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美湯 findall 沒有返回所有結果

[英]Beautiful soup findall not returning all the results

我想在BeautifulSoup中使用find_all通過板球比賽的球數據來球。 代碼是:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = 'http://www.espncricinfo.com/series/10904/commentary/1075502/south-africa-vs-bangladesh-1st-test-bangladesh-tour-of-sa-2017-18'
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')
comment = soup.find_all('div', class_ = "over-circle")

我閱讀了有關此問題的先前問題的答案,幾乎所有內容都涉及使用不同的 html 解析器。 我已經嘗試過lxml, html.parser, html5lib但上面提到的這些(在以前的問題中主要推薦)似乎都沒有給出任何不同的結果。 沒有。 球數顯示為 23,而它應該更多。 輸出:

<div class="over-circle low-score" data-reactid="463"><span class="over-score" data-reactid="464">0</span></div>

你猜對了。 並非所有數據都一次性加載(因此,您只能看到最初加載的數據)。 您可以實現將循環直到程序到達最后一頁的附加邏輯。

這是其中一個數據頁面的 URL: https://site.web.api.espn.com/apis/site/v2/sports/cricket/10904/playbyplay?contentorigin=espn&event=1075502&page=6&period=4&section=cricinfo你將需要增加page參數,直到您不斷獲得有效數據。

如果您檢查此 URL 的響應,您將看到這是一個包含 24 個項目的 JSON 文件。

該頁面是動態的,因此並非全部呈現。 您可以直接訪問源並提取 json 響應,其中還包括總頁數。 獲得總頁數后,您可以使用查詢參數迭代這些頁數,將每個前一頁的頁數相加以獲得所有數據的最終輸出。

我不知道你對什么數據感興趣,但它就在那里。 我將其轉換為數據框,但您可以使用 json 結構做您想做的事情:

然而它是嵌套的。 athletesInvolved列由列出的字典組成。 如果需要,您仍然可以將其標准化/展平(讓我知道您是否也希望這樣做,這很容易做到),但顯然會增加行/列的數量。

import requests
from pandas.io.json import json_normalize

url = 'https://site.web.api.espn.com/apis/site/v2/sports/cricket/10904/playbyplay'

headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.131 Safari/537.36'}
payload = {
'contentorigin': 'espn',
'event': '1075502',
'page': '1',
'period': '4',
'section': 'cricinfo'}

# Get inital page of data, including total number of pages to iterate through
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=payload).json()
pageCount = response['commentary']['pageCount']

print ('Total pages: %s\nProcessed page: 1' %(pageCount))

# Store the initial page to jsonData, iterate through the next `pageCount` pages and add that to the list for a final result
jsonData = response
for page in range(2, pageCount+1):
    payload = {
            'contentorigin': 'espn',
            'event': '1075502',
            'page': page,
            'period': '4',
            'section': 'cricinfo'}

    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=payload).json()

    jsonData['commentary']['items'] = jsonData['commentary']['items'] + response['commentary']['items']
    print ('Processed page: %s' %page)

df = json_normalize(jsonData['commentary']['items'])

