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[英]How do I join separate json objects output from a for loop into an array?

我正在使用CasperJS抓取網站,其中一項任務涉及通過for循環計數器設置的網址爬行。 網址看起來像這樣


其中no是for循環計數器設置的0-10中的任何數字。 然后刮刀遍歷所有頁面,將數據刮入JSON對象並重復直到no = 10。

我想要獲取的數據存儲在每個頁面中的離散組中 - 我想要使用的是通過連接每個頁面的所有刮取輸出的單個JSON對象。

想象一下Page1有Expense 1,我得到的對象是{expense1},而Page 2有Expense 2,而我得到的對象是{expense2}。 我想要的是在抓取結束時的一個JSON,如下所示:

    scrapedData = {
       "expense1": expense1,
       "expense2": expense2,


我初始化了一個空數組,然后每個對象都被推送到數組。 我已經嘗試了一個檢查,如果迭代器我在for循環中等於10,那么JSON對象打印出來但似乎沒有用。 我向上看,似乎對象傳播是一個選項,但我不知道如何使用它這種情況。

任何指針都會有所幫助。 我應該使用像map這樣的任何數組函數嗎?


   var url = "https:example.net/secure/SaFinShow?url=";    
    //We create a for loop to go open the urls

    for (i=0; i<11; i++){

      this.thenOpen(url+ i, function(response){

          expense_amount = this.fetchText("td[headers='amount']");

          Date = this.fetchText("td[headers='Date']");

          Location = this.fetchText("td[headers='zipcode']");

          id = this.fetchText("td[headers='id']");

          singleExpense = {

              "Expense_Amount": expense_amount,
              "Date": Date,
              "Location": Location,
              "id": id

          if (i ===10){
            expenseArray.push(JSON.stringify(singleExpense, null, 2))



// Initialize empty object to hold all of the expenses
var scrapedData = {};


   var url = "https:example.net/secure/SaFinShow?url=";    
    //We create a for loop to go open the urls

    for (i=0; i<11; i++){

      this.thenOpen(url+ i, function(response){

          expense_amount = this.fetchText("td[headers='amount']");

          Date = this.fetchText("td[headers='Date']");

          Location = this.fetchText("td[headers='zipcode']");

          id = this.fetchText("td[headers='id']");

          singleExpense = {

              "Expense_Amount": expense_amount,
              "Date": Date,
              "Location": Location,
              "id": id
          // As we loop over each of the expenses add them to the object containing all of them
          scrapedData['expense'+i] = singleExpense;


運行后, scrapedData變量應該是以下形式:

scrapedData = {
  "expense1": expense1,
  "expense2": expense2


上面代碼的一個問題是,當你循環開支時,for循環中的變量應該是本地的。 變量名也不應該是DateLocation因為它們是JavaScript中的內置名稱。

// Initialize empty object to hold all of the expenses
var scrapedData = {};


   var url = "https:example.net/secure/SaFinShow?url=";    
    //We create a for loop to go open the urls

    for (i=0; i<11; i++){

      this.thenOpen(url+ i, function(response){
          // Create our local variables to store data for this particular
          // expense data
          var expense_amount = this.fetchText("td[headers='amount']");

          // Don't use `Date` it is a JS built-in name
          var date = this.fetchText("td[headers='Date']");
          // Don't use `Location` it is a JS built-in name
          var location = this.fetchText("td[headers='zipcode']");

          var id = this.fetchText("td[headers='id']");

          singleExpense = {

              "Expense_Amount": expense_amount,
              "Date": date,
              "Location": location,
              "id": id

          // As we loop over each of the expenses add them to the object containing all of them
          scrapedData['expense'+i] = singleExpense;



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