f = identity, ...more) => more.reduce(pipe1, f) const matchIndex = (values = [], query) => values.findIndex(v => v === query) const orderByTypes = (...types) => contramap ( ascending , pipe ( x => x.type , x => matchIndex(types, x) , x => x === -1 ? Infinity : x ) ) const sorted2 = unsorted.sort(orderByTypes("vegetable", "meat", "fruit")) console.log("sorted by types\\n", sorted2) // [ { type: 'vegetable', name: 'spinach' } // , { type: 'vegetable', name: 'celery' } // , { type: 'meat', name: 'chicken' } // , { type: 'meat', name: 'pork' } // , { type: 'fruit', name: 'apple' } // , { type: 'fruit', name: 'raspberry' } // , { type: 'fruit', name: 'pear' } // , { type: 'dairy', name: 'milk' } // ] // --------------------------------------------------- // STEP 5 const mergeComparator = (c = ascending, ...more) => more.reduce(mergeComparator1, c) const mergeComparator1 = (c1, c2) => (a, b) => mergeComparator2(c1(a, b), c2(a, b)) const mergeComparator2 = (a, b) => a === 0 ? b : a const sorted3 = unsorted.sort ( mergeComparator ( orderByTypes("meat", "fruit", "dairy") , orderByName ) ) console.log("sorted by types, then name\\n", sorted3) // [ { type: 'meat', name: 'chicken' } // , { type: 'meat', name: 'pork' } // , { type: 'fruit', name: 'apple' } // , { type: 'fruit', name: 'pear' } // , { type: 'fruit', name: 'raspberry' } // , { type: 'dairy', name: 'milk' } // , { type: 'vegetable', name: 'celery' } // , { type: 'vegetable', name: 'spinach' } // ] 



function spliceBy<T, K extends keyof T> (key: K, target: T[], ...sources: Iterable<T>[]) {
  const groups: Map<T[K], T[]> = new Map()

  for (const source of sources) {
    for (const entry of source) {
      const value = entry[key]
      const oldEntries = groups.get(value)
      const entries = oldEntries || []

      if (!oldEntries) groups.set(value, entries)


  for (const [value, entries] of groups) {
    // find the end of a group of entries
    let found = false
    const index = target.findIndex(
      entry => entry[key] === value ? (found = true, false) : found

    if (found) target.splice(index, 0, ...entries)
    else target.push(...entries)

  return target

const allRecords = [{type:'fruit',name:'apple'},{type:'vegetable',name:'celery'},{type:'meat',name:'chicken'}]
const newRecords = [{type:'fruit',name:'pear'},{type:'vegetable',name:'spinach'},{type:'meat',name:'pork'}]

console.log(spliceBy('type', allRecords, newRecords))


如果您不想修改allRecords ,則可以這樣調用它:

console.log(spliceBy('type', [], allRecords, newRecords))


interface Record {
   type: string;
   name: string;

interface TypedRecords {
   [type: string]: records[];

private _recordsByType: TypedRecords = {};

sortAndInsert(allRecords: Record[], newRecords: Record[]): Record[] {
   const records: Record[] = [];
   Object.keys(this._recordsByType).forEach(type => {
      this._recordsByType[type].forEach(name => {
         records.push({type, name});

   return records;

private insert(records: Record[]) {
   records.forEach(record => {
      if (!this._recordsByType[record.type]) {
         this._recordsByType[record.type] = [];


const allRecords = [
    type: 'fruit',
    name: 'apple'
    type: 'vegetable',
    name: 'celery'
    type: 'meat',
    name: 'chicken'

const  newRecords = [
    type: 'fruit',
    name: 'pear'
    type: 'vegetable',
    name: 'spinach'
    type: 'meat',
    name: 'pork'

function sortAndInsert(...records){
    let totalRecords = [];
    for(let record of records){
        totalRecords = totalRecords.concat(record);
    totalRecords.sort((rec1, rec2)=>{
        if(rec1.type == rec2.type)
            return 0;
        else if(rec1.type > rec2.type)
            return 1;
            return -1;
    return totalRecords;

let completeRecords = sortAndInsert(newRecords, allRecords);


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