輸出:198 行中前 5 行的樣本

print (df.head(5).to_string())
                                    athletesInvolved awayScore batsman.athlete.displayName batsman.athlete.fullName batsman.athlete.id batsman.athlete.name batsman.athlete.shortName  batsman.faced  batsman.fours  batsman.runs  batsman.sixes batsman.team.abbreviation batsman.team.displayName batsman.team.id batsman.team.name  batsman.totalRuns bowler.athlete.displayName bowler.athlete.fullName bowler.athlete.id bowler.athlete.name bowler.athlete.shortName  bowler.balls  bowler.conceded  bowler.maidens  bowler.overs bowler.team.abbreviation bowler.team.displayName bowler.team.id bowler.team.name  bowler.wickets  clock              date dismissal.batsman.athlete.displayName dismissal.batsman.athlete.fullName dismissal.batsman.athlete.id dismissal.batsman.athlete.name dismissal.batsman.athlete.shortName  dismissal.bowled dismissal.bowler.athlete.displayName dismissal.bowler.athlete.fullName dismissal.bowler.athlete.id dismissal.bowler.athlete.name dismissal.bowler.athlete.shortName  dismissal.dismissal  dismissal.minutes dismissal.retiredText                                    dismissal.text dismissal.type homeScore   id  innings.ballLimit  innings.balls  innings.byes  innings.day  innings.fallOfWickets innings.id  innings.legByes  innings.noBalls  innings.number  innings.remainingBalls  innings.remainingOvers innings.remainingRuns  innings.runRate  innings.runs  innings.session  innings.target  innings.totalRuns  innings.wickets  innings.wides  mediaId otherBatsman.athlete.displayName otherBatsman.athlete.fullName otherBatsman.athlete.id otherBatsman.athlete.name otherBatsman.athlete.shortName  otherBatsman.faced  otherBatsman.fours  otherBatsman.runs  otherBatsman.sixes otherBatsman.team.abbreviation otherBatsman.team.displayName otherBatsman.team.id otherBatsman.team.name  otherBatsman.totalRuns otherBowler.athlete.displayName otherBowler.athlete.fullName otherBowler.athlete.id otherBowler.athlete.name otherBowler.athlete.shortName  otherBowler.balls  otherBowler.conceded  otherBowler.maidens  otherBowler.overs otherBowler.team.abbreviation otherBowler.team.displayName otherBowler.team.id otherBowler.team.name  otherBowler.wickets  over.actual  over.ball  over.balls  over.byes  over.complete  over.legByes  over.limit  over.maiden  over.noBall  over.number  over.overs  over.runs  over.unique  over.wickets  over.wide  period   periodText playType.description playType.id postText                                            preText  scoreValue  sequence                        shortText speedKPH speedMPH team.abbreviation team.displayName team.id   team.name                                               text
0  [{'id': '56194', 'name': 'Tamim Iqbal', 'short...         0                 Tamim Iqbal         Tamim Iqbal Khan              56194          Tamim Iqbal                     Tamim              1              0             0              0                     BDESH               Bangladesh              25        Bangladesh                  0               Morne Morkel            Morne Morkel             46538        Morne Morkel                   Morkel             1                0               0           0.1                       SA            South Africa              3     South Africa               0  00:00  2017-09-28T10:00                           Tamim Iqbal                   Tamim Iqbal Khan                        56194                    Tamim Iqbal                               Tamim             False                         Morne Morkel                      Morne Morkel                       46538                  Morne Morkel                             Morkel                False                  0                                                                     NaN                        0  410                  0              1             0            4                      0     199062                0                0               4                       0                     0.0                   424              0.0             0                2             424                  0                0              0        0                      Imrul Kayes                   Imrul Kayes                  280734               Imrul Kayes                          Imrul                   0                   0                  0                   0                          BDESH                    Bangladesh                   25             Bangladesh                       0                             NaN                          NaN                    NaN                      NaN                           NaN                  0                     0                    0                NaN                           NaN                          NaN                 NaN                   NaN                    0          0.1          1           6          0          False             0         0.0            1            0            1         0.1          0         0.01             2          0       4  4th innings               no run           2           <b>2.25pm</b> South Africa gather into a huddl...           0    400001    Morkel to Tamim Iqbal, no run  138.452   86.030             BDESH       Bangladesh      25  Bangladesh  fullish length ball, angled in from wide of th...
1  [{'id': '56194', 'name': 'Tamim Iqbal', 'short...         0                 Tamim Iqbal         Tamim Iqbal Khan              56194          Tamim Iqbal                     Tamim              2              0             0              0                     BDESH               Bangladesh              25        Bangladesh                  0               Morne Morkel            Morne Morkel             46538        Morne Morkel                   Morkel             2                0               0           0.2                       SA            South Africa              3     South Africa               0  00:00  2017-09-28T10:00                           Tamim Iqbal                   Tamim Iqbal Khan                        56194                    Tamim Iqbal                               Tamim             False                         Morne Morkel                      Morne Morkel                       46538                  Morne Morkel                             Morkel                False                  0                                                                     NaN                        0  420                  0              2             0            4                      0     199062                0                0               4                       0                     0.0                   424              0.0             0                2             424                  0                0              0        0                      Imrul Kayes                   Imrul Kayes                  280734               Imrul Kayes                          Imrul                   0                   0                  0                   0                          BDESH                    Bangladesh                   25             Bangladesh                       0                             NaN                          NaN                    NaN                      NaN                           NaN                  0                     0                    0                NaN                           NaN                          NaN                 NaN                   NaN                    0          0.2          2           6          0          False             0         0.0            1            0            1         0.2          0         0.02             2          0       4  4th innings               no run           2                                                                       0    400002    Morkel to Tamim Iqbal, no run  135.891   84.439             BDESH       Bangladesh      25  Bangladesh  length ball outside off, Tamim stands tall and...
