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[英]How to import start_urls from CSV

我有一個scrapy程序,它可以抓取多個URL,並且每個URL具有多個頁面,現在它輸出的順序不正確。 它將輸出所有頁面1,然后所有頁面2,依此類推,而不是URL 1的頁面1,2.3 ...和URL 2的頁面1,2,3,依此類推。 無論如何,經過大量研究后,似乎可以解決此問題的方法是從CSV導入我的URL,然后將其設置為等於start_urls,但我不知道如何在當前程序中做到這一點。

# Import from other python files and scrapy files and the needed csv file containing all URLs/proxies/ua
import csv
import scrapy
from scrapy.spiders import Spider
from scrapy_splash import SplashRequest
from ..items import GameItem
from random import randint
from time import sleep
from scrapy.http import FormRequest
##########################          SPALSHSPIDER.PY OVERVIEW      #####################################################
# process the csv file so the url + ip address + useragent pairs are the same as defined in the file
# returns a list of dictionaries, example:
# [ {'url': 'http://www.starcitygames.com/catalog/category/Rivals%20of%20Ixalan',
#    'ip': '',
#    'ua': "Mozilla/5.0 (BlackBerry; U; BlackBerry 9320; en-GB) AppleWebKit/534.11"},
#    ...
# ]
# plus python file also scrapes all URLs returning needed info and goes to all apges associated with URL by clicking next button

# Function to read csv file that contains URLs that are paried with proxies and user agents
def process_csv(csv_file):
    # Initialize data
    data = []
    # Initialize reader
    reader = csv.reader(csv_file)

    # While inside csv file and not at end of csv file
    for fields in reader:

        # Set URL
        if fields[0] != "":
            url = fields[0]
            continue # skip the whole row if the url column is empty
        #Set proxy and pair with correct URL
        if fields[1] != "":
            ip = "http://" + fields[1] + ":8050" # adding http and port because this is the needed scheme
        # Set user agent and pair with correct URL
        if fields[2] != "":
            useragent = fields[2]
        # Put all three together
        data.append({"url": url, "ip": ip, "ua": useragent})
    # Return URL paried with ua and proxy
    return data

# Spider clascrapy crawl splash_spider -o data.json
class MySpider(Spider):

    # Name of Spider
    name = 'splash_spider'
    # getting all the url + ip address + useragent pairs then request them
    def start_requests(self):

        # get the file path of the csv file that contains the pairs from the settings.py
        with open(self.settings["PROXY_CSV_FILE"], mode="r") as csv_file:
           # requests is a list of dictionaries like this -> {url: str, ua: str, ip: str}
            requests = process_csv(csv_file)
        for req in requests:
            # Return needed url with set delay of 3 seconds
            yield SplashRequest(url=req["url"], callback=self.parse, args={"wait": 3},
                    # Pair with user agent specified in csv file
                    headers={"User-Agent": req["ua"]},
                    # Sets splash_url to whatever the current proxy that goes with current URL  is instead of actual splash url
                    splash_url = req["ip"],

    # Scraping function that will scrape URLs for specified information
   # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    def parse(self, response):

        # Initialize item to function GameItem located in items.py, will be called multiple times
        item = GameItem()
        # Initialize saved_name
        saved_name = ""
        # Extract card category from URL using html code from website that identifies the category.  Will be outputted before rest of data

        item["Category"] = response.css("span.titletext::text").get()

        # For loop to loop through HTML code until all necessary data has been scraped
        for game in response.css("tr[class^=deckdbbody]"):

            # Initialize saved_name to the extracted card name
            saved_name  = game.css("a.card_popup::text").get() or saved_name
            # Now call item and set equal to saved_name and strip leading '\n' from output
            item["Card_Name"] = saved_name.strip()
            # Check to see if output is null, in the case that there are two different conditions for one card
            if item["Card_Name"] != None:
                # If not null than store value in saved_name
                saved_name = item["Card_Name"].strip()
            # If null then set null value to previous card name since if there is a null value you should have the same card name twice
                item["Card_Name"] = saved_name
            # Call item again in order to extract the condition, stock, and price using the corresponding html code from the website
            item["Condition"] = game.css("td[class^=deckdbbody].search_results_7 a::text").get()
            item["Stock"] = game.css("td[class^=deckdbbody].search_results_8::text").get()
            item["Price"] = game.css("td[class^=deckdbbody].search_results_9::text").get()
            if item["Price"] == None:
                item["Price"] = game.css("td[class^=deckdbbody].search_results_9 span[style*='color:red']::text").get()
            # Return values
            yield item

        # Finds next page button
        next_page = response.xpath('//a[contains(., "- Next>>")]/@href').get()
        # If it exists and there is a next page enter if statement
        if next_page is not None:
            # Go to next page
            yield response.follow(next_page, self.parse)


URL,IP Address,User Agent
http://www.starcitygames.com/catalog/category/Vanguard%20Oversized,,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_6; en-en) AppleWebKit/533.19.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.3 Safari/533.19.4"

您正在以正確的方式做所有事情。 可以幫助您保持鏈接順序的是請求中的priority 在此處查看文檔: https : //docs.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/request-response.html#scrapy.http.Request

priority(int)–此請求的優先級(默認為0)。 調度程序使用優先級來定義用於處理請求的順序。 具有較高優先級值的請求將更早執行。 允許使用負值以指示相對較低的優先級。

因此,在您的start_requests您可以設置priority ,例如等於len(requests) int number為1。並在parse函數中為所有子級保留此優先級。

這將幫助您運行優先級為len(requests)的第一個URL的所有鏈接,然后運行優先級為len(requests) - 1的第二個鏈接的所有鏈接。


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