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[英]Multiply every third element of a list by two

輸入數據: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
輸出數據: [1, 2, 6, 4, 5, 12, 7, 8, 18, 10]

我讀了很多答案,建議在其中使用包含第一個元素的切片符號。 但就我而言,我應該將列表的每個第3個元素都包含在內。


for index in range(len(data)):
    if (index + 1) % 3 == 0:
        data[index] = data[index] * 2


data[2::3] = [x*2 for x in data[2::3]]

data[2::3]表示從元素索引2(即第三個元素)開始的每個第三個元素。 您也可以重新分配給切片,以使用這種非常簡潔的語法。

range迭代器上有一個“ step”參數:

for index in range(2, len(data), 3):
    data[index] *= 2


您的解決方案還不錯。 可以通過直接直接遍歷所需索引而不是遍歷所有索引並跳過不想要的索引來改進它:

for index in range(2, len(data), 3):
    data[index] *= 2


[1, 2, 6, 4, 5, 12, 7, 8, 18, 10]


data   = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

from itertools import cycle
result = [n*m for n,m in zip(data,cycle([1,1,2]))]

# [1, 2, 6, 4, 5, 12, 7, 8, 18, 10]


result = [ n*max(1,i%3) for i,n in enumerate(data) ]


for index in range(2, len(data), 3): data[index] = data[index]*2

... 最終獲勝者是:

Calculation time in seconds and results validation test.
1.150 question_by_akrapovich
0.331 answer_by_Tom_Karzes_and_Prune
0.333 answer_2_by_Manuel_Montoya
0.373 answer_by_Blorgbeard
0.816 answer_1_by_Alain_T
2.850 answer_2_by_Alain_T


import time

def question_by_akrapovich(data):
    for index in range(len(data)):
        if (index + 1) % 3 == 0:
            data[index] = data[index] * 2
    return data

def answer_by_Tom_Karzes_and_Prune(data):
    for index in range(2, len(data), 3):
        data[index] *= 2
    return data

def answer_by_Blorgbeard(data):
    data[2::3] = [x*2 for x in data[2::3]]
    return data

def answer_1_by_Alain_T(data):
    from itertools import cycle
    return [n * m for n, m in zip(data, cycle([1, 1, 2]))]

def answer_2_by_Alain_T(data):
    return [ n*max(1,i%3) for i,n in enumerate(data) ]

def answer_2_by_Manuel_Montoya(data):
    for index in range(2, len(data), 3):
        data[index] = data[index]*2
    return  data

def test(f):
    n = 10_000_000
    data = [i + 1 for i in range(n)]
    start_time = time.perf_counter()
    data = f(data)
    run_time = time.perf_counter() - start_time
    if n != len(data):
        print('error in list length', n, len(data))
    for i in range(n):
        j = i + 1
        m = j * 2 if j % 3 == 0 else j
        if data[i] != m:
            print('error in data', i, m, data[i])
    print('%.3f %s' % (run_time, f.__name__))

print('Calculation time in seconds and results validation test.')
for f in [question_by_akrapovich, answer_by_Tom_Karzes_and_Prune,
          answer_2_by_Manuel_Montoya, answer_by_Blorgbeard,
          answer_1_by_Alain_T, answer_2_by_Alain_T]:


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