2  [{'id': '56194', 'name': 'Tamim Iqbal', 'short...         0                 Tamim Iqbal         Tamim Iqbal Khan              56194          Tamim Iqbal                     Tamim              3              0             0              0                     BDESH               Bangladesh              25        Bangladesh                  0               Morne Morkel            Morne Morkel             46538        Morne Morkel                   Morkel             3                0               0           0.3                       SA            South Africa              3     South Africa               0  00:00  2017-09-28T10:00                           Tamim Iqbal                   Tamim Iqbal Khan                        56194                    Tamim Iqbal                               Tamim             False                         Morne Morkel                      Morne Morkel                       46538                  Morne Morkel                             Morkel                False                  0                                                                     NaN                        0  430                  0              3             0            4                      0     199062                0                0               4                       0                     0.0                   424              0.0             0                2             424                  0                0              0        0                      Imrul Kayes                   Imrul Kayes                  280734               Imrul Kayes                          Imrul                   0                   0                  0                   0                          BDESH                    Bangladesh                   25             Bangladesh                       0                             NaN                          NaN                    NaN                      NaN                           NaN                  0                     0                    0                NaN                           NaN                          NaN                 NaN                   NaN                    0          0.3          3           6          0          False             0         0.0            1            0            1         0.3          0         0.03             2          0       4  4th innings               no run           2           Zahi: "The six went for four? Last ball needs ...           0    400003    Morkel to Tamim Iqbal, no run  140.489   87.296             BDESH       Bangladesh      25  Bangladesh  fullish, comes into Tamim who flicks it to mid...
3  [{'id': '56194', 'name': 'Tamim Iqbal', 'short...         0                 Tamim Iqbal         Tamim Iqbal Khan              56194          Tamim Iqbal                     Tamim              4              0             0              0                     BDESH               Bangladesh              25        Bangladesh                  0               Morne Morkel            Morne Morkel             46538        Morne Morkel                   Morkel             4                0               0           0.4                       SA            South Africa              3     South Africa               1  00:00  2017-09-28T10:00                           Tamim Iqbal                   Tamim Iqbal Khan                        56194                    Tamim Iqbal                               Tamim              True                         Morne Morkel                      Morne Morkel                       46538                  Morne Morkel                             Morkel                 True                  2                        Tamim Iqbal  b Morkel 0 (2m 4b 0x4 0x6) SR: 0.00         bowled         0  440                  0              4             0            4                      1     199062                0                0               4                       0                     0.0                   424              0.0             0                2             424                  0                1              0        0                      Imrul Kayes                   Imrul Kayes                  280734               Imrul Kayes                          Imrul                   0                   0                  0                   0                          BDESH                    Bangladesh                   25             Bangladesh                       0                             NaN                          NaN                    NaN                      NaN                           NaN                  0                     0                    0                NaN                           NaN                          NaN                 NaN                   NaN                    0          0.4          4           6          0          False             0         0.0            1            0            1         0.4          0         0.04             2          0       4  4th innings                  out           9                                                                       0    400004       Morkel to Tamim Iqbal, OUT  136.028   84.524             BDESH       Bangladesh      25  Bangladesh  bowled him! Morkel strikes first over the chas...
4  [{'id': '373696', 'name': 'Mominul Haque', 'sh...         0               Mominul Haque            Mominul Haque             373696        Mominul Haque                   Mominul              1              0             0              0                     BDESH               Bangladesh              25        Bangladesh                  0               Morne Morkel            Morne Morkel             46538        Morne Morkel                   Morkel             5                0               0           0.5                       SA            South Africa              3     South Africa               1  00:00  2017-09-28T10:00                         Mominul Haque                      Mominul Haque                       373696                  Mominul Haque                             Mominul             False                         Morne Morkel                      Morne Morkel                       46538                  Morne Morkel                             Morkel                False                  0                                                                     NaN                        0  450                  0              5             0            4                      0     199062                0                0               4                       0                     0.0                   424              0.0             0                2             424                  0                1              0        0                      Imrul Kayes                   Imrul Kayes                  280734               Imrul Kayes                          Imrul                   0                   0                  0                   0                          BDESH                    Bangladesh                   25             Bangladesh                       0                             NaN                          NaN                    NaN                      NaN                           NaN                  0                     0                    0                NaN                           NaN                          NaN                 NaN                   NaN                    0          0.5          5           6          0          False             0         0.0            1            0            1         0.5          0         0.05             2          0       4  4th innings               no run           2                                                                       0    400005  Morkel to Mominul Haque, no run  139.982   86.981             BDESH       Bangladesh      25  Bangladesh  <b>huge appeal for a leg before</b>. Not out s...


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